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Joy Morrissey MP is so stupid I want to vomit

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 24 June 2021

The country is drowning in debt. The Government is running a record deficit so adding to that debt, a burden for all of us as taxpayers and our kids and their kids. So what does Tory MP Joy Morrisey suggest? Yes! Another scheme of such mind-numbing pointlessness for the Government to spunk other folks’ cash on. It is so pointless, it is almost as if this was a contest to fund the most appalling use of taxpayers’ cash and Joy was determined to win. To think that we are paying Joy an MP’s bloated salary and, inter alia, on her expense claims, the cost of a TV license and a packet of face masks, to come up with ideas like this.

I am a Republican. If Joy wants a picture of Her Majesty in your house, go buy one Joy with your own cash. Although history suggests you’d probably put it on expenses. But why on earth should the rest of us pay for folks to show their devotion to the Queen? Might I get an opt-out and have a picture of Cheryl Cole for my wall and will the taxpayer pay for that?

I have in the past suggested that various Labour MPs were the dimmest MPs going. I take it all back. Joy wins that honour by a country mile. And just for the record Joy, it is possible to have pride in one’s country and be a Republican.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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