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Sefton – The Ceasefire is Off: Sniper back at Work

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 5 September 2013

The only witness Sefton Resources (SER) stated to the Court that it would call in its libel case was Jim Ellerton who is now exposed as a liar and a crook and who was forced to leave the Sefton board in disgrace on the advice of Nomad Allenby and Company lawyer Pinsent Masons.

That same firm of lawyers has today written to me declining my offer to settle (with it paying my costs and damages in shares) but saying it would talk to me if I agreed not to write about it for 30 days. It insists that it is quite prepared to plough on with what anyone with half a brain cell can see is an unwinnable case given the Ellerton issue and the fact that everything I have written about Sefton is verifiably true.

I have no intention of being gagged for 30 days. So I have told Pinsents to fuck off. The sniper is back on duty. Pursuing this unwinnable case will bankrupt Sefton. Shareholders need to be very much aware of that but frankly that is not my concern.

I guess we now must start looking at the Non-Executive Directors in detail as well as again ploughing through the old annual reports. Comrade Levi is – I gather minded – to take a similar approach.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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