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Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop can fuck off - I don't care what you think on Brexit: will you take Rolf Harris back?

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 4 April 2016

Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop has opined that she thinks that it is in Australia's interests that Britain stays in the EU and votes no to Brexit. Meanwhile 99.9% of Britons think that it is in Britain's interest that Aussie nonce Rolf Harris is shipped back to Australia ASAP. As a convicted felon he'd be following a well worn path and frankly there's no reason why the old kiddie fiddler should be allowed to stay here. While we are at it can the Aussies take Germain Greer back as well?

What on earth makes Ms Bishop think that her intervention adds anything to the argument? Does she honestly think we will change the way we vote becuase it will make her nation of convict descendants and uncultured morons feel any better about life?

Maybe it is just that Ms Bishop is a Republican who does not wish to be ruled by our own dear Queen. As we know the Queen is a bit of a Europsceptic. So would I as a Briton rather have no Queen and be ruled by Europe ( Ms Bishop's suggestion) or leave the Queen as the only German with a say in how the UK is run? Simple.

Its another reason to vote yes to Brexit and meanwhile Ms Bishop can fuck off back to Australia with her unwanted and daft views taking Rolf Harris, Germain Greer, Jason Donovan and Natalie Bennet, the mad cow who leads the Green Party, with her.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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