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Picture article: Miss Netherlands 2023, the bigot test - would you rather date the winner or the bird who came second?

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 11 July 2023

I am afraid that like, I suspect any straight guy or lesbian reading this article, the answer is that we’d rather date the bird on the right who came second. Not only is she far more of a looker but….

Unlike the winner she is not the sort of woman who has ever had a penis. Yes: Miss Netherlands 2023 is transgender, i.e born a man. And she is also not that much of a looker despite all the surgery. So one cannot help but think that she was awarded the title only so that the judges could get some sort of woke hard on. Of course it is far worse than merely a bad call by the panel.

The process of transitioning has seen Rikkie Valerie Kollé undergo extensive surgery all over which surely is a bit of a cheat in a beauty contest? If he/she/they can do it why can’t anyone male or female get a surgeon do work on their face and body? Suddenly what was a contest as to who is the best looking bird ( in the widest sense of the word) becomes a contest on who has the best surgeon? Or perhaps only men who want to be miss Holland get to use surgery.

For most of my life the progressive left has argued that beauty contests are demeaning to women and should be banned. Now they argue that men whould be allowed to enter what was a woman’s space just as men should be able to win in women’s spaces in sport and anyone who doesn’t appreciate the beauty of folks who used to be men is just a bigot. 


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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