
21 days ago

Barclays to back MCC but screws me as a customer: just why I hate big corporate

Today I received an email from the MCC of which I am a member, announcing that Barclays (BARC) has replaced JP Morgan as its “principal partner”. The MCC gets loads of dosh for Lords and Barclays gets the naming rights at the media centre and stacks of perks including boxes and seats for its top brass. The email is the sort of nauseating woke piffle I expect from the MCC these days.

223 days ago

John Lewis Staff magazine shocker: imagine working in this woke gulag

Due to its serial failures under Dame Sharon White, c11,000 employees (partners) at John Lewis will be getting their P45s over the next couple of years. At least they will miss the torture of the inhouse staff magazine “Identity,” a glossy 32 page publication sent to all70,000 (current) staff to celebrate LGBTQ History Month. I bring you a competition from the latest edition and you will be horrified.


306 days ago

The Cass Report – on the transgender walk of shame must be Bath Spa University

I have my own battle with Bath Spa University. The time is now almost right to relay to you the Orwellian treatment it dished out to me but more critically to my wife after I gave THIS outstanding lecture. Suffice to say it is an Orwellian, woke shit-hole with zero credibility in terms of academic rigour. Bath Spa should also be reminded of its horrific treatment of academic James Caspian after the publication of the seminal Cass Report.


566 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Kefi just weeks away from take off and "Project Equity" at Compass: guess what!

I start by asking why if the Met Office could not predict the weather today why I should believe its 77 year forecast? then I look at whether anyone is ever not rewarded for failure these days, ref NatWest (NWG), Wandisco (WAND) and Pod Point (PODP). Then to 3 articles concerning Compass Group (CPG) and the comedy of “Project Equity” – illegal woke madness - HERE, Andrew Neil comparing EU and US economic performance HERE and Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) is it all systems go? HERE


587 days ago

Picture article: Miss Netherlands 2023, the bigot test - would you rather date the winner or the bird who came second?

I am afraid that like, I suspect any straight guy or lesbian reading this article, the answer is that we’d rather date the bird on the right who came second. Not only is she far more of a looker but….


634 days ago

Wandisco warns it might go bust in July, results delayed and that an equity fund raise might be at a 400p or (much) lower!

Oh dear, oh dear, the bad news just keeps on coming at the $1 billion AIM fraud Wandisco (WAND). But before we get to the bad news I invite you to read the 2022 report on corporate governance read by now ex CEO pompous Dave Richards MBE HERE. Did he believe this shite or just publish it anyway to allow ESG investors and woke FCA employees to get an easy jerk off. Anyhow back to the fallout from the fraud.


652 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Harry Adams of Kefi, well done you old dog but is woke miner Pensana "fecked" and a short?

In today’s Bearcast I look at Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) on what is a great day for we loyal shareholders, Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Graft Polymer (GPL) – should that be Grift Polymer – and MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC). Then it is onto Versarien (VRS) and the Neill Ricketts payoff and bailout placing and Pensana (PRE) which must by now be at death’s door: a £55 million market cap looks full in the circumstances and a statement is needed. Finally, that old scallywag Lenigas of Pennpetro (PPPhas doubled down after my earlier expose. He would not dare behave like this in America. 


714 days ago

#BoycottHershey – go woke go broke on #InternationalWomensDay

One good reason to boycott the America chocolate company and all its teeth rotting products is that it fired workers in the US who refused to take a covid vaccine. But today its International Women’s Day (March 8)  Canadian operation has served up another. Meet Fae Johnstone who has been appointed and paid to be one of its five women ambassadors on this day. Remember this is the socialist, woke hell hole that is Canada. Have you guessed yet?


742 days ago

Pure genius: Bill Maher on the Woke Revolution

After thirty years as a liberal darling exposing wicked Republicans for what he terms batshit crazy ideas, US TV star Bill Maher seems to be discovering that it is his liberal bedfellows who really are barking mad. A day or so ago, he again discussed the woke revolution. The man is a genius. Enjoy.


754 days ago

Cross dressing Sir Grayson Perry & BBC Radio 4 on the shame of being English

Cross dressing artist Grayson Perry graced BBC Radio 4’s flagship “Today” programme this morning and engaged in a wide ranging chat with the sycophantic presenters. If he goes to the Coronation he intends to wear a dress he said. I bet the ranch he is exactly the sort of chap who will be invited by woke King Charles to show the diverse nature of a modern Britain.  So what if 99.5% of chaps opt not to dress as birds ( a word now set to be banned so I shall use it more often), it is important to invite as many of the 0.5% as possible to show what Britain really looks like. And that brought us to discussing regions and the four home nations.


784 days ago

Does anyone read the FT any more? Not even its own staff?

The article below is hilarious and merits a wider audience.  It implies that even staffers at the god awful FT aren’t reading its dreary, woke, PR puff filled pages anymore and who can blame them? Enjoy.


822 days ago

Tuvalu PM and Avaaz: more climate change grifters, happy to ignore facts as they seek to raid your wallet

To be fair Avaaz is not just a climate change grifter. It will spam millions of folks on any woke issue getting them to sign pointless petitions or to hand over their hard earned to support bloated salaries, sorry I meant laudable campaigning.  It is an all round grifter. A recent Avaaz spam is from the Prime Minster of Tuvalu. Now he really is a climate change grifter. He wants western money as reparations for our carbon crimes.


916 days ago

Christopher Booker will spin in his grave as the Daily Telegraph hits new depths of global warming fake news

Though on the payroll of the Sunday Telegraph, Chris actually cancelled his Daily Torygraph two years before he died as he found it just too ghastly: woke, metropolitan and innacurate. For a man of the countryside, of his beloved Somerset, the Torygraph had become a beast from another planet. And that brings me to the photo and article below frm last week.


959 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Dumb & Dumber Britain, Blowjo edition

I start with two examples of utter stupidity from the man known as BlowJo. Then on how Big Corporate is rallying round Halifax and its woke hectoring of its customers. Then onto Nanosynth (NNN) were the share price target is now a fall of 80-00% and Valereum (VLRM), the Richard Poulden NFT ramp where I predict a share price collapse within weeks.


988 days ago

Keep up to date in the battle to be woke - now it's June, so we need a new signal of virtue

If you need an explanation for the cartoon below, you haven’t been following the latest signal of virtue.


1055 days ago

Corporate President Karey Burke wokes up Disney with bonkers diversity quotas

My mum did not want us watching Disney films. Not because they were dangerous. They were, back in the 1970s, harmless enough but she just thought they were rubbish. It was better for us to read the Jungle Book than to watch the movie with annoying American accents. But these days…meet Karey Burke.


1121 days ago

Hat tip Luke Johnson - life in big tech and what it says about the sinking West

It was Luke who flagged this twitter thread up to me. It is a fascinating inight into life in big tech and how a combination of woke fascism and WFH scamdemicary is sinking productivity, morale and drive in such firms. It is a tale of the decline of the wretched West and as such, worrying but fascinating. Put it this way – this is not happening in India or China!


1132 days ago

Starbucks on Diversity - gives us a break you woke corporate tossers

What I would love to see in terms of coffee shop diversity is a range of small,independent shops where the folks don’t write your name on a plastic cup but know your name and say hell and chat to you. What Starbucks wants to see is all those stores cleansed from High Streets so that all High Streets look similar with the same big names selling the same mass produced preoducts, a total lack of diversity. But Starbucks  cannot wait to tell us how diverse it is, it is a champion virtue signaller..


1176 days ago

The rank hypocrisy of fund management giant Fidelity exposed by Wetherspoon’s heroic Tim Martin

Institutional investors are, like the sad drips at Fidelity, are obsessed about telling us how bloody woke they are and how they just are so ESG friendly.  Alreet Chloe Thompson ye bonnie lass – fancy a job at Fidelity? Belta!  But while they talk the ESG talk do they really walk the G walk? Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) has lashed out and his answer is NO!. The great man says:


1176 days ago

My Tickets for Euro 2022 confirmed – the pretense was unbelievable as daughter and I join the GAWA

Yes, dear daughter, you shall go to the Women’s Euros along with myself and Lucian Miers, the normal West Ham supporting team. But this time we shall be joining the GAWA, that is to say we are off to see Northern Ireland take on Norway who are rather good. I fear the worst, but we must all travel in hope in the Green & White Army.


1209 days ago

The woke shall devour the woke, it is always the way: 48 Wonder Women bingo and Oxfam

It is always the way that the woke of one generation will be devoured by the woke of the next. Who could imagine that feminist icon Germaine Greer and the heroic gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell might find themselved “no platformed” on British campuses, the marxist madrassas at the cutting edge of the woke revolution? The “crime” of both Greer and Tatchell was not to understand the pyramid of victimhood and thus to question even some of the demands of those currently perched at the top of the pyramid, the Transgender community. As we discovered yesterday with lesbians who do not want to have sex with a “woman with a penis” such challenges are just not allowed and are, at once, branded as hateful and bigoted.


1218 days ago

Go woke go broke – John Lewis and the 7 year old transgender boy

Since the start of the scamdemic, John Lewis has shut 16 of its 50 stores. The other 34 face a terribly uncertain future with the company’s über woke chair Sharon White talking about moves into social housing and financial services as the existing operations lost £29 million in the six months to July 31.  So how to ensure your corporate demise is even more rapid?


1226 days ago

Tom Winnifrth Bearcast: Crispin Odey is right, I am not so sure about Ed McDermott

I start with the big oilers and I am sure Odey is right and the woke ESG obsessed fund management mainstream is wrong. Then onto Ed McdDermott and Seed Ventures (SEED) where I am a loyal shareholder but argue for a plan B


1233 days ago

Hero of the day is yet again Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon on lockdown insanity

The Mrs was doing a seminar yesterday on data analysis. I doubt it was half as good as this classic from her husband given to the woke morons attending Bath Spa but she challenged their preconceptions on covid an a very entertaining way. Which profession has suffered most covid deaths per thousand?  The students said nurses. The answer is, of course, security guards. Take back those pay rises for nurses whose average wage (more than £33,000) just a few years into the profession is already more than the UK national average wage.  Anyhow back to our hero Tim Martin…


1240 days ago

As you celebrate a record burden of taxation, guess how your cash is being spent in the jails?

I bring you a tweet sent out from the Isle of Wight prisons. No this is not a parody account and yes it is YOUR cash being spent this way. If only we had a Conservative Government to stop this sort of woke madness and profligacy.


1290 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation & The FCA – UK Oil & Gas, did it bury bad news during open offer?

I make no accusation here against UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and its boss Lyin’ Steve Sanderson. It is just that the recent timeline of disaster looks rather compressed to me. And given Lyin’ Steve’s form for er…lying, I have dropped the note, below, to the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation, cc’ing the woke dullards at the FCA since this relates to the conduct of an open offer.


1299 days ago

An inconvenient truth global warming map of US states

Another begging email arrives in my inbox from woke hustlers Avaaz. It tells me that European floods are unprecedented and a sign of climate change. Of course you and I know that German flood levels have been much higher many times in the past. It is just that flood defence work (so passe) and listening to warnings about rising river levels (so last millennium) have been abandoned as the powers that be wet their knickers about climate change & spunk taxpayers cash accordingly. Meanwhile, Avaaz wants me to look at temperatures in North America and panic. We have literally months to save the planet so how about I send some of my hard-earned cash to Avaaz so that it can pay its woke staff a fecking fortune, oops I meant save the planet. It all sounds so simple but it is a lie.


1303 days ago

Letter to the FCA – Enquiry into Wildcat Petroleum IPO needed now

This is pretty clear. Even the woke dullards at the FCA should be able to sort this out with one phone call demanding that Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) produce its bank records from 30 December 2020 to 31 January 2021 or maybe later. I have sent the letter below.


1315 days ago

Ex Vast Resources director Brian Basham names paid BB ramper in damning email to FCA

Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham was once a director of Vast Resources (VAST) but resigned in disgust at what he saw as blatant corporate malfeasance. He has been urging the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation and the woke dullards at the FCA to act, so far, without success. His latest missive to the FCA has fallen into the hands of Winnileaks and makes accusations that surely demand a response. It is shocking and it is below.


1329 days ago

Remember how the cash-strapped National Trust promised not to be so woke? #BoycotttheNationalTrust

After its chairman, the loathsome Tim Parker, was forced to pack his bags, I suggested that without a clear out of the entire top management the Trust would continue in its woke ways while firing staff and failing to protect Britain’s land and historic buildings citing a cash crisis. Hey ho, it did not take long for me to be vindicated as you can see below.


1329 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021 No 476 - a lack of trees

You may remember that among the things that became racist this year were trees. They joined other alt-right offenders such as coffee, fried chicken, women’s hockey and underpants, sand and an ever longer list of shame. Now thanks to that go to publication for the racist list of shame, The Guardian, we have another hate criminal. A lack of trees.


1342 days ago

The rank hypocrisy of IKEA (founded by a Nazi) – beheading Mustafa bin Hashim bin Isa al-Darwish is okay, free speech is not

IKEA has become the latest firm to respond to woke snowflake tantrums and to pull its adverts from the little watched news channel GB News. It says that Andrew Neil’s channel does not share its “humanistic” values without being able to cite one instance from its 60 hours on air of why this is the case.  As well as being a betrayal of free speech this is rank hypocrisy from a company operating four stores in Saudi Arabia.


1344 days ago

I did not watch GB News last night nor am I likely to – so what? Nobody watches TV News

I should be the ideal target for Andrew Neil’s new GB News which launched last night. I am right of centre, think the BBC is a disgrace, Channel 4 is fake news and that ITV is woke nonsense whose reporting of Trump should have been an imprisonable offence. And for that reason gave up on TV news a while back. But I did not watch GB News last night. And I doubt I ever will. Despite its celebrating winning the ratings war, here’s a secret: I am far from alone. Here are the stats GB News is celebrating:


1345 days ago

Have you lost Money on the Appbox Media and One True View £35m cons - contacting the FCA as new facebook group goes live

The first time I contacted the FCA about these two boiler room scams was in November 2019. Natch the woke dullards were too busy jerking off on ESG porn to do anything and now about £35 million has been stolen. My coverage has been extensive as you can see HERE. But now it really is time that the FCA did something and put these frauds to the sword if only so that those who invested under EIS can get some of their cash back.


1349 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Retirement planning, Iconic & Northern Ireland

In today’s podcast, I start with a few thoughts on the finances of retirement, then the G7 tax ruling and what it means for the future of God’s chosen lands of Northern Ireland. And then there is the demise of Iconic (ICON): why I welcome it, what it tells us about investor behaviour and why it is yet another fail for the woke dullards at the FCA.


1351 days ago

Cancelled by the Wokerati: Youthful error - odd one out contest

Here they are, four folks who did something a long time ago and which is the odd one out and why? Your delightful quartet in this cancel culture era are: East London pin-up now resident in Syria Shamima Begum, LA Resident Harry Windsor, now ex England cricketer Ollie Robinson, and Kamau Bobb of Google. The common thread is teenage regret.


1354 days ago

Now my woke friends here is your 3 part Pride Month in the Middle East quiz!

On campuses across the UK, the woke mobs are still chanting “Free Palestine”. The BBC still employs Tala Halawa, a woman who think Hitler got it right with regard to the Jews, on its Middle East team. For the snowflake generation, the two great demons remain Israel and those who do not celebrate all things diverse with regard to the LGBT Community. So for the woke generation, here is a three-part quiz on Pride Month in the Middle East?



1354 days ago

Photo Article: The Spar chain's stab at being LGBT friendly - did it really mean to say this?

Or, as it tries to flog Pride Month skittles sweets, is it just trying to attract customers from the KKK? It’s so hard keeping up and not falling into a PC minefield is it not?


1355 days ago

If you are a pregnant man in the City of Lost causes...

The City of my birth is rapidly starting to rival Brighton as the woke capital of Britain. And thus it is no shock to see the local paper, The Oxford Mail, sending out a notice to all pregnant men in the county. In places like Oxford, it is offensive and sexist to suggest that only women, as in folks born with wombs, can get pregnant. No doubt, were a member of the University to flag up this madness, he or she would be censured for their intolerance and insensitivity. In a post fact world, what else should one expect? 


1363 days ago

Tim Parker quits as National Trust chairman but nothing will change

Over the years, I have lost count of the times when I started a column noting how my late Grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, once Director General of the National Trust, would be spinning in his grave at the latest woke nonsense from the body he loved.  Ahead of the Trust’s annual meeting, enough members threatened revolt to force metropolitan liberal elitist chairman Tim Parker to give notice that he will resign. But if folks think that things will change then they are mistaken.


1374 days ago

The Envy of the fecking world, the NHS, reckons men can get pregnant...another round of applause needed

It seems that it is not just in the socialist hell hole that is Canada but also in the work bureaucracies of the UK public sector where folks push biological lies in order to pander to sensitive trans snowflakes. On a day when we hear that Lisa Keogh, a student at a Scottish University Abertay in Dundee, faces possible expulsion for stating that women have vaginas and those born men are, ceteris paribus, stronger than those born with vaginas, both hard proven biological facts, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust shows us how to behave. In East Lancs, it is not just women who get pregnant, anyone can.


1384 days ago

More woke morons in Canada - hell's teeth Darren your countrymen think you might be pregnant!

Being a Canadian, my best man Darren Atwater is a bearded uber-woke deluded lefty. Like his beloved leader Justin Trudeau, when he puts his socks up for the Winter holiday which he dares not call Christmas lest he offends someone of another religion or none, Darren always uses an Eid sock or a Pride Parade one. But even he must find it mildly disconcerting that many of his fellow countrypeople might think that my portly pal could be pregnant. We reactionary conservatives reckon that only women get pregnant but in Canada such a statement would be condemned as alt right freakery and – amid a twitter storm – there would be demands for instant career ending sanctions. It seems to be what the Canucks call progress.


1390 days ago

Woke twit Justin Trudeau ignores 13 years of a gender unemployment gap to virtue signal, poor, poor Canada

What did the wretched Canadians do to deserve Justin Trudeau as their leader? The man who wears his Eid socks to the Pride Parade, or is it the other way round, is a virtue signalling loon par excellence. His latest outburst is on the gender unemployment gap.


1396 days ago

Photo Article: Training walk No 4 for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks - 20 miles

It was 13 days ago that I did this walk – just over 20 miles. Last week my woke snowflake daughter Olaf joined me so I did just 11 miles not wishing to be accused of breaching her human rights with an act of patriarchal oppression.  The route is the same as ever: along our fields by the Dee in Wales, the Bridge over to England and then walking the English side of the Dee towards Chester and back. This walk saw me end up walking past some of the smaller houses belonging to the Duke of Westminster on his extensive lands by the Dee. It does make you think a bit about the nature of inherited wealth. 


1400 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It is Neill with 2 Ls that makes the massive error and who will be sweating like a pig overnight

I start with Neil (one L) Woodford after today’s exposes from Nigel on this website. Then it is onto Neill ( 2Ls) the loathsome Ricketts who will be sweating like a pig ahead of 8.30 AM tomorrow for reasons I explain HERE and who has blundered big time with a fascist lawyer’s letter. Today’s Woodlarks training walk was just 11 miles – a stroll – but I had to listen to daughter Olaf with her woke views for the whole of it so show sympathy and donate HERE


1400 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why UK Oil & Gas really makes one despair of capitalism

Peter Brailey’s article of earlier makes one think about AIM and capitalism. I explian why, at ever level, UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and is pig of a boss Lyin’ Steve Sanderson make me, as a capitalist, despair. I offer a few words on Phil the Greek and a few on Woodlarks. Tomorrow sees Olaf accompany me on a training walk and as the woke little snowflake struggles pity her and make a donation HERE


1403 days ago

Remind me why I go to jail if I DO NOT fund an organisation that engages in blood libel against the Jews?

Yes, of course that organisation is the state funded broadcaster and purveyor of very unfunny woke comedy, the BBC. You know the sort of comedy where a black comedienne makes a joke about killing all white people and the audience laughs because genocide is such a laughing matter. This time the programme is Have I got More News for You where actor David Tennant told a witty scripted gag about how, in Israel, only Jews get the covid vaccine and Arabs don’t. Okay it is not funny at all and it is also 100% untrue. It is just another blood libel from the woke left about those pesky Jews.


1406 days ago

BREAKING: SFO launches investigation, raids houses & makes an arrest at Buy2LetCars - as exposed by myself in 2019!

Just for the record, I first explicitly warned the woke dullards at the FCA which regulated (no sniggering at the back please) this group that this would end in tears in October 2019. The Serious Fraud Office has, today, launched a formal investigation into suspected fraud at the Raedex Consortium, including the companies Buy2Let Cars, PayGo Cars, Raedex trading as Wheels4Sure and Rent2Own Cars. This is the group run by devout Christian Reginald Larry Cole.


1409 days ago

BREAKING The next £60m scandal the FCA will screw up on: High Street Group – second auditor walks in 7 months

I first warned that The High Street Group was a £60 million mini bond scandal waiting to collapse 358 days ago. But the FCA has still failed to act. Now the company has lost its second auditor within 7 months. Surely the woke dullards at the FCA can take a few minutes off from issuing another paper on the transgender pay gap to take some action?


1415 days ago

The Church Bells Ring Once again this Easter Sunday but I am not answering the call to prayer

The Mrs abandoned our church in Wales, as it voluntarily shut its doors completely during lockdown, heading to a small Methodist, mask-free chapel in England where they have sung throughout. She was raised a Methodist so it is perhaps going home, not an outright defection. The place has an active Sunday school which Joshua loves and so she is making a permanent switch. On Friday, I went there for a treasure hunt for the kids. Thirty adults and their kids mixed freely, without masks, in a field and also inside the chapel. We shook hands. We stood together. It was life as part of a Christian community, or indeed a community of humans, as it really should be. But what of me and worship?


1424 days ago

Backdoor Blasphemy laws via mob rule in 2021 Britain as the wretched Police again show a double standard

A teacher at Batley Grammar school in Bradford showed students in a religious studies class a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed. Over in France, such actions can see you getting your head chopped off and what happened next is just so predictable. A mob gathered outside the school. Had that mob included James Delingpole, Piers Corbyn, Toby Young and Laurence Fox and the protest been about lockdown, the Police would have waded in, made arrests and broken it up.


1432 days ago

Openly partial Naga Munchetty should NOT be fired – just defund her employer the wretched BBC

Relatively new BBC Director General Tim Davie stated that presenters on the state-funded broadcaster are “activists for impartiality” and that he would be prepared to sack those who breach impartiality guidelines on social media. On that basis, Breakfast TV star Naga Munchetty should be fired in the morning but why bother? She would merely be replaced by someone who acted in the same way, thought the same way and polluted the BBC with woke bias. The issue here is a culture that runs through the DNA of the wretched BBC.


1432 days ago

This really is my last word on ghastly Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle and her dim husband said that their lie-packed interview with billionaire virtue signaller Oprah Winfrey would be their “last word” on the matter. That now seems to be a lie too as they are happily letting it be known to pet poodles in the press their latest thoughts and feelings.  Just when I thought that I could not view the couple as even more despicable, I find that I do. I suppose as a Republican I should not really care but as a human I find myself feeling ever warmer thoughts towards the rest of the Royal Family. Maybe this is long Covid and I cannot think straight but after 53 years as a Republican, I really do feel rather sorry for the rest of the Windsor family.


1434 days ago

It is not just Olaf wrong on how to react to Sarah Everard murder – the courts and the Government screw up

It seems that I am now required, as a man, to start any article on this subject by saying how appalling the murder of Ms Everard was and how I condemn rape and sexual assault. Both should be a given but in 2021 that is not enough. As a male, I must repeat that testament of faith before being allowed to express a view.  Yesterday I explained how the reaction of my wonderful daughter Olaf in her young, metropolitan woke echo chamber was wrong but she is not the only one whose good intentions make this matter far worse.



1438 days ago

My Grandfather spins in his grave again and would sadly conclude that it is time to #BoycotttheNationalTrust which he once ran

My grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, loved the National Trust and was thrilled to be its Director General helping it to preserve old buildings and countryside. For him, as a socialist, part of the joy was that this would open up an opportunity for the less privileged to access the rich history of Britain. Today I am sure he is again spinning in his grave as the organisation goes further and further down a woke cul-de-sac.


1440 days ago

Simon Mayo is back on Drive Time – a man to cheer as he takes on the BBC

When the Mrs has been using the car, I find that the radio is tuned to Radio 2. I quickly change it because most of its grossly overpaid presenters, these days, are not very bright and are all achingly woke. Besides which, I make it a point of principle to #BoycotttheBBC as I try to wean my wife away from the State broadcaster.  My station of choice is Greatest Hits Radio, home to names from my youth such as Janice Long and Andy Crane.  And this brings me to Simon Mayo.


1442 days ago

It's #InternationalWomensDay so Scottish Widows talks woke cock on the #GenderPensiongap

To celebrate #InternationalWomensday, Scottish Widows is all over the internet blathering on about the #genderPensionGap and natch the more woke elements of the Mainstream Media are lapping it all up. While Scottish Widows may win some woke Brownie points if one cares about actual facts you can quickly see why it is talking utter bollocks.


1443 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Peterhouse Corporate Finance wades into the transgender wars

A few words on the Budget then is Peterhouse staffed by woke loons or alt right freaks or both? I discuss in relation to Mountfield (MOGP). I look at Marchale (MAC), Iconic (ICON), Optibiotix (OPTI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX).


1456 days ago

Liverpool cops should arrest themselves for both breaking the law and being woke Orwellian arseholes

Merseyside police do not have any useful work to do. After all, there were only 49,414 violent crimes in the Merseyside area in 2020. That is 135 a day. So with nothing better to do, I bring you a picture of four cops from the supposedly cash-strapped Merseyside Force “in action” outside an Asda in Liverpool yesterday. They are, of course, breaking the law.


1461 days ago

Peel Street Wrexham – the sheer stupidity of Mark Drakeford and the woke Welsh political and media class

The Welsh Government has found £170,000, in these times of austerity, to spunk on a report into statues, buildings, and street names that are linked to slavery or are racist in other ways. Naturally, folks like Sir Francis Drake, Nelson and Wellington are all in the firing line because their tangential or fairly minor connections to the slave trade must completely overshadow matters such as saving the nation from invasion and foreign domination. But it is my local town of Wrexham which shows up the monumental stupidity of this exercise, masterminded by the certifiably insane first minister Mark Drakeford and rubber stamped by the grossly overpaid pygmies of the Sennedd, in greatest detail.


1466 days ago

I never thought I'd say it but Je Suis Anthea Turner

Fading celeb Anthea Turner has learned a valuable lesson for 2021 – never tell the truth if it might offend anyone. The poor woman tweeted out the common sense point that most of those who were not old or frail who have died from covid were largely obese or unhealthy from self-inflicted illnesses. I write this as a fat diabetic. What Anthea said is true but that is neither here nor there in 2021 Britain. She was quickly set upon by a pack of twitter hyenas, folks who sniff out folks saying anything that might offend anyone, including, natch, the Guardian’s Owen Jones, the witchfinder general of the woke legions on twitter. His supporters piled on en masse.  Pretty soon, Anthea, facing the ruin of what is left of her career, was forced into issuing a grovelling apology. 


1468 days ago

Reasons to Defund the BBC No 996 - the arrogance of folks like Muriel Gray

Do you remember Muriel from The Tube back in the early eighties? Since then she has made millions from the BBC but more importantly from setting up a production company which she merged with that of BBC star Kirsty Wark which got a shed load of work from the BBC and which was then sold for £12 million. Lovely jubbly.


1474 days ago

No Vicar Don’t apologise – you are the sort of reason the Church of England is such a mess

Yesterday I revealed how joining the ever longer list of things that became racist in 2021 was celebrating the life and mourning the passing of Tom Moore. Who said so? A Church of England Vicar.


1480 days ago

Everybody deserves a lawyer however rotten or evil they are – the harassment of Dinah Rose by the woke warriors

Dinah Rose is a leading QC. She is also President of Magdalen college in Oxford but for how much longer? Rather like SNP MSP Joan McAlpine, Ms Rose is a solid lefty with impeccable woke credentials but now she is in the eye of a storm. Her crime? Doing her job.


1494 days ago

Women's Running - stop taking bollocks, Eddie Izzard is a man because he has er....bollocks

Women’s Running UK is a magazine about running. It’s for women and is sold in the UK. Today it talks about how comedian Eddie Izzard takes on “her” latest incredible challenge. Izzard was once, and I follow his own words, a transvestite, then a “lesbian trapped in a man’s body” and is now genderfluid. Whatever. Izzard has a penis and he is a man whatever he is wearing or whoever he is shagging.


1509 days ago

The Top 30 Most-Read Articles on TomWinnifrith.com in 2020

This rather surprises me. I was convinced that the top 30 would be packed full of waspish, libertarian or anti-woke articles. But it seems that many of the most read pieces on this website are the ones the Mrs thinks no-one reads, about life at the hovels here in Wales but also in Greece. Anyhow, here are my top 30 non financial articles of 2020.


1512 days ago

That interview by BBC head of diversity June Sarpong and why it's such good news

Now that we are out of the EU for good, surely the next great national campaign has to be to #DefundtheBBC. It really is a most nauseating institution. The clear liberal left bias of its news coverage, the woke and unfunny comedy and the smug air of superiority makes it almost unbearable. As it attracts ever fewer viewers and listeners, it ups the bloated pay of its staff, never questioning why folks are deserting it but instead doubling down on the sort of activities which arouse so much anger.


1527 days ago

I noted earlier, in another context, that it was increasingly hard to tell genuine hate-filled woke liberal Twitter warriors apart from parody accounts of hate-filled woke lefties. Is this vicar/lecturer at a Marxist madrassa/Guardian reader a member of one of the Teacher’s Unions for real or just another send up by Andrew Doyle?  That brings us to Steve McKellen whose deranged outpourings on the matter of Brexit featured here yesterday.  Is Steve for real and thus a man we should pity and pray for as he battles severe BDS or is he a parody?
Surely even those on the left could not be so filled with hatred & contempt for freedom that they are advocating snitching, Stasi style, on colleagues for voting for Brexit and advocating P45s for the “deplorables”?  These days I am afraid that such a stance is seen in some circles as perfectly acceptable.  Anyhow, Steven is tweeting again. What are the odds for our own in house Euro loon Jonathan Price being one of the 31 who liked this tweet?
" target="_new">Does Steve McKellen have such severe Brexit Derangement Syndrome that he wants 17.4 million folks sacked tomorrow or is he a parody?

I noted earlier, in another context, that it was increasingly hard to tell genuine hate-filled woke liberal Twitter warriors apart from parody accounts of hate-filled woke lefties. Is this vicar/lecturer at a Marxist madrassa/Guardian reader a member of one of the Teacher’s Unions for real or just another send up by Andrew Doyle?  That brings us to Steve McKellen whose deranged outpourings on the matter of Brexit featured here yesterday.  Is Steve for real and thus a man we should pity and pray for as he battles severe BDS or is he a parody?


1528 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: after a shameful admission from Darren, what he needs to do on video this Christmas

This issue for Darren was prompted by me discussing “cousin” Axl Rose yesterday.  I start by discussing day 12 of Joshua’s Advent calendar, then what Darren needs to record for you this Yuletide. Then it is the strange tale of Calisen (CLSN), Goldman talking woke nonsense and finaly BBC #fakenews on cheddar cheese prices and why my grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, was right in 1975 and why food prices, therefore, could and should fall from January 1. 


1532 days ago

Millwall Supporters 1, woke pundits like the prick Gary Lineker nil - take a knee scrapped at the Den

On Saturday, Millwall Supporters booed as their players took a knee in support of an organisation that most Britons (both white & BAME) think INCREASES racial division, that wants to end capitalism & the nuclear family, to boycott Israel, defund the police and shut jails. Millwall supporters spoke for the nation. Fraud promoter Gary Lineker said the supporters were racist in opposing the organisation that increases racial tension, Black Lives Matter. Whatever. Gary is a prick. Tonight Millwall face QPR in the Championship.


1535 days ago

“We hate Millwall, we hate Millwall, we are Millwall haters” but today I am not, well not completely

I support West Ham with a bit of a passion, albeit from the wilds of North Wales. I bring my kids up to support West Ham, something which many folks would consider a reason to report me to social services given the misery such support often brings. So my second team is, obviously, anyone playing Millwall. The tribal feelings are strong when it comes to our friends from South of the river in East London. I really want them to lose every game if only to ensure that we never have to play them again, given what has happened in previous games: pitch invasions, fighting and even stabbings. I was there the last time Millwall visited Upton Park and it was truly awful. Thankfully, only one person died. But you get the gist – I do not like Millwall football club or its fans. But not today. Well not completely.


1536 days ago

New poll: Boris & Princess Nut Nuts blow up the red wall - get ready for your P45 in Wrexham Sarah Atherton

There is a new poll out today which shows that the red wall is collapsing. A year ago in traditionally Labour seats like Wrexham, where I live, the Tories were on 48% with Labour on 39%. Now Labour leads by 47% to 41%. Of course, there are four years to the next election but MPs such as the ghastly Sarah Atherton, in these parts, should see that the writing is on the wall. Like so many folks here in Wrexham handed P45s thanks to insane lockdown policies – supported by silly Sarah –, folks like Ms Atherton will themselves be encountering a P45 in due course.


1540 days ago

Sir John Winnifrith spins in his grave again as the National Trust appears to double up and cover up its woke BLM blunder

For seven years, as I described here, I have been noting the various ways that the National Trust has pursued a costly woke agenda, alienating its core supporters, and, as a result, being less able to deliver its core mission of saving historic buildings and lands. My Bennite grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, who ran this body as its Director General, would, I am sure, have washed his hands of the NT in disgust by now, resigning his membership. This weekend, the Trust doubled up on its latest woke blunder: the publication of a detailed report which, effectively, branded one third of its properties as racist.


1546 days ago

Go woke go broke: The British Legion advertises for a "Head of Diversity & Inclusion" at £55,000 per annum - no more poppies for me

I buy a poppy in remembrance of my Great Uncle Francis Cochrane who died while fighting the Germans in North Africa in 1942. I hope my cash helps an ex serviceman or servicewoman in need. But does it?


1554 days ago

More Taxpayer cash needed for strippers of colour & transgender strippers – a tale of our times

The handouts are happening in the woke US state of Oregon.  More than 75 strippers will be each given grants of $2,250 for assistance with rent, utilities and internet.  It is all so 2020.


1557 days ago

The death of the National Trust – boiled slowly like a frog in woke water: Tim Parker and BLM

For seven years I have been recounting various episodes which will have caused my grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, a former Director General of the National Trust, to spin in his grave. Slowly, the organisation he loved is destroying itself but like the frog in slowly heating water it seems oblivious to its fate. For those who run the Trust live in a small liberal and elitist bubble.



1567 days ago

So there were no blacks or gays fighting in two world wars then?

EU-loving loon Femi Oluwole may have lost the Brexit battle but he is still fighting the woke wars and today his attack is on poppy wearing which, as you can see below, he terms a “war-related campaign”.


1569 days ago

Why the liberal media are so out of touch - meet Renee Graham

If you call all folks with whom you disagree Nazis or facists, you dilute the evil one associates with real fascists and Nazis, the sort of folks who actually murdered 6 million Jews rather than, say, voting for Brexit or Donald Trump. Now meet Renee Graham who pens columns for the liberal Boston Globe and also appears on taxpayer funded radio in uber-woke Massachusetts.  Renee thinks folks who campaign for Donald Trump are like ISIS Jihadists, you know those chaps who engage in mass rape, chuck gay men off tall buildings and behead their opponents and British aid workers. You think I am kidding?


1581 days ago

Claire Gilmartin to quit Trainline seven weeks after massive share sales – I call her out for utter bullshit

The deadwood press gives Ms Gilmarrtin an easy ride because she is a female CEO so will not call her out for bullshit and her convenient share trading. But, having no truck with such woke niceties being a gender blind meritocrat, let’s tell it as it is on the day Claire has announced that she is to step down as Trainline (TRN) CEO in six months time. For starters her company has not delivered for investors, is in crisis and clearly never will deliver.


1599 days ago

Frankie Boyle and the capitalist haters - reasons to #DefundtheBBC No 65

Last week’s New World Order show hosted by unfunny bearded comedian Frankie Boyle included a section where someone joked about killing white people. Boy how the panel laughed because that is not racist or offensive at all. This week’s show discussed capitalism.


1603 days ago

The sad decline of Oxford University: woke Dr Jennifer Cassidy on The US Constitution

As each day goes by, there seems another sign that the University in the City of lost causes is, itself, becoming more of a lost cause. Meet Dr Jennifer Cassidy. You can hire her as a speaker if you have an appetite for expensive woke nonsense and her agency says of her:



1606 days ago

Laughing with my father as I give this present to his carer E

My father is a closet reactionary who tries to hide some of his less woke opinions from my lefty sisters by continuing to order the Guardian. Its lack of intellectual rigour, fake news and all round sanctimony angers him greatly so, don’t tell sisters T&N, so he far prefers reading a one day old Daily Mail supplied by his delightfully right wing carer E. My last gift to E was a MAGA baseball cap for she is one of Donald Trump’s biggest fans and her high point of recent years was coming within a few feet of the great man as she visited Vietnam. And so for E, a new gift, as you can see below, which arrived at my father’s on Friday.


1608 days ago

A woke BBC reports on the woke National Trust slavery & colonialism apology with fake news

The National Trust has finally published its widely flagged report into which of the houses it has been bequeathed are tarnished by associations with slavery or the evil that is colonialism. My late grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, will be – yet again – spinning in his grave.  The report is a predictably dire and academically flawed document but the sort of exercise in self-flagellation that has become compulsory for guilty white, Guardian reading, liberals in 2020. If the report itself was not bad enough, the coverage of it by the BBC was excruciating and another reason why we must #defundthebbc. But we must now also #DefundtheNationalTrust.



1613 days ago

Go Woke Go Broke: Rabble Books and Games in Perth kicks Harry Potter into touch

Rabble Books & Games, a bookstore in Perth Australia, has a death wish. It has said that it will not stock any new books by JK Rowling including those written under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. Folks desperate for a Harry Potter novel can get it as they will be stored under the counter like smuggled cigarettes from Vietnam in your local newsagent. Why would a bookstore take off its shelves one of the world’s best selling authors? This is an act of commercial suicide.


1620 days ago

Go woke go broke: Netflix and its Cuties content for paedophiles

This should not be a left and right issue but, in the culture wars, it now is. Folks are cancelling their Netflix subscriptions in thousands not only in protest over its deal with Prince Harry and his ghastly woke Mrs but, now, because of a new film it produced and screened, Cuties. It tells the tale of young, only just teenage, girls wanting to be “dancers” and the sexualisation of these kids. Them fondling themselves in all regions on stage is, more or less, paedophilia. Netflix is now Nonceflix.


1635 days ago

Go woke go broke: The National Trust takes a knee for BLM and fails its history GCSE big time

My friend Bill Long and I attended a lecture a few years ago in New York, given by the historian Madge Dresser and organised by the American branch of the National Trust. Its theme was the links between slavery and National Trust properties. Although Madge and I disagreed a little on the history of the South Sea company, it was balanced, fair and very interesting indeed. But in the wake of BlackLivesMatter, the NT has decided that it has not acknowledged its sin fast enough or sufficiently enough and so has commissioned a major new report. Yes: that is the same NT that is firing 14% of its staff, 1200 folks, because it says, untruthfully, that it faces a cash crisis and there is no other way.


1636 days ago

Songs of Praise boss Cat Lewis - another rich guilty white liberal who the BBC should sack at once

Cat Lewis is the producer of the BBC’s Songs of Praise and has leapt into the debate on Rule Britannia in spectacular style. If the state broadcaster had any sense, it would fire her at once for stupidity, ignorance and for insulting 99% of those whose taxes pay her bloated salary. 


1639 days ago

Go woke go broke - photo article from Wales: Ben & Jerry's

Okay, this is only one store in a medium sized Welsh village. The one I live in. Perhaps, unbeknown to me, absolutely all of my fellow villagers spend their nights re-reading the works of Ayn Rand, brushing up on Austrian economics or on the greatest 100 quotes of Ronald Reagan and we are somehow atypical. My instincts are that this is not an unusually enlightened place. And thus in light of my article earlier in the week on #BoycottBenandJerrys and the woke hypocrisy of Unilever (ULVR) I bring you a photo from the village store.


1641 days ago

Go woke Go Broke – Ben and Jerry’s, Unilever, Priti Patel and the stench of hypocrisy

Yesterday I noted how the woke revolution sweeping listed companies was making the 1% richer at the expense of we plebs who just own shares. But big corporate is not only alienating shareholders with such antics but, in many cases , its customers too. Nowhere is the stench of this virtue signalling more apparent than at Ben and Jerry’s . But this saga is far worse.


1642 days ago

Woke Britain – it is ching ching for the 1% and you and I pay for it: Meet Sandra Bates

I fully expect to be slated as a misogynist old geezer for saying this but the woke revolution is again and again merely facilitating the transfer of wealth from the 99% to the 1%. Meet Sandra Bates. She is a busy bird…


1668 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It's all about cash as the real economy tanks

I start with the rather stupid, uber-woke dismal Tory MP for Wrexham Sarah Atherton and her latest photo tweet. I move via International Consolidated Airlines (AIG) as I discuss just how awful the real economy is, how no-one, especially Intercontinental, has any earnings visibility and the steps companies are taking to maximise cash but to mislead about their cash position. I mentioned Primary Bid. Make sure you are registered HERE.


1669 days ago

Debate is hatred - Alt Left MP Nadia Whittome wants to trample on free speech

Nadia Whittome MP is an uber woke member of the Alt Left, who today has waded into bat for the rights of the trans community. She offers up a terrifying vision of the Orwellian state she wishes to create.


1670 days ago

Why is the Government urging school kids to read hate peddling fake news at The Day – JK Rowling apology non edition

The Day is an online newspaper which targets school kids, founded and edited by Fleet Street great and good member Richard Addis. It comes with the full endorsement of the Department of Education. But why is this, supposedly Tory, Government urging kids to read such hate filled filth.


1671 days ago

Virtue signalling in the era of Covid - daft feminists play the victim again. Yawn.

Yeah whatever… in this era of competing to scramble up the pyramid of victimhood, Covid 19 has been a Godsend to many of those who do not actually do anything useful for society. So what if more than 60% of Covid deaths are men, let’s flag up a study on how women have suffered. Have you spotted a similar study for men? Me neither.


1685 days ago

What is the army for? WokeTory MP for Wrexham, Sarah Atherton, yanks my chain again

The army is there so that if our nation is threatened, they can go and kill the bad guys. I don’t care who is in the army, just so long as they are folks who I can rely on to go and kill bad people. That is why we have an army. It is not there as a decorative force to mirror society. Only fruitcakes on the left worry about quotas. Do we really need 0.2% of soldiers to be transgender and 2% to be LGBT? Or do the gays not matter in this game and we should only focus on women soldiers and those from ethnic minority backgrounds?  And why pick on the army and not other public sector bodies? Surely we have a right to know how many gay and lesbian dustbin operatives there are? From what I gather, that sector is mostly entirely male. Why is that? Where is the gender equality in dustbins?



1691 days ago

Weeping Woke web warrior Claira Janover blames Trump supporters for job loss after threatening to stab people

She is a lucky young lady that Claira. A Harvard graduate, a great job waiting for her with accountants Deloitte, and then she goes and posts a video on the internet saying repeatedly that she will stab any white person who says that white lives matter. Their “sheer caucasity” enrages her as you can see below. Maybe at Harvard, these days “caucasity” is a real word. How times change.


1695 days ago

Black Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, White Lives Don’t matter – free speech & double standard in 2020

Before anyone kicks off because they may not like my conclusion, let us be clear, Black Lives Matter as a slogan is fine. However, White Lives Matter really is, at best, meaningless gibberish. You need to put this into context.


1707 days ago

The Madness of the Leftwaffe woke twitter mob - #BoycottDominos

The power of a twitter witch hunt by the woke mob should not be underestimated. It can, in the current climate, ruin lives and careers, erase history and crush businesses. It does not need to have any factual basis at all. In New York this morning, trending on twitter was #BoycottDominos. This will astound you.


1712 days ago

First they came for the statues, then they came for the comedy: as Fawlty Towers is banned the woke revolution rolls on

Though, as I demonstrated earlier, he invested not a cent in slaving, the statue of philanthropist Thomas Guy is now officially for the melting pot. First they came for the statues. Then they came for the comedy. I have just played the video below to my woke Islington based daughter Olaf and she laughed loudly.


1847 days ago

RBS boss Alison Rose will surely get a gong for this: risking £1 billion of other folks cash on virtue signalling

The job of a bank boss is very simple. It is to lend money to folks who have a good chance of paying it back so that shareholders see a net return, the bank stays profitable and staff keep their jobs.  It is not to change society. No doubt RBS boss Alison Rose will be praised for risking £1 billion on ultra-woke virtue signalling. MBE, Member of the House of Lords, it all looks more likely but this is folly.


1855 days ago

Video: Laurence Fox, The Distance - will the Mrs dare admit to her friends?

For me Laurence Fox will always be Hathaway in Lewis and as he was an actor I assumed he was a virtue signalling lefty git like the rest of his profession. Last week’s Question Time therefore startled me as Fox emerged as a true hero of the thinking libertarian right taking on the woke battalions. He even dared to call out as racist some daft professor of Ethnicity from the joke institution that is Liverpool Edge Hill University as she essentially said that as a white man Fox was inherently racist so could not challeng her assertion that folks were only nasty to Princess Meghan as she is a woman of colour. 


1863 days ago

Photo article: Another reason why the National Trust would have my grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, spinning in his grave

My paternal grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, was a Bennite so I’d imagine we would not see eye to eye on everything although, as an ardent Eurosceptic, we would have agreed on some things. I have noted before on this website, how as Director General of the National Trust, he thought the organisation’s remit was to preserve historic buildings and landscapes. Today the Trust is almost as woke as Prince Harry and wastes vast sums preaching to us all and annoying many of us who might be minded to back it. I am, for that reason, not a member.


1869 days ago

Photo article: Bad News for @TitaniaMcGrath – she has a rival as the UK’s leading woke poet

I found this in Pickering in the far North of England. I am sure Titania McGrath would not visit a place like this as it is horribly white and full of Brexit supporting racists. But there does appear a voice of sanity in this sea of fascism. Meet poet Howard Owen Griffiths.


1873 days ago

Fuck the IRA, Fuck James McClean & Fuck the FA for its racist slur against most Irishmen

For the second time this season Stoke and Ireland player James McClean has got a match halted after what he claimed was racist chanting aimed at him, that is to say Huddersfield supporters chanting “Fuck the IRA”. The FA says that it is now investigating this racism. But so woke is the FA that it sniffs our racism even where it does not exist, as in this case, and in the process insults – with a racist slur – the vast majority of folks of Irish descent.


1877 days ago

A Christmas Present from sister N who like the BBC believes in a made-up country which is not Narnia

My sister N is funny, kind, intelligent and thoroughly laudable. Except that like the rest of my family, with the honourable exception of step sister F, she is on matters political utterly deluded. She works for the State, reads the Guardian and her husband, who works for the State, goes on stop Brexit marches, well he did up until recently. I guess after “the people’s vote” on December 12 he might now accept that we smelly thick plebs get to have our way after all. A few years ago, N gave him membership of the Labour party for Christmas. You get my drift…


1882 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: which is a bigger pile of pooh: the results from Zoetic or Star Wars

I say this as a Star Wars groupie: I went with my daughter todaty and it was pure woke rubbish. It really was awful. I was bored, annoyed and almost walked out.  I thenm discuss Bidstack (BIDS), caught up ion its own lies and running out of cash and Zoetic International  (ZOE) caught up in its own poor judgement and running out of cash.


1882 days ago

Star Wars, The Rise of Skywalker: woke, dull & boring

I was nine when the first Star Wars film came out and almost ever since I have been a true groupie. I have seen every film, in the case of the original three, dozens of times. I have Star Wars Trivial Pursuit which I should warn you all that I am rather good at. There was even a vague attempt to include in my daughter’s names Leia but I am afraid that the Force was not with me in that battle. And thus my daughter and I headed off yesterday to see the final instalment of this nine movies phenomenon, the Rise of Skywalker.


1918 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition EIGHTEEN with Tom Winnifrith: stick another bird on the board to cover up that fraud

There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me and I start with the tale of Lyin’ Chris Cleverley, the lying fraudster cousin of Tory Party chairman James. Lyin’ Chris runs listed companies and there is no doubt he is a liar and a fraudster so why has the FCA not acted? Then it is onto PureCircle (PURE) a billion dollar fraud, where after six years, myself and Lucian Miers are utterly vindicated. I invite you to read its 2018 annual report and despair at the woke world of best practice in corporate governance. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: thank you, thank you, thank you & what does one do at "Woke" PC Christmas parties these days?

Firstly so many thanks to all of you who donated to the Woodlarks Christnas Grotto appeal. 101% of our target has now been reached so I’ll call it a day. Thank you again. In today’s podcast I also discuss Big Dish (DISH), and Dev Clever (DEV) two examples of why you should never invest in an IPO and I have data to back that up. I look at Tern (TERN) and at Sound Energy (SOU), shame on James Parsons, and then in detail at Velocys (VLS).


1967 days ago

Justin Trudeau squirms on brownface scandal but is he disgraced?

However bad our leaders are in this country, my colleague Darren Atwater cannot truly laugh as he is Canadian. And the Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau is a truly pathetic figure. His attempts to dance Indian style made Theresa May’s dancing Queen seem kind of cool. Perhaps more importantly he has helped to train wreck the economy, is mired in corruption scandals and is the crown prince of “high woke”. Seriously, Titantia McGrath could not compete with a chap who wore Happy Eid socks to the LGBT parade. Oddly, and for reasons I cannot quite put my finger on, Justin did not wear LGBT socks to the Eid celebrations.  There are allegations of sexual harassment against Justin but none of this matters to the liberal media because he is just so incredibly woke. Justin can get away with anything.


1982 days ago

Twitter bans the voice of woke - #FreeTitania

As @Titania McGrath has said so many times, for free speech to flourish it is vital that all those with the wrong opinions are no platformed and silenced. But twitter just showed, once again, that all capitalists are fascists by handing out a seven day ban to Titania herself. I have already started work on lighting a candle at the Welsh Hovel as I am sure that as such acts combat terror it will also serve to liberate Titania whose recent tweet about the late former President of Zim served to show how biased and out of touch the MSM and twitter is. Titania noted “I can’t help but think that all this criticism of Robert Mugabe is just another attempt to demonise people of colour.“ Twitter may have silenced the voice of woke for a week but the cries of freedom can never be silenced. A statement has been issued:


2008 days ago

The battle to act like Marie Antoinette: Elton John vs Princess Meghan

I refer not to the fact that one will never be a ludicrous old Queen while the other cannot help but be one, but to the idea of rank hypocrisy and preaching to the great unwashed as to how they should behave.


2170 days ago

San Francisco honours IRA butcher Martin McGuinness for his war record – a crazy cause too far

The City Hall in San Francisco is a bastion of political correctness, backing every “woke” cause going  Whatever… it is the taxes of San Franciscans which pays for it all so not my battle. But its latest initiative is just so utterly offensive, it is a step too far.


2173 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: happy International Women's Day with Myra Hindley

I trust that you are celebrating this day in a culturaly appropriate manner. I merely commend to you the tweet of the activist Titania McGrath and also commend to you her book "Woke" which out yesterday. I have given copies to the Mrs and daughter Olaf to celebrate IWD with them. I also look at Own Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL), idiot knobs and Big Sofa (BST), Andalas (ADL) and Flybe (FLYB).  If you enjoyed this bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.
