
101 days ago

The Cass Report – on the transgender walk of shame must be Bath Spa University

I have my own battle with Bath Spa University. The time is now almost right to relay to you the Orwellian treatment it dished out to me but more critically to my wife after I gave THIS outstanding lecture. Suffice to say it is an Orwellian, woke shit-hole with zero credibility in terms of academic rigour. Bath Spa should also be reminded of its horrific treatment of academic James Caspian after the publication of the seminal Cass Report.


382 days ago

Picture article: Miss Netherlands 2023, the bigot test - would you rather date the winner or the bird who came second?

I am afraid that like, I suspect any straight guy or lesbian reading this article, the answer is that we’d rather date the bird on the right who came second. Not only is she far more of a looker but….


700 days ago

I'm transgender - then do whatever you want!

 A tweet from the wonderful BurnsideNotTosh. Yes this is 2022


850 days ago

Corporate President Karey Burke wokes up Disney with bonkers diversity quotas

My mum did not want us watching Disney films. Not because they were dangerous. They were, back in the 1970s, harmless enough but she just thought they were rubbish. It was better for us to read the Jungle Book than to watch the movie with annoying American accents. But these days…meet Karey Burke.


978 days ago

Wretched Bully Boys at Essex Police now threaten those who question their pointless trans virtue signalling

Yesterday, unlike Essex Police, I looked at the hard data on transgender murders which showed clearly that in many years nobody at all was killed in Britain for being trans and that, overall, trans folk were far less likely than the rest of us to be murdered at all. That did not stop Essex Police and others, including Jeremy Corbyn, from marking the Trans Day of Remembrance #TDOR for trans folks who had been murdered becuase of how they identified. I mocked this pointless virtue signalling by folks who should really be out there catching murderers, rapists and burglars. So how have the Essex filth reacted? With the tweet below.


993 days ago

Is the John Lewis Christmas advert another nail in the coffin hammered in by Sharon White?

After the debacle of the 7 year old transgender kid advert you would have thought that John Lewis might have erred on the side of caution when it came to alienating more of its “small c conservative” customer base., as you can see below.


1004 days ago

The woke shall devour the woke, it is always the way: 48 Wonder Women bingo and Oxfam

It is always the way that the woke of one generation will be devoured by the woke of the next. Who could imagine that feminist icon Germaine Greer and the heroic gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell might find themselved “no platformed” on British campuses, the marxist madrassas at the cutting edge of the woke revolution? The “crime” of both Greer and Tatchell was not to understand the pyramid of victimhood and thus to question even some of the demands of those currently perched at the top of the pyramid, the Transgender community. As we discovered yesterday with lesbians who do not want to have sex with a “woman with a penis” such challenges are just not allowed and are, at once, branded as hateful and bigoted.


1005 days ago

It is 2021 so if a lesbian will not have sex with someone with a penis she is a bigot

Confused? Remember this is 2021 and on the pyramid of victimhood, women  – even if they are lesbians- are now pretty much on the bottom rung.  Meanwhile members of the transgender community are pretty much at the top of the pyramid so their needs trump those of a common or garden lesbian.


1013 days ago

Go woke go broke – John Lewis and the 7 year old transgender boy

Since the start of the scamdemic, John Lewis has shut 16 of its 50 stores. The other 34 face a terribly uncertain future with the company’s über woke chair Sharon White talking about moves into social housing and financial services as the existing operations lost £29 million in the six months to July 31.  So how to ensure your corporate demise is even more rapid?


1033 days ago

The madness that is 2021: Organisation bankrolled with taxpayer cash demands cervical smear tests offered to all men

Stonewall used to be such a wonderful organisation when LGB folks really did someone battling for their right to equal status. But, happily, that battle is almost won and so Stonewall needs a new cause and that cause is the battle for transgender rights. Its kudos from previous fights means that it earns a fortune from Government doing “LGBT equality audits” and departments so woke this is utterly pointless. And virtue signalling PLCs also sign up for these audits and then boast of how woke they are.  So accountants Grant Thornton may have been fined £4 million (too little) yesterday for enabling the patisserie holdings fraud with its slack work but at least it moved 153 places up the Stonewall rankings last year. Hooray. Pay rises all round!


1203 days ago

BREAKING The next £60m scandal the FCA will screw up on: High Street Group – second auditor walks in 7 months

I first warned that The High Street Group was a £60 million mini bond scandal waiting to collapse 358 days ago. But the FCA has still failed to act. Now the company has lost its second auditor within 7 months. Surely the woke dullards at the FCA can take a few minutes off from issuing another paper on the transgender pay gap to take some action?


1237 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Peterhouse Corporate Finance wades into the transgender wars

A few words on the Budget then is Peterhouse staffed by woke loons or alt right freaks or both? I discuss in relation to Mountfield (MOGP). I look at Marchale (MAC), Iconic (ICON), Optibiotix (OPTI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX).


1254 days ago

A dark day for the ACLU - it serves up fake facts, natch it is the transgender debate

The American Civil Liberties Union has a proud one hundred year history. It has been a heroic organisation that those of us who care about liberties can only but admire without reservation. Until today that is and a Twitter outburst which marks its darkest hour.


1254 days ago

Thanks to your generosity as a taxpayer, Sheffield Hallam University discovers trans folk trapped at home by public lavatories

The reason that university lecturers need long holidays is that they can publish research. The more research they publish, the more funding their university gets so the more they get promoted. Being a good and dedicated teacher really is not part of this process. Of course, all research must be peer group approved to get published and in the woke culture at Britain’s Marxist madrassas I guess you know what that leads to. So let’s go to Sheffield Hallam University where taxpayer cash has been wisely invested in a gender driven study of public toilets.


1275 days ago

Beware lefties, those who gag free speech will get you in the end as well - Joan McAlpine of the SNP it's your turn!

You on the left who think that it is only we on the right who are being censored and no-platformed, so that’s okay, will soon realise that eventually this intolerance will come for you too. You either believe in free speech or you do not – you cannot be selective about it. Today’s lefty learning that painful lesson is Joan McAlpine, an SNP member of the Scottish Parliament whose views on a range of issues put her well to the left of most Guardian readers. Natch she is also a keen believer in the bogus global warming religion so, on that basis, received an invitation to speak to a group called Teach The Future on how to save the planet.


1348 days ago

More Taxpayer cash needed for strippers of colour & transgender strippers – a tale of our times

The handouts are happening in the woke US state of Oregon.  More than 75 strippers will be each given grants of $2,250 for assistance with rent, utilities and internet.  It is all so 2020.


1375 days ago

Leicestershire Police fight the woke revolution for men going through the Menopause

Do you remember the bad old days when the Police were there to catch criminals and stop crime? It seems a lifetime ago. Today, let’s go to Leicestershire where the Police Force has taken time out from investigating someone who tweeted sceptical thoughts on the efficacy of lockdown to celebrate #WorldMenopauseDay.  It is not that this is not something we should not care about but haven’t the Old Bill got anything better to do, like breaking up a 3 year old’s Birthday party as there were more than six adults present? But it gets worse.


1422 days ago

Go woke go broke - now the Co-Op scores an own goal: #Boycottthecoop

I am afraid that in my village, the only store is a Co-Op and it is an institution worth supporting to ensure we have that facility. But many folks have a choice and I would urge them to boycott the co-op for wishing to impose its views on a free press, in this case the Spectator.


1463 days ago

World Rugby half calls out the transgender bullies - a half brave but welcome move for women's sport

In the sport of Rugby the World governing body did something that was, on the surface of it, quite brave: it commissioned a scientific study on transgender women playing the sport. To the surprise of nobody with half a brain cell, the report showed that people born as men but who had transitioned would, even if they took hormone reducing drugs, be faster and stronger than what World Rugby terms cis-women. Or, what you and I just term women. And worse. If real women played against trans athletes, the study showed that their risk of serious injury increased by 30%. As such World Rugby is not going to allow trans women to play against women born as women and is using safety as its excuse. That offers a get out of jail card to any contact sport to do the same.


1480 days ago

What is the army for? WokeTory MP for Wrexham, Sarah Atherton, yanks my chain again

The army is there so that if our nation is threatened, they can go and kill the bad guys. I don’t care who is in the army, just so long as they are folks who I can rely on to go and kill bad people. That is why we have an army. It is not there as a decorative force to mirror society. Only fruitcakes on the left worry about quotas. Do we really need 0.2% of soldiers to be transgender and 2% to be LGBT? Or do the gays not matter in this game and we should only focus on women soldiers and those from ethnic minority backgrounds?  And why pick on the army and not other public sector bodies? Surely we have a right to know how many gay and lesbian dustbin operatives there are? From what I gather, that sector is mostly entirely male. Why is that? Where is the gender equality in dustbins?



1489 days ago

Now Mayor Khan starts to erase gay white men from history as he creates a new fake history for Stonewall

As I warned Cambridge don, Dr Gopal, one day you will cease to be seen as a revolutionary and new revolutionaries will come along and devour you like a dinosaur.  Comrade Sadiq Khan, Mayor of Stab City, rather proves my point today as he tweets about the 51st anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York. Of course, Mayor Khan is already active in erasing old history, pushing to pull down statues and rename streets. If you can do that, it will be even simpler for this simple man to make up a new history.


1491 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - invasion of the bulls the Old Bill wants to milk

I awoke this morning to strange sounds from the formal lawn behind the housse. I wandered downstairs and opened the door. Having entered single file through a small gate from the farmyard, the lawn was full of 10-15 bulls. The photo below was taken by my neighbour as a few of them wandered up the lane to his drive.


1538 days ago

ONS Covid data on deaths by occupation: Boris is “literally” sending folks to their deaths claim

After this is all over there should be a national enquiry into why our entire political and media class is swamped by liberal arts graduates with no concept of how to analyse data and the collective intelligence of a bumble bee. It should be let by my cats who have greater predictive skills than Professor Neil Pantsdown, our, until recently, expert in chief whose always wrong computer models drove the groupthink of our leaders. Let me be clear I have no time for Boris et al on this matter as I noted earlier today HERE. However…


2050 days ago

I can’t decide if Brighton is Sodom, Gomorrah or Bedlam

Brighton used to be known as Britain’s gay capital. But in recent times it appears to have its collective LGBT (notably T) obsession to a level which might be laughable were it parody.  Sadly it is not. Today’s episode of “Off your Brighton Rocker”  concerns eight year old kids.


2112 days ago

"Woman" with penis Rachel McKinnon wins women's world cycling championship - critics slammed as bigots

Can you spot a man in the photo below? That is to say a chap with a penis who does not have periods which disrupt his training, who has more testosterone than a woman. If you can, then you are a total bigot and should be had up for a hate crime at once because the man in the centre may have a penis, etc but says he identifies as a transgender woman so he is a woman. Got it? Not only is the man, Rachel McKinnon, now a woman but he is also the women's world cycling champion in the 35-40 category. Well done to him.


2115 days ago

Two women sexually assaulted by penis owning “Karen White” thanks directly to the transgender madness that has infected the Tories

Karen White insists that she is a woman. She is what progressives would term a woman with a penis. Right now she is "transitioning" but is a woman. Got it? Welcome to the transgender asylum.


2140 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - is my correspondent transgender or does he really know about women's knickers and Tesla

In today's podcast I discuss the moral bankruptcy of Naz Shah MP and her comments on Non Invasive Pregnancy Tests,  yes Premaitha (NIPT). I look at Tesla (TSLA) and the lessons from women's knickers, at Kefi (KEFI), Frontera (FRR) and the credibility test vs Yorkville, Derriston (DERR) and explain to some folks, I fear it is in house BBM Wildes, what a DCF model involves and why it is used, ref RedT (RED)


2216 days ago

Girls cant wear skirts but boys have to – the madness of UK Education in 2018 in the gender wars

In thirty years time we will look back on the transgender and gender wars of 2018 and ask what on earth were the experts and the screaming, if small, mobs of virtue signallers hoping to achieve. I hope we will look back with a sense of shame.


2270 days ago

How high can Oxford University rise in the silliness table? It may be top already..

I do not look back at my old University with some of the unbridled love that others show. Indeed, at times of stress, my nightmare is of again sitting finals and being even more at sea than I was the first time around. About once a week James Delingpole remarks about how our alma mater has gone to the dogs and, he has a point, it does seem to be a nest of silliness these days.


2358 days ago

One of life's little treats, a spectator sport for we on the right: Trans vs radfem

Generally, as I hear the latest pronouncements on transgender issues or radical feminism, I just turn away in despair at how far and fast our society is sinking. What? Do I hear you all saying #Metoo? 


2384 days ago

Trans Madness - Why the * is not acceptable and must be removed

From the TSER, Transgender student, website I featured earlier I feel it is worth explaining why the * can be "inaccessible, binarist, and transmisogynist" What follows is a page of such complete and utter bollocks I defy anyone to understand a word of it. The joke here is that these earnest young students write this in all seriousness...this is really not a parody. In my day young folks wanted to take drugs, have sex and get hammered, surely writing the nonsense below cannot be more fun than that?


2384 days ago

The Minefield of transgender vocab - the phrase "born male" is now deemed defamatory.. whatever

One of the few joys of the transgender madness, promoted by the elitists of the liberal media, and now raging across the West is seeing uber PC lefties such as Germaine Greer and Peter Tatchell fall foul of this new lobby, no platformed and accused of bigotry becuase they just cannot keep up. Want to avoid such a fate? Thankfully I can help.


2434 days ago

The transgender madness goes peak crazy - meet weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, aka Gavin

Okay she was not born Laurel. Once upon a time she was called Gavin and was a junior record holder in the New Zealand male 105 kg class. Then Gavin decided he was a woman, had the snip and took hormone treatment and went back to weightlifting. Now, as Laurel, she will compete in the 90kg plus contest at the next Commonwealth Games in Australia.


2561 days ago

Tories 4 the TransGender Community - The New Big Idea in the Big Tent - Gosh these folks are pathetic

With no real majority at Westminster, Mrs May's pathetic Tories are unable to push through any of the so many radical changes this country needs to make to avoid going bust. The chances of radical change on any issue that matters are zippo. Or so I believed. You thought that the useless Cons were out of big ideas? Think again. Today's Sunday Times reveals dramatic new proposals to tackle the needs of the transgender community. I just despair.


2627 days ago

Big Brother at the BBC will collect your data to tell your boss if it thinks what you write might breach a law

That we have to pay for the Guardian's sister outlet, the BBC via a poll tax is bad enough. Its output is low grade and often biased. But now the BBC wants to get you fired if it does not like your views. Hey George Orwell you missed this one in 1984...


2847 days ago

Brexit has caused hate crimes against Gay people to rocket 147% says the Guardian - an obvious lie

The Guardian reports that "The number of homophobic attacks more than doubled in the three months after the Brexit vote, with toxicity fostered by the EU referendum debate spreading beyond race and religion, new figures suggest. Hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people increased 147% during July, August and September compared to the same period last year, according to the LGBT anti-violence charity Galop." Unfortuanately this is just utterly bogus as the Guardian article itself makes clear.


2890 days ago

Scotland & the BBC - is the big issue, really how gay friendly the nation is?

Sarah Smith is, as I write, prattling away on Radio 4 about how Scotland likes to boast that it is different from England & Wales. And as evidence of this, Sarah tells us that 4 of 6 party leaders in Scotland are openly gay, Nicola Sturgeon is promising the most transgender legislation in Europe and Sarah tells us that Scotland is the most gay friendly country in Europe. Great. Happy days. I shall get out an old John Inman video and book my holidays now.
