
536 days ago

Tomorrow’s coronation is the first since 1911 where my great grandfather is not officiating, I'll be with the vegetables

I am pretty sure that I will not be watching the coronation. That is partly because I am a lifelong Republican but largely because I am in charge of my two year old daughter Jaya this weekend and she would describe it as a “boring daddy programme” and demand loudly and repeatedly that we switch over to Peppa Pig. So as my neighbours are glued to the goggle box, Jaya and I shall be planting rhubarb, broad beans and carrots in the garden which she greatly enjoys.


989 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Made Tech - this just looks bonkers

In today’s Bearcast I start with a rant about Prince Harry. I suppose that, as a Republican, I should view him as a good thing. Then I move onto Omega Diagnostics (ODX) whose shareholder list seems stuffed with retards – Global Petroleum(GBP) and a placing rumour, Angus Energy (ANGS) and its shareholders being beaten like an innocent nanny, exporting two more British criminals to the US public markets and finally Made Tech (MTEC) where the maths just does not stack up for me. What sort of institutional retard  backed this IPO?


996 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - steps up to the Ha Ha lawn are completed

As we used lime mortar, the pink stuff between the Sandstone will eventually, it being Wales, dry and turn almost white. What I could really do with is a week long dry spell so that the last puddle disappears from the lawn and we can then level it off, filling in the slight dips that allowed two puddles to form, And then we can level out the barn side bank at the front of this picture with earth lapping round the edge of the steps so that they are invisible from either end and grass over the remain bit of the construction.  There are some weeds to remove with poison, a bit of reseeding on the river side of the lawn and we are there.  Next up…


1216 days ago

Joy Morrissey MP is so stupid I want to vomit

The country is drowning in debt. The Government is running a record deficit so adding to that debt, a burden for all of us as taxpayers and our kids and their kids. So what does Tory MP Joy Morrisey suggest? Yes! Another scheme of such mind-numbing pointlessness for the Government to spunk other folks’ cash on. It is so pointless, it is almost as if this was a contest to fund the most appalling use of taxpayers’ cash and Joy was determined to win. To think that we are paying Joy an MP’s bloated salary and, inter alia, on her expense claims, the cost of a TV license and a packet of face masks, to come up with ideas like this.


1314 days ago

This really is my last word on ghastly Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle and her dim husband said that their lie-packed interview with billionaire virtue signaller Oprah Winfrey would be their “last word” on the matter. That now seems to be a lie too as they are happily letting it be known to pet poodles in the press their latest thoughts and feelings.  Just when I thought that I could not view the couple as even more despicable, I find that I do. I suppose as a Republican I should not really care but as a human I find myself feeling ever warmer thoughts towards the rest of the Royal Family. Maybe this is long Covid and I cannot think straight but after 53 years as a Republican, I really do feel rather sorry for the rest of the Windsor family.


1324 days ago

I am a lifelong Republican but if Meghan is the alternative…

I always will be a Republican. I can see no reason why the Royal Family should exist in its current constitutional position. Having said all of that, if there has to be a Monarch, the one we have and her consort Phil the Greek are, without doubt, the best one could wish for. As human beings, they are thoroughly admirable.


1337 days ago

Never has so much self promoting piffle been crammed into just two minutes: well done Harry & Meghan

In case you missed it, this is the promo for Harry & Meghan’s new podcast. So much piffle crammed into just two minutes and it is all about how THEY are going to make the world better. One wonders what folks like Phil the Greek thought when they heard this? As a committed Republican, I do wish these ghastly folk would come back to Britain as soon as possible.


1338 days ago

Considering grief and mourning: is Yasmin Alibhai-Brown the most poisonous woman in Britain?

Nobody knows how they will react to death or to the possibility that a loved one is slipping away – I did not cry at the funeral of my father or as I sat by his bed as he died. I had shed a few tears a few days earlier as I sat in his room with him, lying there in a sleep which could only end one way. I cried buckets at the funeral of my grandmother and also when my cat Kitosh died suddenly. At the funeral of Uncle Chris Booker I think I had a moist eye, nothing more. Does that mean I loved my cat more than my father? Of course not. Grief and knowing you may be close to losing someone hits us in different ways and it is, or should be, a private matter. That brings us to, arguably, the most poisonous woman in Britain today.


1494 days ago

Pity Itzelita for she has an incredibly severe case of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome: pray for her tonight

Do not think badly of this woman for she is ill. She is suffering from a terribly severe case of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome and is showing all the classic symptoms. For starters, she is prone to the most monumental outbursts of exaggeration.


1552 days ago

The Queen is not racist but being the Queen is, heroic Peter Tatchell loses the Black Lives Matter plot

My fellow Republican and heroic campaigner for LGBT rights, but also for free speech, Peter Tatchell, rarely gets it wrong. But on the matter of #BlackLivesMatter and Comrade Elizabeth Windsor, I fear that the heroic one has rather lost the plot. I assume, by his logic, that the Kings of Lesotho and Brunei are also beneficiaries of institutional racism. An incriminating tweet from the heroic one is below. 


1897 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - Decorated at last

No fear not i have not abandoned my Republican principles. Nor has Her Majesty suggested that I am worthy of some corrupt bauble. Instead…


2202 days ago

Princess Eugenie you fucking parasite I hope it rains all over your fucking #RoyalWedding which I have to part pay for

It is hard being a Republican with the Queen and Phil the Greek on the throne. They seem like good, decent folks with a real sense of duty. Under them an institution with no right to exist seems safe as houses and, indeed, is hard to attack. But the younger royals are a different kettle of fish. And that brings us to the loathsome parasite that is Princess Eugenie.


2206 days ago

Taylor Swift (net worth $280m) – do folks earning $33.954 pa give a FF about your political views?

In New York and the liberal coastal cities they are having a twitter wankfest as pop star Taylor Swift has come out as a Democrat and intervened to tell voters how to vote in the Tennessee Senate race. Of course all those endorsements from multi-millionaire celebs, Hollywood perverts and airheads helped crooked Hillary Clinton to the White House didn’t they. But the Tennesse race is meant to be tight.


2347 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - No Roger don't close down the fraudbusters please support investigative journalists not a failed establishment

Though a diehard republican I have weakened and am going to watch the Royal Wedding. Don't be too harsh on me. In this podcast I discuss issues raised by Roger Lawson with regard to free speech, social media, threats to journalists, market abuse and the FCA in tackling crime.


2349 days ago

I don't understand why so many fellow Republicans have to be so nasty about The Royal Wedding

As a meritocrat, I would like the Monarchy abolished. In the exceedingly unlikely event of me being offered a gong I'd refuse it on principle. I do not want anything to do with your Her Majesty's rotten empire and I do not view myself as a subject of hers but as a fellow citizen. Having said all of that...


2349 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: can I divorce the Mrs for not knowing who David Moyes is? And when is Sound out of cash?

"So who is this David Moyes?" Asked the Mrs after I said that he had been sacked. Surely not knowing who is the (now ex) manager of West Ham is grounds for divorce or at least a trip to Relate?  I ponder what as a Republican I should do tomorrow before hoping that both sides lose the FA Cup Final. Then I turn to the looming cash crisis at Sound Energy (SOU) how my most excellent broker, Mr Antony Laiker, stopped me being a real tit and losing a packet on Interquest (ITQ), at Scotgold (SGZ) and at Carpetright (CPR).


2504 days ago

The Liberal media has an "end of Trump" spunkfest after Alabama race - fake news!

Boy did the liberal media love the defeat of GOP Candidate Roy Moore in the Alabama special election for the Senate. John Snow on Channel 4 Fake News described Alabama as the state that helped make Trump President. Le Monde described it as a referendum on Trump. The BBC was already planning the coronation of a Dem in the 2020 White House race. Fake news folks.


2549 days ago

Disgraceful: Kevin Spacey plays the gay card as he stands accused of child rape

Actor Kevin Spacey today stands accused of trying to force himself on another actor who at the time was just 14. That counts as statutory rape, is utterly illegal and there can be no defence. That is unless you are a leading member of the luvvie liberal elite like Spacey or Roman Polanski.


2711 days ago

Pippa's £700,000 wedding - as a Republican how I love the Middletons

Maybe I am biased in that I am a lifelong republican. But then - though the ghastly Middleton family seems unaware of this - none of them bar the wife of our future King is actually a member of the Royal Family. Yet today's Mail runs a fawning 12 page pull out on "The Wedding of the Year" and the rest of the media is equally fawning.


2827 days ago

Happy Birthday Peter Tatchell - enjoy your bus pass old man

I would be lying if I said that I agreed with everything that Peter Tatchell said or wrote. I do not, for instance, believe that cottaging is a basic human right which the State should allow. Have sex with whom you want but whether you are straight or gay you should, in my view, not engage in sex in public as that infringes on the rights of others. Having said all of that, freedom of speech is what makes living in Britain vaguely tolerable and over the past forty years Tatch has used that freedom to great effect campaigning not only on LGBT issues but on exposing the actions of Robert Mugabe and many other good causes. 


2951 days ago

The State that knows Crooked Hillary Clinton best shows American the way: latest Arkansas polling sets 44 year record

You have to be a truly useless candidate for President not to win your home state. Even folks who got thrashed at the electoral college level, such as Walter Mondale, got his neighbours to vote for him in Minnesota. Of course Crooked Hillary has no real home state. When in Dixie she tries to put on a southern drawl but when back home with her liberal millionaire pals in New York her tones become more clipped. But one state knows the Clintons better than anyone, Arkansas.


3078 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Ignore the British liberal media, why Trump will beat Clinton in November

A new poll show The Donald leading the loathsome Clinton woman for the first time. The British liberal media told you Trump would not win the Republican nomination. Folks like Kylie Morris of C4 News could not see outside of the beltway and got that totally wrong. The same folks said with Trump the GOP choice the lyin' Hillary was sure to win. They are wrong again as I explain. in this podcast.


3088 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - this is exactly why Donald Trump may well be President

The liberal media such as C4's beltway based Kylie Morris have written off the campaign of Donald Trump from the start. They were wrong - as I pointed out - and now he is 99% certain to get the GOP Nomination as lying Ted Cruz has dropped out. In this podcast I explain why Trump can call himself a Republican and why he can and may well actually defeat the loathsome Clinton woman in the General Election.


3103 days ago

I may be a lifelong Republican but its Happy Birthday Ma'am - The Queen is 90

When we are born we are all equal in the eyes of God. It matters not whether your parents live in Buckingham Palace or in the slums of Liverpool. We are equal. For me that is a core belief and as such I can be nothing other than a Republican. 

I can't say that I feel strongly enough about the issue to do anything about it.


3107 days ago

Beltway Kylie Morris and British Liberal Media have you seen the Trump landslide news from New York? Apology time?

Beltway liberal Kylie Morris of C4 News led the British liberal media, after Wisconsin, in saying Donald Trump's campaign had problems. Less partial commentators (me) suggested we wait for the New York Primary where rump would win big. Kylie covered that contest by interviewing rapid Democrats saying what a stinking racist Trump was or, yesterday, the craziest man she could find among Trump supporters - a religous nutter from Long Island blowing a ram's horn and misquoting the Old Testament. C4 viewers could be under no illussion: Trump had no mainstream support in New York State. Well here are the actual numbers from the primary.

Trump 60.5% and 89 delegates, Kasich 25.1% and 3 delegates while Cruz, the candidate the Country Club establishment want to foist on the GOP got just 14.5% of the vote and no delegates.

So what do we know now? Kylie may not have worked this out


3112 days ago

When No Republicans get to vote Cruz wins, when real people vote Trump Wins - bring on New York

Channel 4 News is happy to employ a reporter (Assed Baig) who appears to support islamofascists rather than British soldiers but that is what free speech is all about for the liberal left. When it comes to Donald Trump it means interviewing a collection of blacks and gays in New York who would be more likely to join the KKK than vote in a Republican Primary, and who were demanding that Trump leave town at once because he was a horrid bigot. Free speech for the left does not apply to folks you don't like and so Mr Trump needs to be drummed out of the town where he actually lives.

What do these folks demonstrating against the Donald tell us about the Republican primary. Nothing at all. You might as well ask a bunch of God fearing, gun owning, small businessmen from the Republican heartlands if they wanted to have sex 


3123 days ago

Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop can fuck off - I don't care what you think on Brexit: will you take Rolf Harris back?

Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop has opined that she thinks that it is in Australia's interests that Britain stays in the EU and votes no to Brexit. Meanwhile 99.9% of Britons think that it is in Britain's interest that Aussie nonce Rolf Harris is shipped back to Australia ASAP. As a convicted felon he'd be following a well worn path and frankly there's no reason why the old kiddie fiddler should be allowed to stay here. While we are at it can the Aussies take Germain Greer back as well?

What on earth 
