
125 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: UKOG minus 99.99% who benefits from it not being killed off years ago?

In this podcast I discuss Live Company Group (LVCG) as the Oxymorons ignore the strict rules yet again and UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), always a worthless company with worthless assets managed by a liar. Who has lost out from it not being killed off years ago?


146 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the WW2 underpants obsession, more regulatory failures and why I'm down on gold juniors

The underpants obsession is explained HERE for those not up to date on Mincemeat matters. Then it is onto gold juniors and majors the gold price, Verditek (VDTK), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and a letter to AIM Regulation to call out Stuart Ashman as a liar. Rules are rules.


645 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A rotten end to 2022 for the vile slug & self confessed liar David Williams of Avanti infamy + bubbles bursting for Malcolm and Darren

I start with Williams. Everything that is wrong about fat Tory conceit and sleaze. Then the bursting of the green and pot bubbles and why Malcolm and Darren just cannot see either. 


696 days ago

BREAKING: Today’s shitcoin disaster is c/o chancer Mike Edwards – Aqru, you couldn’t make this up

In the bitcoin, NFT, blockchain frenzy of early last year the gang of Mike Edwards, Jonathan Bixby, disgraced Peter Wall of soon to go bust Argo Blockchain (ARB), disgraced broker Andy Frangos of (has just gone bust) Pello infamy and proven liar John Story staged a number of heists, or as they termed them IPOs.


701 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Jeremy Hunt is a LIAR Steve O'Hara is not

Even Pete Brailey the most staunchest of Tory members you could ever meet says he has given up on the party after today’s budget. I go through two lies Jeremy Hunt told and consider how he has screwed the poor, those of us running SMEs and is protecting super rich folks with sons at Eton with another lie.  Like Peter I shall not vote Tory next time.  Then onto a man who is not a liar, Optibiotix (OPTI) boss Steve O’Hara and the presentation he gave today which is below. I mention Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and an email exchange today at this point. Then a few words on Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) follow then on to Argo Blockchain (ARB) which I expect to go bust next week and Ceres Power (CWR) whose valuation is still bonkers despite the shares slumping by 80% since peak ramp. 


749 days ago

Powerhouse Energy – what ails thee?

At just over a penny, shares in Powerhouse Energy (PHE) are down by more than 75% so far this year. At peak ramp on 31 December 2020 they were 9.8p. To all those folks nursing 90% losses thanks to the (undeclared) paid ramping of Zak Mir and the ludicrous claims made by the company including its disgraced ex chairman, the liar and former Tory Minister Tim Yeo, you know who to blame. And it is not me who did warn you, not that you wished to listen.


844 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More Marginitis for proven liar John Story? Is he up the Ben's Creek without a paddle?

In today’s podcast I look at Eurasia Mining (EUA), Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Shield Therapeutics (STX), Simec Atlantic (SAE) and Ben’s Creek (BEN) and John Story of Chill Brands (CHLL) and Cellular Goods (CBX) infamy.


852 days ago

Breaking: Class Action filed against Nasdaq dog Arqit, run by self-confessed liar, David Williams of Avanti infamy

Before calling his lawyer, the pompous and bombastic arse should remember how, in the early stages of Avanti Communications (AVN), he boasted of fabricating a product demo. Worse was to come, as Williams made tens of millions from dumping shares he ramped ruthlessly, while investors lost everything.  Now, he has a new scam: Arqit Quantum (US: ARQQ), listed on Nasdaq. We first covered Arqit, HERE. Its shares were $37.41 on December 3, 2021; now, they are just $5.65. Bring on the lawyers.


897 days ago

LIARS Andrew Male & Love Hemp – a gold medal for implausible bullshit: this is NOT acceptable

Love Hemp (LIFE), the pot play backed by boxer Anthony Joshua, and its executive chairman Andrew Male are liars, they are prepared to deceive investors in a material and repeated way. That is beyond doubt and nothing will ever change the character of Male and thus the company he runs. That is why Peterhouse resigned as its corporate advisor and the shares were suspended. Today, with NED Graham Mullis of Novacyt (NCYT) infamy leading the spinning we are served up gold standard bullshit. You could not make this up.


1033 days ago

Welsh First Fuhrer Mad Mark Drakeford tells a whopping and blatant covid lie

In attempting to justify logic defying and insane new restrictions on the three million of us who live in Wales, our First Minister mad Mark Drakeford told a monstrous lie. He claimed that the Omicron variant was “probably” as deadly as the Delta variant.


1042 days ago

Amended: The Falling Knife catcher of the day is proven liar John Story at Chill Brands but is he telling the truth this time?

We knew John Story was a proven liar and a lock-in rule breaker but we thought he was smart so would have been dumping his holding in the fraud Chill Brands (CHLL) as it rapidly runs out of other people’s cash. Au contraire, if he is telling the truth, Story has been catching the falling knife.


1071 days ago

Letter to Nick Harriss at Allenby Capital re his client the fraud Chill Brands, John "tell us a " Story et al

Yesterday, in Bearcast, I explained in detail why the Chill Brands (CHLL) website is misleading with regard to major shareholders and why the proven liar John Story must have reduced his interest but has not filed a TR1.  Sadly, there appears to be no corrective RNS so I have written to Nick Harriss of Allenby Capital, Chill’s retained adviser, suggesting that if he has a shred of integrity he will correct the situation. I cc in the FCA


1071 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Proof that the liar and rule breaker John Story has been dumping Chill Brands shares and not telling folks about it

It was, of course, John Story who engaged with Seth Freedman, causing the harassment of myself, Gary, Peter, and a poor PR girl some months ago. We know he is a proven liar and also a rule breaker. So has he been dumping shares in Chill Brands and not telling anyone via TR1? You bet. And I prove it in this podcast. I also suggest what Chill, its shamed advisers Nick Harris of Allenby, and arsehole journalist smearer Henry Harrison-Topham of Buchanan as well as the FCA need to do about this mess.


1098 days ago

More bad money news for sleazy Tim Yeo the disgraced ex Tory MP and Powerhouse chair

The finances of sleazy Tim Yeo are already known to be utterly ropey so how long will it be before he is forced to dump his remaining shares in Powerhouse Energy (PHE) the ramp where he was resigned as chairman this summer after being branded as a liar who breached his fiduciary duty by a High Court judge. It gets worse as you can see in the costs order below.


1105 days ago

SHOCKER: Show me a smug enabler of crime and liar who has just been fined £500,000 and shows no remorse... and won't pay a cent of the fine!

Earlier I wrote up the damning report by the FRC into KPMG and its former partner David Costley Wood. The latter lied about a scheme he had engineered which would have wrecked the finances of good ordinary decent working folks and screwed the taxpayer. He then lied about what he had done and fabricated notes of meetings 13 months after they took place in order to try and leg over the regulator. Had KPMG acted against Costley-Wood when it was alerted rather than only parting company with him a couple of months ago, the disgraced Mr Costley-Wood would have been more than £6 million worse off. And that is one reason why he doesn’t care about a £500,000 fine. As you can see below… Another reason is that he will not pay a cent of that fine….


1110 days ago

Lying bastard Brian McDonnell of US Oil & Gas shown to be a liar again as he fails to hand cash back to investors

It pains me to be harsh on a fellow Irishman and, thus, it is with a heavy heart that I yet again call out little Brian McDonnell of US Oil & Gas for the lying scumbag that he is. But this time the lying POS is holding onto cash that is not his. This lie is his most serious yet. How I wish the little shit would sue me for libel but instead he only picks on poor defenceless posters on long since disappeared Bulletin Boards. Anyhow the boss of US Oil & Gas (USOP), once valued at £300 million but having been booted off 3 markets for, er … lying, is at it again.


1133 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: my next fraud expose will be on AIM

a few more words on Umuthi 9UHS) after today’s bombshell and on where it leaves the FCA. Then I flag up a few personal committments which sees me cooking like a dervish for a few days but then I shall be onto my next fraud expose which is also in Africa but this time with AIM listed companies. Then I look at comedy from ADVFN (AFN) ask a serious question abut Chill Brands (CHLL) and the proven liar John Story and finally discuss Argo Blockchain (ARB)


1175 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - so what is wrong with being a proven liar and a director of an AIM Company?

First up thanks for all the tenners for Ian Westbrook. We still have two days to hit the £20,000 make loathsome Neill Ricketts sweat target and are now on £14,694. We are still talking to two potentially generous donors so please do keep the tenners flowing HERE to stop the Versarien (VRS) penny share huckster winning by default. Then onto lying on AIM and also covering up bad news with late releases. I look at Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Verditek (VDTK), Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Cellular Goods (CBX), Escape Hunt (ESC) and, of course, the fraud Zoetic (ZOE). The stench of chumocracy corruption is tife in the City as liars go unpunished. It is most depressing.


1225 days ago

The chart that shows the madness of Boris as "freedom day" postponed

At first lockdown was to flatten the curve, then it was to save the NHS – the envy of the fucking world. Now it is to achieve what? To try to eradicate what is only the 30th most common cause of death. Let’s go back to the NHS and a killer chart showing bed usage.


1230 days ago

Feck off Plastic Paddy Joe Biden

The President of the United States is one of those tedious Americans who insist that they are Irish because of some distant ancestor.  No Joe, you are a yank and your romanticised and ill-informed views of what many of us call “the old country” wrecked appalling damage  and great bloodshed on the British isles for many years.


1250 days ago

To have your shares booted off not one but three exchanges looks like more than carelessness – it's USOP comedy time again

First, whatever Aquis was called back then booted US Oil & Gas (USOP) off for telling porkies. Then it was the Danish GSX Exchange where this company was once valued at £300 million which booted USOP off for telling porkies. Now we have a hat-trick which is quite some going for wee Brian McDonnell – the liar who runs this fraud which I have documented fully on this website. But this time I think it is Brian who wanted the shares booted off. Let me explain.


1259 days ago

If you need cheering up there is an operations update from the fraudsters, liars and con men at US Oil & Gas – USOP

Booted off what is now Aquis for lying to investors and then suspended on a Danish bourse before it closed, no exchange will now list US Oil & Gas (USOP) but still its laughable boss little Brian McDonnell battles on with ludicrous releases as he tries to part savers from their savings:. “It’s the way I tell em” he smirks but folks who have lost almost everything in a company once ramped up to a £300 million valuation but which is worthless, are not laughing.


1268 days ago

The trials of John Story – is he the forced seller at Asimilar?

The shock suspension of All Active Asset (AAA), the plaything of foul mouthed troll and penny share huckster Chris Akers, was especially painful for one shareholder – the proven liar John Story as he faced big margin calls in the fraud Zoetic (ZOE). How to meet those margin calls? Well I have established that he is on a lock in at Cellular Goods (CBX) with his 15 million shares. Has he stuck to that lock in? Enquiries continue. If he has sold even one share then he needs to issue a TR1 as he is on 3% and that would be a bit embarrassing given the lock in.


1271 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is John Story of Zoetic infamy facing a margin call and cash crisis?

I won’t bother asking poor John but maybe someone with a bit more cash can chip in £313 and get the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks over £15,000 - HERE In today’s podcast I discuss TrakM8 (TRAK)  – as non transparent as ever -  the scandal at All Active Asset Capital (AAA), I exposed HERE, and finally the fraud Zoetic (ZOE), the extent of leverage in its shares and the rumours swirling around concerning its big shareholder, the liar John Story.


1295 days ago

I know he is a proven liar but now even Zoetic seems to say its biggest shareholder may not be telling the truth

I have covered the antics of Mr John Story – the largest shareholder in the Zoetic (ZOE) fraud – before, demonstrating here the lies he has told to investors. But now even Zoetic itself appears to question whether Mr Story can be believed.


1391 days ago

Another day and another ramptastic RNS from Supply@ME Capital – it is all about the liar Zamboni’s option

Remember that bonkers RNS from September 24?  That is why Supply@ME Capital (SYME), and specifically its boss the liar Alessandro Zamboni is pushing out so many ramptastic RNS announcements.


1456 days ago

Randeep Grewal of suspended G3 Exploration again shown to be a proven liar - prepare for wipeout

Randeep Gewal of G3 Exploration (G3E), formerly Green Dragon Gas, being shown as a liar comes as about as much of a surprise to me as the sun coming up in the morning.  An insolvent company run by a liar, what is not to like? You cannot say I have not been warning folks for years ( seven!)


1488 days ago

Letter to FCA: Supply@ME Capital boss Dominic White is a bare faced liar engaging in what are "suspicious share trades"– suspend the shares now

It has been announced today that Supply@ME Capital (SYME) chairman Dominic White has sold c£1.5 million worth of shares at 0.495p. His reason for doing so is a demonstrable lie and as such I have written to the FCA, as regulator of the Standard List, suggesting it suspends the shares to stop more boardroom dumping and charges White with market abuse.


1557 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Near insolvent: Supply@ME Capital lies to investors or hires a liar

Okay, this is not a £226 million investor mislead. But as near insolvent Supply@MECapital (SYME) tries to ramp its shares ahead of some sort of financial bailout I can state categorically that someone is telling a 100% slam dunk outright lie.


1598 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: correction on Skinbiotherapeutics share sale, an SP Angel insider dealing scandal? And is Opti's Steve O'Hara a liar like Bidstack's Draper?

I start with my training walk of yesterday for rogue bloggers for Woodlarks i managed 12.5 laps before the sun got to me. In two weeks I must do 50. My next big walk is Tuesday - we are at 36% of target so please do donate HERE. Next up in hargreaves Lansdown (HL.), why not screw your customers as they seem to like it? Then onto share sales in Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) by Optibiotix (OPTI) and what appears to be a scandal involving broker SP Angel. I shall be going to the FCA tomorrow to ask for an enquiry. Finally is Steve O’Hara a liar like Lyin’ James Draper of Bidstack (BIDS). Drunken Sailor who is suffering a GroupThink induced lockdown dementia thinks so and also that I am a ramper and should tell folks to sell. I discuss Drunken’s concerns in light of a chat with O’Hara and an email from him which I read out.


1640 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: Is Bidstack PLC involved with latest smear campaign against me? I report myself to FCA

I have today reported myself to the FCA, on the basis of a smear campaign initiated by someone who appears to be close to Bidstack PLC (BIDS). I have asked the FCA to investigate in full the, demonstrably untrue accusations made against me, and also the extent, if any, of the involvement of Bidstack and its officers in this poorly constructed hit job.


1648 days ago

Did Bidstack deceive investors – letter to AIM Regulation, statement needed

Bidstack really should be clarifying its financial position. By my calculations it can meet payroll this month but will not be able to pay its bloated wage bill at the end of May. Its financial position is certainly perilous and that means that this company, run by a proven liar, Lyin’ James Draper, needs an urgent bailout placing ASAP. That is one issue it should clarify via RNS. The second is to clarify whether a statement it issued via RNS Reach yesterday was misleading. I believe it was, as explained HERE, and have now written to the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation suggesting that they force a follow up RNS. The letter is below.


1709 days ago

Are you a Bidstack owning moron seeking the company of like minded morons?

Tired of Bulletin Boards where, just now and again, someone dares to point out inconvenient truths like the fact that CEO James Draper is a liar and the fact that the company needs a bailout placing within months? Would you rather discuss with like minded souls whether you will invest your Bidstack (BIDS) derived millions in a fleet of Porsches orf a fleet of Ferraris? Fear not! Here is the answer, a bear free paradise for you and your fellow morons to tell lies to each other and say how wonderful the latest podcast with Justin the Clown Waite was.  Fear not, bears will not be permitted to join and spoil your paradise. Fabbo.Hat tip BC.


1739 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I'm sitting on a dynamite resignation letter + No Gold you are ( as usual) wrong Steve O'Hara is NOT a liar

The resignation letter from a NED at an AIM listed company is a shocker. So far there has been no RNS. If the company does not come clean on what is in the letter I shall publish in full on Monday as it opens up a serioes of cans of worms which raises far bigger scandals I suspect. I discus this at length. I also look at Plutus Powergen (PG), Zinc Media (ZIN) and in great detail Optibiotix (OPTI) where the professional cynics have got it wrong and need to apologise. I have bought more shares on the back of today’s interims and explain why.


1771 days ago

Bidstack finally fesses to dire trading up but this shows CEO James Draper to be a crook as well as a liar, shares worthless

I ramped up the pressure at the weekend and today Bidstack (BIDS) has finally issued a dire lack of sales warning. This admission shows that share selling CEO James Draper is a crook as well as a liar and the next bad news will be a bailout placing. For the morons who own these shares (40p+ just a few month ago and now sub 9p) the pain is far from over.

You will remember that Draper told his first massive lie to investors on August 8 when saying the company would hot half calendar year sales forecasts of £1.75 million knowing full well that it would not – sales for the six months to June 30 came in at just under £27,000.


1800 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition EIGHTEEN with Tom Winnifrith: stick another bird on the board to cover up that fraud

There are no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). It is just me and I start with the tale of Lyin’ Chris Cleverley, the lying fraudster cousin of Tory Party chairman James. Lyin’ Chris runs listed companies and there is no doubt he is a liar and a fraudster so why has the FCA not acted? Then it is onto PureCircle (PURE) a billion dollar fraud, where after six years, myself and Lucian Miers are utterly vindicated. I invite you to read its 2018 annual report and despair at the woke world of best practice in corporate governance. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1806 days ago

BigDish – the Lying CEO “resigned”, wholesale strategy change but it still stinks

Is the, until today, CEO of Big Dish (DISH) Sanj Naha a liar? The articles we have run on this website over the past few months show that statements were issued by RNS in his name, notably on May 30 2019, that were lies. But did he act alone or is the whole board complicit?


1952 days ago

Liar, and alleged fraudster, Patrick Abbott of Versarien - exposed with two new court documents

Last week I revealed that the man who was to take Versarien (VRS) forward in the USA, Patrick Abbott faced two new charges of fraud which could see him going to jail for 20 years and that his lawyer had quit. Abbott, a man whose skills will be “invaluable” to Versarien according to boss Neil Ricketts, responded on twitter saying this was fake news from TW. Oh dear. The indictments are below, Patrick you are a liar.


1974 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Brian McDonnell you poisonous & crooked leprechaun I shall see you and your USOP bitchez in Court!

Firstly, we are now at more than 99% of our Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks target. If you have yet to donate please do so NOW HERE. Next year there are a few changes planned as I discuss. I then discuss my friendship with Richard Poulden and how it affects my writing. Finally Brian McDonnell, the liar and crook who runs the worthless fraud US Oil & Gas (USOP), I am planning a legal and media circus in Dublin to end your career, that of your mentor Liam McGrattan and Niall, Bertie and your other cronies. You want to play ball bitchez?


1989 days ago

Winnileaks Special: explosive Singapore Court Docs - MySquar boss Eric Schaer a liar and guilty of theft and fraud

I demonstrated clearly that AIM listed MySquar (MYSQ) was a fraud, founded and run by a lying fraudster Eric Schaer way before it finally folded. The great and the good at AIM Regulation and Nomad SP Angel did nothing about it despite explicit warnings Self important PR fucktard Piers Pottinger stayed on as chairman, standing by his man and ignoring me. PR spawn of Satan Damian McCrystal banked his cheques and carried on spinning. The fraudsters fave journalist  (and ADVFN blogger of the year) Ben Harrington ran bogus stories in the Sunday Papers to get bailout placings away. No-one cared about the lies Schaer told. You guys are the establishment and it is far simpler to bank fat salaries and dismiss me as failed fund manager, pizza restaurant employee, yak, yak yak. Well gents you, 1% er bastards who are complicit in a transfer of welath from the many (shareholders) to the few (yourselves), please now read the Singapore Court Documents below branding Schaer a liar, a thief and a fraud. Read, weep and apologise to the Sheriff of AIM and to investors who have lost everything. You were all warned. You are complicit.


1993 days ago

Mail on Sunday hack Jamie "limp dick" Nimmo runs 100% untrue story about PCGE

You may remember that Mail on Sunday hack Jamie Nimmo is a liar. Mr Limp Dick claimed to have “revealed” a scoop which in fact I had actually revealed 20 days earlier. Now he is telling porkies with his latest “scoop” on PCGE with the story “City firm quits as adviser to PCG Entertainment over bond probe”. Oh dear Jamie you are a sad man. Why do you have such a problem with the truth?


2002 days ago

Winnileaks Exclusive: Argo Blockchain – do the board believe in the blockchain business or are they spoofing?

Perhaps in 20 days time limp dick sad excuse for a journalist, the liar, Jamie Nimmo of the Mail On Sunday will report on this development at Argo Blockchain (ARB) and tell his dwindling readership that “he can reveal”. I can reveal the board has been given the option of buying the underlying crypto business for just £1.


2011 days ago

Mail on Sunday journalist Jamie Nimmo you are a liar who shames your profession with your 20 day old limp dick "scoop"

I have noted before the way that stars of the deadwood press all too often run material which first appeared on ShareProphets, claiming that it is their scoop. Today’s proven liar who shames our noble profession is Jamie Nimmo of the Mail on Sunday who claims to “reveal” that heroin dealer Frank Timis owns 14% of Argo Blockchain (ARB). You can see hios “scoop” below. There is only one problem with Nimmo’s fantasy of breaking a story….


2093 days ago

Tom Winnifrith and Gary Newman in top four market abusers & liars on AIM - its "official", reported to FCA

Oh well that is settled then. All those frauds we exposed, all those promotes and ramps we revealed, all those RNS lies we showed to be lies, it was all a smokescreen.


2096 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - IQE the profits warning number crunching & denial and blame at Frontera

As I predicted, IQE (IQE) served up another profits warning yesterday. I do a bit of number crunching in this podcast which also looks at the way Frontera (FRR) holders deal with their grief, given the Rolls Royces they were promised by the company's liar of a CEO


2162 days ago

Angus Energy – the liar in the ointment: Jonathan Tidswell-Pretorius

Angus Energy (ANGS) shares may or may not be cheap on fundamentals. That debate is for another day.  But weighing down on this company is one almighty issue of corporate governance: the lies its founder Jonathan Tidswell-Pretorius told about his dealings with loan provider America 2030 in June 2018 and the cover-up that continues to this day.


2206 days ago

Video: Female academic Janice Fiamengo explains Christine Blasey Ford, the author of the Brett Kavanaugh smear and hit job

Thank you to Somerset's most enlightened baker for flagging up this gem. Fiamengo covers the clear wretchedness  and weakness of Blasey Ford's witness statement used by the Democrat swamp dwellers to try to derail the Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination much of which I have covered, notably HERE, but she has more.  More importantly she explains exactly why Ford acted as she did and why, in every way, she benefits so greatly from her lies even after she is exposed as a liar. This video is priceless.


2208 days ago

Is Tesla this decade's Lehman Brothers? Is it already in accounting hell? I vote Yes!

US fund manager David Einhorn is having a fairly dismal 2018 but his long term record is good and his biggest short, Tesla (TSLA) is paying off. In his latest missive to investors he compared pothead liar Elon Musk's fraud to Lehman Brothers. Can you really argue with a word he says?


2212 days ago

Brett Kavanaugh: as accuser Number 3 admits she lied and made it up – Dems try to disbar over 30 year old bar spat

The main accuser of Supreme Court nominee, Christine Blasey Ford, is now shown to have paper thin evidence for her claims that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her 36 years ago.  Witness number two has no evidence at all and not one witness for her lewd claims of party antics and now the third accuser, Julie Swetnick has gone on NBC and admitted that she made up all that she claimed. She is a liar. So what next for the desperate Dems?


2216 days ago

The beginning of the end for pothead liar Elon Musk and Tesla - the SEC Swoops

The Securities and Exchange Commission, the SEC, has announced that it is to sue Elon Musk and Tesla (TSLA) for fraud and wishes to bar the pothead liar Musk from running a public company The news saw the shares tank by $37 to $270 in after hours trading but this is just the beginning of the end for the porky pie merchant and his out of cash and drowning in debt company.


2222 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - how will Elon Musk cook the Q3 Tesla Books?

In this podcast I look at the EU's shameful treatment of the wretched Theresa May, it insults her but also the UK. Do we really want to be part of such a club. I look at warrants handed out by Kefi Minerals (KEFI) as it appointed shamed and disgraced SP Angel as its joint broker and I discuss how proven liar Elon Musk will cook the Tesla (TSLA) Q3 books and how that will play out.


2321 days ago

The unpaid wages of sin…Is Peter Bradley the 18th lawyer Julie Meyer has failed to pay? Here are 17 more

In his time as General Counsel to the Ariadne Group run by Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer , Mr Peter Bradley had occasion to send me three lawyers letters on behalf of his boss who is now being investigated by the FCA, the MFSA, the SFO, Action Fraud, the IRS, HMRC and is wanted on criminal charges by the Maltese Police.  I had thought that Bradley had parted company with the charlatan, liar and fraudster Meyer in April but the Ariadne website, as you can see below, suggests otherwise. 


2477 days ago

In a rare moment of honesty Tim Farron MP admits he is a liar

You have probably forgotten who Tim Farron is but as a reminder he is that annoying little twit who kept on reminding us all how working class (pronounced to rhyme with gas not, as would be more appropriate, arse) he was while leading the Lib Dems to their second worst result in eons. He is still an MP. Do you remember now?


2490 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: News from the boiler room (translated by Tom) - our results are shite and we are going bust!

In today's bearcast I look at results from the walking dead, the boiler room POS Inspirit (INSP), I cover Nighthawk (HAWK), Oracle Power (ORCP), Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG), Mysquar (MYSQ) - with some new matters of concern from out East - and Milestone (MSG) where silence on Larry the liar is just not good enough


2499 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - UKOG serves up more Horse Shit on Horse Hill

I am still in a foul mood. Bah fucking humbug. The season of Goodwill is cancelled. This podcast contains a lot of bad language. I look at blockchain madness: Coinsilium (COIN), On Line (ONL), Vela (VELA) and Longfin (US:LFIN) on Nasdaq. Buy why is Milestone (MSG) missing out?  Well Larry Cummins is a liar and that is just for starters. I look at Fishing Republic (FISH) where a statement is needed and then there is a detailed look at the latest horse served up by Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG) which is a stand out slam dunk sell for reasons I explain in detail.


2506 days ago

BREAKING: GOTCHA! Milestone - we can now say for sure that Larry Cummins lied about getting a BA from Oxford

Larry Cummins of Black Cactus and Milestone (MSG) infamy has in SEC filings and - until yesterday - on LinkedIn and on the Black Cactus website claimed to have a BA from Oxford. We have now double sourced this with the University and can now say it straight: Larry you are a fucking liar.


2506 days ago

Milestone and Black Cactus, curiouser and curiouser

Black Cactus which is run by proven liar Larry Cummins (BA Oxon NOT!!!) is clearly critical to Milestone Group (MSG) which - without BC - is pretty much worthless. We suspect that even with BC Milestone is sunk so let's go to Companies House shall we?


2509 days ago

Lying thieving stockmarket fraudster James Longley forgets Sam Antar's first and second rules of fraud

The great Sam is clear. The job of a fraudster is to steal as much money as possible. So rule one is never do anything which distracts you from theft. Rule two is to ignore your critics completely. Firstly because attacking them breaks rule one, it leaves less time for stealing and secondly because it only goads the critics and gives them the oxygen of publicity. That brings us to James Longley of Plutus Powergen (PPG), Fandango Holdings (FHP), Papillion Holdings (PPHP) and Stranger Holdings (STHP) who is a liar, fraudster and thief.


2514 days ago

Top City PR man Julian Bosdet admits he lied about Police incompetence and was sloshed at the wheel

How do you know when a PR man is lying? When you see his lips move! Ok that is a generalisation but we can now say for sure that top evil spinner Julian Bosdet, of Abchurch, is a fucking liar as well as a disgraced drunk driver.


2524 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The liar behind Whinny-froth Holdings has some questions to answer

WARNING: THis podcast contains some bad language. In terms of the liar, James Longley I am talking about you though I sedem to have mixed you up with your partner in crime Charles Tatnall in the podcast. Though you two have a stable of dogs on the market including Papillion, Starnger and Plutus Powergen it is Fandango Holdings (FHP) about which I have questions today. Then I have a detailed look at the dire results from worthless Mosman Oil & Gas (MSM) before heading onto Indigovision (IND) and WYG (WYG).


2597 days ago

Why are the BBC and The Guardian not all over the Yasmin Seweid story this time?

You may remember that last December, shortly after the US election The mainstream media was filled with reports of hate crimes against immigrants and muslims in particular surging across America. The highest profile victim whose plight the BBC , the Guardian etc reported enthusiastically without verifying was Yasmin Seweid. She was an international cause celebre.


2767 days ago

Yet another Cloudtag Countdown clock - how long till the Fady Lady sings?

If no Nomad is prepared to act for the FRAUD Cloudtag (CTAG) then its shares, now suspended, will be booted off the AIM Casino. No AIM = no death spiral funding so it will - very soon - run out of, other people's cash, and will go bust. But the first step is being booted off AIM. And, inspired by liar Amit Ben Haim, we have a useful countdown clock until that ouzo moment. Enjoy.


2768 days ago

The video that will nail Amit Ben Haim as a 100% liar when the fraud Cloudtag goes Bust

Well fraud fans, the first day of reckoning for the shabby fraud that is Cloudtag (CTAG) looms. If it has no Nomad in place by Monday night next week then its shares will be booted off AIM. Unable then to raise even death spiral funding and with no sales it will go bust pretty quickly. If it was not already close to going tits up it would not have attempted that last gasp discount placing with broker Novum. So, as no Nomad will sign up to act for an obvious fraud the Fat Lady is waiting in the wings. When this does go bust the video below, recorded with morally bankrupt rampers for hire Proactive, should be examined very closely by the Serious Fraud Office as it is damning..


2841 days ago

City Grandee Bob Morton gets most serious "cold shoulder" sanction in history of Takeover Panel - branded a liar

In a ruling handed out on December 21 but published today the Takeover Panel has handed out the most severe sentence in its history to City grandee and veteran financier Bob Morton and also branded him a liar for the way he tried to cover up his actions.


2954 days ago

BBC why can't it tell the truth about either Syria or what is breaking news - Evan Davis you are a liar

A couple of days ago it was Emily Maitlis and Laura Kuenssberg at the BBC caught claiming that news was breaking and that they had scoops when in fact they were hours off the pace on Hinkley Point. On Monday night, as he presented Newsnight, it was Evan Davis who was caught telling what was quite simply a blatant lie. Why on earth is the taxpayer paying £500,000 plus for a man who tells lies? The lie was on Syria and compounded an earlier gross deception by Fiona Bruce (another utterly unjustified half a million) on the 10 O'Clock News. Let's start with little Evan...


3025 days ago

Lying Leadsom walks, the Establishment loves May and the nation gets crosser

Andrea Leadsom was not my favoured candidate to be PM for a variety of reasons. In short she was a liar and socially illiberal and so I wanted her to lose even though Theresa May is, herself, a ghastly piece of work. I guess she now walks into Downing Street. Leadsom has, this morning, after apologising for making vile remarks that 48 hours ago she was smearing jounalists by claiming she had not made, pulled out of the race, May is crowned not elected.


3027 days ago

Andrea Leadsom's real problem is that she is a liar, her trump card is how vile are those who hate her

I picked up yesterday on the fact that Andrea Leadsom views gay folks as different to straight folks in terms of their rights to suffer the miserty of marriage. So she is a social conservative which will chime with many Tory party members and I've no problem with her coming out in this respect. These days, some leading Tory seems to come out as something or other about once a week. What is nauseating about Leadsom is that she lies about this issue. She says she believes in equality and then smailes inanely. Yet her stated views make it clear that she does not believe in equality. In the world of Leadsom it is one rule for the shirt lifters and one rule for the rest of us. Time to smile inanely again Andrea.

My biggest problem with Leadsom is thus not that she is a bigot, although


3036 days ago

An American asks an agony aunt for advice

The following explains itself. Dear Dorothy,
My husband is a liar and a cheat.  He has cheated on me from the beginning and when I confront him, he denies everything.   What's worse, everyone knows he cheats on me. It's so humiliating.


3046 days ago

The Best of the Baroness Warsi twitter ridicule as this repellent liar craves publicity again on Brexit

Baroness Warsi is an unelected Tory politician with a track record of dodgy business dealings who says the most appalling things to gain publicity. Today she has announced that she is leaving the "Leave" campaign on Brexit and joining "Remain" because of all the racism, xenophobia and bigotry of folks like Priti Patel and Gisela Stuart. The BBC laps it up as a major blow for Brexit. The only problem is that the silly cow Warsi never actually joined the Leave campaign.


3086 days ago

David Cameron, the Heir to Blair - today's Brexit lie about World war three is just fantasty lying

I cannot remember when I first described David Cameron as the heir to Blair. I think it was in 2012 but it may have been at the time of the funeral of Lady Thatcher, whose shoes Dodgy Dave is not fit to lick. Today's comments on Brexit are fantasy lying league stuff which is right up their with with the war criminal Blair's comments on Weapons of Mass Destruction.


3095 days ago

From lies to smears, David Lenigas is a disgrace - new tweet, what a tool

Earlier this week I ran an article which David Lenigas responded to by accusing me of getting my facts wrong and thus been a pathetic sad person and poor journalist. It is at least better than tweeting about my mother's suicide 40 years ago. I demonstrated HERE that Lenigas was 100% wrong, my facts were 100% right and that he was a smearing, liar, happy once again to mislead his investors. Tomorrow at UK Investor Show I shall demonstrate he is much much worse. Lenigas has responded to his impending downfall with a  new tweet. 


3103 days ago

African Potash, No No No you are lying bastards

I do not use the world liar lightly but today's statement from African Potash (AFPO) shows that the company are lying bastards and anyone holding the shares is quite simply delusional. How has the Nomad signed off on blatant lies? Why has it not quit? Is it acceptable to tell outright lies on AIM these days?


3147 days ago

Shocker: War Criminal Tony Blair tells the truth about the EU as he argues against Brexit

The old war criminal Blair has again spoken out in the EU Referendum debate and although phoney Tony has lied about so many things for so many years, for once -as he argues that we should stay in - he tells the truth.

Blair's candid admission is that he seems to acknowledge thart his support for the "in" campaign may not actually win it any votes and indeed might actually assist those pushing for Brexit. The old liar stated: "I don’t know whether its the right time for me on the campaign trail. That carries with it negatives as well as positives"

Indeed it does. Mr Blair is a proven liar who will also formally be shown to be a war criminal when his attempts to delay publication of the Chilcott enquiry into the illegal Iraq War are finally overcome. Blair has amassed a vast fortune advising despots, dictators and human rights abusers around the world. And even if he did not shag Wendy,


3149 days ago

Andrew Bell denies Horse Hill is a rampfest - I disagree

Earlier today I accused the Horse Shite companies led by UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) , run by proven liar Steve Sanderson, of ramping the "Gatwick Gusher" with misleading statements. Mr Andrew Bell of Regency Mines (RGM) denies this and has posted a few words in our comments section. I disagree with Mr Bell's spin but in the interests of balance here is Andrew talking his own book, oops I meant offering a considered response.


3152 days ago

Horse Hill time for UK Oil & Gas & others to come clean on the chemical highs as locals speak out

The companies drilling Horse Hill, the so called Gatwick Gusher, have claimed that the oil that has flowed has flowed with minimal stimulation. But perhaps Steve Sanderson of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) - a proven liar - might clarify what minimal means given evidence emerging from local residents.


3157 days ago

David Lenigas Blatant Twitter lies of the day Number 1 - LGO Energy

You see a share price falling despite your ramping what do you do if you are Jabba The Hutt, David Lenigas, the unnacceptable face of capitalism? You open up your laptop on your 100 foot yacht in the Monaco tax haven and tweet out some lies. David Lenigas you are a liar. I invite you to sue me for libel for calling you a liar. You will not becuase here is (more) slam dunk proof that you are a liar. Here are some lies you told about LGO Energy (LGO) - target price 0p - with the past 24 hours. 


3158 days ago

Tom Winnifrith leap year Bearcast: the spectre of mass unemployment & a POS who deserves it, the liar Lenigas

Warning: The podcast contains both bad language and also a lot of abuse directed at Australians.I start with the guys who run Slater & Gordon and accept that they can't be thrown to saltwater crocs who have not eaten since Christmas. shame. Its all down to geography. I then move onto the liar David Lenigas, Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and LGO Energy (LGO). Then to Bingo Bango Bongo (BGO) WTF is going on? Petroceltic (PCI) - the new Afren in every respect - and then to 4D Pharma (DDDD), Finally I dwell on the spectre of mass unemployment in certain sectors in China, the UK and the USA and what it means.

PS If you are a Slater & Gordon ambulance chasing lawyer now facing a P45 I have no sympathy - I look at the compensation you got for your clients - notably Savile victims - and how it related to your obscene fees, the costs to society of your activities and thus wish you a long stint on the dole.


3158 days ago

The Unnacceptable face of Capitalism that is David Lenigas misleading investors again

On 19 November 2015 shares in Rare Earth Minerals were 0.8p and I warned that they were overvalued and that a placing was 100% inevitable - HERE. David Lenigas took to twitter and explicitly accused me of lying/being a troll/making it all up. Today the shares stand at 0.57p after a placing today at just 0.55p. So who is the liar now?


3164 days ago

Afriag - you have until 4.30 today to SELL or you are stuck in the lobster pot - the MMs are your guide

Shameless liar, share ramper and owner of a 100 foot yacht in the Monaco tax haven where he lives, David Lenigas has persistently spun the canard that ISDX is a more liquid market than AIM. We all know this is a lie. Investors in Lenigas Cuba know this is a lie. And tomorrow when Afriag (AFRI) leaves the AIM Casino and trades only on ISDX, its victims ( oops I meant shareholders) will discover that Lenigas is lying. Folks - you have just a few hours to sell - look at the spread!


3166 days ago

Market Abuser Chris Oil flees country to escape a beating from Tom Winnifrith

It seems that Chris Oil is not only a market abuser, a liar, a fantasist and a criminal but he is also a two faced hyprocritical coward, now fleeing the country rather than face an older, unfit man in the boxing match Oil (a self proclaimed boxing champion) had challenged that older man to.


3198 days ago

Mkango Resources - where is that "early January" listing Chris Oil?

You may remember the strange tale of TSX listed Mkango Resources, a company in which market abuser, liar and criminal Chris Oil invested £100,000 in the late summer ahead of an AIM Listing on December 2nd. Of course, what Nomad SP Angel and Mr Oil failed to realise is that Mkango is, as we speak, insolvent, I guess the self-styled Britain's Buffet (sic) is just too clever to do any basic balance sheet analysis. So where are we now Mr Oil?


3207 days ago

Market abuser, liar and criminal Chris Oil - I make that more than £1 million spunked in 6 months

The man who claims to make 1000% per trade and to be Britain's Buffett seems to be off his winning streak. By my sums, NOT the sage of Malvern has clocked up a paper loss of more than a million quid since July. Good going pal. And by the way how is your call to boycott UK Investor going you little twerp? As badly as your investments methinks.


3215 days ago

Reader Poll - who was the biggest stockmarket villain of 2015?

We have featured a range of total wrong'uns on these pages during 2015 but who do you think was the biggest stockmarket villain of the year?  Rob Terry for the Quindell fraud but also for his Knob Park antics at Imaginatik and Daniel Cesspit or was he the 2014 villain? David Lenigas for the fiasco at Lenigas Cuba and the disgraceful antics of Afriag as well as the Horse Hill fiasco? Peter Landau for finally getting his comeuppance? Criminal and liar Chris Oil who surely gets his collar felt in 2016? Naibu's Houyan Lin? What about Costis from Globo? The AIM Casino short list is in fact a depressingly long list but you can vote from the dirty dozen I have shortlisted below. Deadline midnight 3rd January.


3220 days ago

Liar and criminal Chris Oil calls for boycott of UK Investor Show says TW to go bankrupt - book a free seat today

The insider dealer, market abuser, liar and fantastist Chris Oil does not appear to have enjoyed folks reading my three part Christmas Carol series HERE (1), Here (2) and HERE (finale) - we ask that you share the links with anyone you know, use the tweet button to tweet them to the world and post links on any Bulletin Boards of stocks where the little twerp is involved. Chris really does not want you sharing these articles so you know what to do...

Mr Oil went further with a series of tweets about UK Investor Show on April 20 2016 which were, to say the least, completely untrue:


3220 days ago

The 10 millionth page view on ShareProphets, ETA Jan 2 - so much for the boycotts

It is not only the petty criminal and liar Chris Oil who urges folks to boycott products associated with me. You may remember that his bestest friend Daniel urged his legions of followers to boycott this website. In that vein...


3237 days ago

Drug addled Tom Winnifrith is losing twitter followers says the LIAR David Lenigas

I do not follow the twitter diarrhoea of Jabba The Hutt, partly because the fat Aussie share ramper blocked me and partly because his share ramping is just so tedious. But a kind reader alerts me to two tweets today which suggest that David Lenigas is quite simply cracking up.


3342 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 29 August - so bloody angry with ShoreCap and the Directors of Hotel Corp who are liars

At no-one is watching a clock yesterday AIM listed Hotel Corp (HCP) directors published a document seeking to thwart boardroom change at this disaster story and save their grubby tax free pay packets. Sadly for them I have obtained a series of emails which show that the document contained a series of lies. Worse still I have obtained accounts showing how 22% shareholder and ex Nomad to Hotel Corp, Shore Capital has coined it in from this vehicle, making millions, as shareholders have lost everything. The directors and Shore Cap oppose Yeoman and wish to pursue another venture similar to the last one which cost shareholders everything but made Shore millions ( and paid the useless board too much for doing sweet FA). I expose the lot of them and am furious.

This podcast contains bad language as I am livid - this story shows everything which is wrong about crony capitalism in the City and on the AIM Casino. I also accuse Messrs Short and Craine of lying to their investors and invite them to sue me for libel as I have the documents which show that my claims are 100% verifiable. See you in court bitchez!

Any shareholder in Hotel Corp should at once contact Yeoman to pledge support at the forthcoming EGM - this will be a proxy fight and everyone should back Yeoman against the lying crony capitalist Derek Short. Please contact Yeoman today on [email protected]  


3376 days ago

David Lenigas calls me a liar ...a riposte from Tom Winnifrith

Not a lot can now get me to take out time from my sabbatical. After a couple of days with my father this week I have been inspired to write the first (short) chapter of the novel which is now with my friend Gary for review. However, David “when I said 3g seismic I meant 2g” Lenigas tweeting that I am a liar and should “get a life” drives me to respond.


3443 days ago

Lombard Risk - now run by a prize shit and a liar after boardroom coup - sell

Lombard Risk Management (LRM) has announced that “John Wisbey has informed the board of his intention to stand down as Chief Executive and director of the company with immediate effect in order to pursue other opportunities”. We understand differently.

It seems very odd that the company’s founder who has worked for it for 25 years would suddenly decide to quit immediately “to pursue other opportunities” - and believe this not to be the case. In fact we know that it is not the case. This was a boardroom coup led by Chairman Philip Crawford who  has gained power as now full-time Executive Chairman, apparently “on an interim basis until such time that the board is in a position to appoint a new Chief Executive”.  Crawford is a scumbag and this RNS is quite simply a lie.


3542 days ago

The US Oil & Gas fraud – GXG markets shows up AIM for the casino it really is

We have many, many times accused Bulletin Board darling US Oil & Gas (USOP) of being a total fraud run by a serial liar Brian McDonnell. Wee Brian has huffed and puffed in private to deluded shareholders about taking legal action against me but he has not done so because he is a proven liar and his company is a proven fraud and the little shit knows it. The latest news from the GXG market where USOP shares remain suspended really shows what a casino AIM has become.

GXG, to its credit has today ordered a full independent due diligence report on this POS fraud checking whether any of its claims made are actually true. You can see its release HERE.

When that report comes in GXG will decide whether US Oil & Gas is to retain a listing or not. It is a racing cert that it will not because this is a fraud 


3561 days ago

Naibu, China Chaintek, Camkids, Pinsent Masons and Crowe Clark Whitehill & an open letter to Ray Zimmerman of ZAI

Shares in the fraud Naibu (NBU) were finally suspended on the AIM casino on 9 January 2015 after the NEDS woke up and requested clarification of the financial position of a company claiming to be cash generative and drowning in cash. How long does it take to check this out? What next?

Having shown conclusively that Naibu CEO Houyan Lin had form as a felon HERE I am in little doubt as to the outcome. But what is taking Naibu so long? A letter to its Nomad, big Ray Zimmerman of ZAI Corporate Finance, follows. When Naibu ‘fesses up the questions start for Camkids (CAMK) and China Chaintek (CTEK).


3621 days ago

Quindell shares crash as the truth starts to emerge - BearCast Special with Tom Winnifrith

As you might imagine I am on a bit of a high. The writers on this website have done a sterling job in starting to drag the truth out of Quenron (QPP) and the liar and fraudster Rob Terry and his half witted Nomads at Cenkos. Today's statement is a disaster for Quindell and its shares have tanked. But as I explain in this podcast we still only have half the truth about Terry and his share dumping. Worse is to come. 


3652 days ago

Quindell’s Rob Terry tells a £140 million Lie to Shares Magazine – Mobile Doctors Red Flag Strewn Annual Report Out

Rob Terry of Quenron (QPP) is today once again exposed as a liar of monumental proportions. Even the money-grabbing leeches round at Nomad Cenkos should by now be considering their position as I expose today’s £140 million lie told by Mr 2+2 can = 5.

Shares Magazine promised its readers a hard hitting interview. Bollocks! This is a blow job on paper. No questions about TMC, Himex and the accounting fraud. None about the RNS lies. This is cock-sucking journalism, an embarrassment to our trade.  But the gem is a lie that Mr Terry tells unchallenged about his cash position. Let me quote from Shares magazine: 


3672 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: The Comeback Kid of the Decade – liar and crook Jim Ellerton to be the next Chairman of Sefton Resources?

You could not make this up. Disgraced liar and crook Jim Ellerton may well be reinstated as the next Chairman of Sefton Resources (SER) in January. This take from the AIM Cesspit gets worse and worse.


3684 days ago

US Oil & Gas – More Lies: Target Price 0p

As I have demonstrated on a number of occasions US Oil & Gas (USOP) lies to the sad band of financial masochists on its shareholder list on a serial basis and its CEO young Brian McDonnell is a liar. In that vein I bring you its latest release from Friday which is par for the course. i.e total bollocks.


3700 days ago

US Oil & Gas – Last trade was at 34p – get out now while you can – target 0p.

Last time I warned about the GXG listed POS that is US Oil & Gas (USOP) was on July 28 HERE when the market cap was £20 million. Based on the last trade at 34p it is now £13.98 million. It is overvalued by £13.98 million sell while you can. My target price remains 0p

GXG is a matched bargain platform so the next person to sell will get only 31p, then the one after that is into the twenties. If you wait you will be getting virtually nothing for these worthless shares.  Why are they worth nothing?

A. CEO Brian McDonnell is a liar and a fraud and should go to prison. I invite him to sue me for libel as 


3739 days ago

Brian McDonnell of US Oil & Gas you are a liar and a fraud and should go to prison

Telling investors something that is untrue in an approved announcement (an RNS) as you endeavour to issue shares to raise extra cash is not good. Not only is it a lie but it is an attempt at fraud since you are raising money on the basis of a lie. I hereby accuse Brian McDonnell of US Oil & Gas (USOP) of being a liar and a fraud.  He should go to prison. And if it does not resign first thing on Monday its advisers Alexander David Securities is a willing party to that fraud. It should quit at once. Brian can sue me for libel if he wishes but this is a slam dunk. The little crook is exposed.

On 23rd May 2014 in an RNS little Brian stated:


3761 days ago

Ex Sefton boss Jim Ellerton is a liar and conman without shame – he should be in prison, instead he is trying to screw Sefton again

Results yesterday from Sefton Resources (SER) were predictably dreadful. The silver lining shareholders had hoped for was that after December 31st 2013 ex-boss Jim Ellerton would no longer be a drain on this AIM Cesspit posterboy. However, it seems not. Jim is still trying to relieve Sefton of any cash it might have. The man has no shame. I call on the current board to take steps towards trying to ensure that Ellerton goes to prison where he belongs.

As a reminder: Ellerton was forced to leave the Sefton board by the toothless AIM Regulation team which deemed him not to be a fit and proper person to sit on an AIM board and boy there is a low threshold there.

That came after I revealed that Ellerton was either a perjurer or had been using company funds for his own purposes or both – see HERE.

The AIM team should have booted him out well before for lying about output numbers and many other matters over many years and then raising money on the back of those lies. Ellerton was a conman and a liar and should have gone to prison.

Of course Ellerton compounded his woes by using vast amounts of shareholders cash to sue me and Brokerman Dan for libel last year for calling him a liar and a conman. And we all know how that turned out don’t we. Smiley face. Smiley face. Smiley face.

And so as at December 31st the grossly overpaid old liar left Sefton under an agreed compromise settlement agreement.  But it appears that the old rogue has not gone back to his luxury Hawaii mansion to spend more time with his foxy wife Carol. Sefton is essentially bust but Ellerton wants more 


3905 days ago

Feonic – lying to its shareholders and now leaving ISDX and screwing its shareholders (again) big time

From the AIM Cesspit to the ISDX (formerly Plus) mini Cesspit and to Feonic (FEO) which has today announced that it is withdrawing from ISDX subject to AGM approval because the cost is not worth it. Henceforth shares will be traded on a matched bargain basis only and investors will get far less company information. Hmmm ...this is shocking and I flag it partly as I have “history” with this company and becuase I want to accuse Feonic boss Brenda Hopkins of telling lies..

I think it was more than a decade ago that this producer of “whispering windows” and I first crossed swords. It had put out a release which was to put it bluntly just plain misleading. A talented young writer whom I then worked with – and who is now setting the world of Google on fire – produced a superb piece flagging this up.

A shareholder passed this on to Feonic’s boss then and now, Brenda Hopkins who commented by email ”She is a journalist so she is allowed to make things up”. Needless to say we got a grovelling apology from Brenda for that one.

Wind forward more than a decade and so many issues of equity that I lost count at 16 since the start of 2008 and investors are still getting legged over.


4042 days ago

An email just received - can it really be from Jim Ellerton?

This email arrived this afternoon. Can it really be from disgraced ex Sefton boss, the liar and crook JOim Ellerton? The way Sefton emails appear everywhere you just don't know.

From: [email protected]

Date: 28 September 2013 09:47:57 BST
To: [email protected]
Subject: Email from website
Reply-To: [email protected]

Form details below.

Name: Jim Ellerton
Number of people: four directors
Email: [email protected]
Comments: Can we have your old chip fat/oil to mix in with our Tapia oil?



Heck, I am always keen to help Sefton boost its production numbers but we don't serve chips at Clerkenwell's finest quirkiest Celtic Italian restaurant, The Real Man Pizza Company


4065 days ago

Sefton – The Ceasefire is Off: Sniper back at Work

The only witness Sefton Resources (SER) stated to the Court that it would call in its libel case was Jim Ellerton who is now exposed as a liar and a crook and who was forced to leave the Sefton board in disgrace on the advice of Nomad Allenby and Company lawyer Pinsent Masons.

That same firm of lawyers has today written to me declining my offer to settle (with it paying my costs and damages in shares) but saying it would talk to me if I agreed not to write about it for 30 days. It insists that it is quite prepared to plough on with what anyone with half a brain cell can see is an unwinnable case given the Ellerton issue and the fact that everything I have written about Sefton is verifiably true.

I have no intention of being gagged for 30 days. So I have told Pinsents to fuck off. The sniper is back on duty. Pursuing this unwinnable case will bankrupt Sefton. Shareholders need to be very much aware of that but frankly that is not my concern.

I guess we now must start looking at the Non-Executive Directors in detail as well as again ploughing through the old annual reports. Comrade Levi is – I gather minded – to take a similar approach.


4070 days ago

Sefton's Jim Ellerton - still lying

Disgraced Sefton (SER) ex-boss Jim Ellerton is still lying. Even though for him the game is up. It gets to the stage where if Jim said that 2 + 2 = 4 or that the Pope is a Catholic I would assume that somehow 2+2 was 5 or 3 or any number other than 4 and that his holiness was now a nice Jewish boy. Jim: what are you on? Acid?


4072 days ago

Sefton – where’s the update: just get on with it and sack liar and criminal Ellerton & another lie exposed

At 7 AM a week ago liar and crook Jim Ellerton stepped down from the board of Sefton following the publication by me of documents showing that he was a liar and criminal. This was meant to be temporary pending a full investigation which we were told would mean that we would get an update “within one week”.Well guess frigging what?


4075 days ago

Sefton Resources 2005 Annual Report Note 8

The more you dig the more you find with Sefton (SER). As such here are a couple of other items for Pinsents, Dr Ali, the NEDs and the Spiders from Mars to add to the internal investigation into liar and crook Jim Ellerton. And for the IRS to look into.  I take you back to the 2005 Annual Report.


4075 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Monday - Sefton's Ellerton going to prison issue

Apologies for the delay. Well there is a lot happening right now. Following the highly successful interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt and Libya it seems as if we are about to intervene in Syria as well. Will we ever learn?  Away from the folly of our leaders my mind this week centred on victory in my battle with AIM POS Sefton Resources and its liar and crook chairman Jim Ellerton. Bully boy lawyers Pinsent Masons has yet to throw in the towel officially (heck why not rack up some more fees while you can?) but it is only a matter of time.

If you missed the victory at Pinsents Video please watch and pass the link onto everyone you know. I gather the bully boys are hating all this bad PR. Given its role in the Sefton dirty tricks campaign against me Pinsents deserves all the shit it gets. So please watch the video and pass on the link to EVERYONE YOU KNOW - it is  HERE
This week’s picture  is below. Please post your captions in the comments box below.


For what it is worth my entry is


4076 days ago

Sefton – Dan Levi’s smoking bazooka – Sefton says added to the enquiry – where will Ellerton serve time?

The Pinsents Masons enquiry into Jim Ellerton just got a bit longer thanks to Dan Levi’s smoking bazooka revelation of yesterday which means that without ambiguity one can say that Jim Ellerton is a liar and a criminal. The only question is what sort of criminal? I discuss below where Jim will be prosecuted and for what and what this means for Sefton and me.


4077 days ago

Having fun with @PinsentMasons on twitter - a game all can play

City law firm Pinsent Masons played its part in the Sefton dirty tricks campaign against Dan Levi and me with its infamous letter to the FSA trying to stop me writing about shares. To protect its bent client it tried (and failed) to deprive me of a living. And it then (at great expense to Sefton shareholders) tried to bully me in the libel courts. As such you might understand why I am not its greatest fan.

Pinsents tried to destroy me on its chosen playing field (the law). It failed. Now the rematch is set to take place on my chosen playing field – the internet and new media.

Pinsents disgraceful behaviour is now all over the internet. Those responsible for its new media promotion cannot be enjoying what they read. Its role in the Sefton scandal is now laid bare and my triumphant visit to its luxurious office with a glass of champagne is now a well watched video. The Times newspaper mentioned it in full and Pinsents must be squirming.

In case you missed it or ( better still) wish to pass on the link to everyone you know it is here

But still the fuckers will not withdraw their law suit (which they admit is in tatters). Still there is no apology. I am not asking senior partner Chris Mullen (hey Chris you now feature in google searches alongside a pic of a scantily clad Cheryl Cole which is not pornography and the word fraudster thanks to liar and fraudster Jim Ellerton) to come and grovel personally. But Chris, you could send along a few of the other partners to buy me a slap up dinner at RMPC or just write a public letter of apology.

Oh shite, Chris now appears on google searches next to the word pornography. Welcome Pinsent Masons to my chosen battleground of new media.

Meanwhile I know Pinsent Masons has spent a great deal of effort building up its twitter presence so if you are bored just head off to @pinsentmasons find any one of its worthy tweets and draft a suitable reply.  As an example earlier today I found a tweet from PM

Financial firms to set targets for female board members - Linda Jones of @PinsentMasons talks to @BBCNews  #ukemplaw

So naturally I replied (including both @pinsentmasons and @bbcnews)

@PinsentMasons @BBCNews how about as a priority ensuring boards do not have contain crooks like Pinsents star client Sefton @TomWinnifrith

If you having nothing else better to do this weekend, feel free to go and tweet a reply to one of the numerous dreary tweets sent out by Pinsents and bring some life to its twitter feed. I am sure that they will appreciate the gesture.


4274 days ago

The hypocrisy of MP faux outrage over liar and criminal Chris Huhne and money

More details emerge about liar, criminal and ex MP Chris Huhne every day which are guaranteed to nauseate. The windfarm and global warming nutter made his ex wife have an abortion for the sake of his career (she says) and there was a mistress prior to the lesbian he hooked up with before ditching the ex Mrs Huhne. This is all pretty unpleasant but is a private matter. What matters is the money.

Multi millionaire Huhne always played the expenses game aggressively – claiming for the cost of a Trouser Press amongst other things. And days before quitting as an MP – when he knew that the game was almost up – he happily claimed for an Ipad (at £700) and stiffed the taxpayer with an expenses claim. Various of his smug colleagues demand he repay that sum to deflect from the real question: why the hell does an MP need an Ipad anyway and why the hell should the taxpayer pay for it?

How many other sleazy MPs have bought an Ipad and put it on expenses?

The real kick in the groin for the taxpayer is that Huhne will get a £70,000 payoff for standing down as an MP.


4278 days ago

Celebrate Chris Huhne MP Liar and Criminal Day with new T-shirt, mug and hoodie

To celebrate the news that Lib Dem MP and windfarm and all round global warming nutter Chris Huhne is now officially a liar and a criminal we offer you the chance to treasure this moment with a new line of T-Shirts, mugs and hoodies available for immediate delivery in a range of colours.

All are available exclusively from our online store allowing you to celebrate the demise of this EU loving, global warming freak and liar and criminal.

You can place your orders for all these items here.


4478 days ago

UK Government Spending “cuts” – Call Me Dave tells outright lies yet Again

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Telegraph, our beloved leader, the Right Honourable David Cameron MP, says that he is prepared to extend public spending cuts until 2020 in order to “deal with our deficits” because he is a responsible politician. No Dave you are a complete bare faced liar. To quote:

Asked whether the austerity programme would now last a decade until 2020, the Prime Minister replies: “I think it’s going to be…this is a period for all countries, not just in Europe but I think you will see it in America too, where we have to deal with our deficits and we have to have sustainable debts. I can’t see any time soon when…the pressure will be off.

“I don’t see a time when difficult spending choices are going to go away.”

Er… yes. I now attach a table from the website
