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Twitter PR Disaster for EU President Herman Van Rompuy - #AskThePresident

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 21 October 2013

Why do these fools set themselves up for humiliation? Well if you are President of the Evil Empire you are used to it. And so this afternoon Herman Van Rompuy (@auHvR) tweeted:  Welcome all to this live Twitter Q&A on innovation. I may not answer all Qs, but will try to answer as many as possible #Askthepresident – if he was expecting not to get any questions he was in for a shock. Tosser! You deserve it. Here is the best of #Askthepresident

The day the Evil Empire met British twitter users at their best and was trashed:

A Libertarian Rebel ‏@A_Liberty_Rebel5m

Why is it that the EU is the trading bloc where economic growth is most sluggish, with a declining share of world trade? #AskthePresident

David Vance ‏@DVATW7m

#Askthepresident Do you think people lack trust in the EU because it is a toxic corruptocrats paradise presided by goons like yourself?

Prime Minister Toy ® ‏@WelshToy15s

#Askthepresident Do you have any idea when the eu will be able to present their audited accounts?

Prime Minister Toy ® ‏@WelshToy1m

#Askthepresident You are aware that no one actually likes you, yes?

Mitch OBE ‏@pmitch698m

How many votes did you win by ? Who came second #askthepresident

Mark Wallace ‏@wallaceme15m

.@euHvR Are you going to answer any questions about EU waste and lack of democracy, or just those you find comfortable? #AskthePresident

Pyro Lord of Flames ‏@PYROLordofFIRE32m

#Askthepresident So when are you holding presidential elections? Oh wait

Happy to Be Tommy ‏@HappytobeTommy36m

#Askthepresident how does it feel to have control in more european countries than Hitler managed even though Hitler was elected?

margie b ‏@margielondon44m

#Askthepresident What have you bought Nigel Farage for Christmas? #UKIP

Michael Archer ‏@mikearcher871m

@euHvR As you're not elected, how much does your unaccountable office charge the taxpayer for your existence? #Askthepresident


Due you think we in the UK should swear allegiance to the Queen or have you taken her place?

do you believe in the concept of a Nation State or is that concept only for swivel eyed loons?



Grumpy Twat! ‏@Tikititime4m

#Askthepresident What's your favorite cheese? Oh yeah, and who the fuck voted you in ya cunt? But mostly, what's your favorite cheese?

Jock Bastard ‏@Jock_Bastard5m

#AskThePresident My banana looks a bit too bent. Is it safe to eat?


Simon Barnes ‏@arnoldbennet8m

@euHvR #Askthepresident Does the EU have a future and are you bothered?

Lord Old Holborn ‏@OHwinsAgain37m

#AskthePresident Greece just called you a poof and wants to see you in the car park. Well?

Ian Baxter ‏@IanBaxter667m

Which of your advisers thought this was a good idea? Are you now really cross with them? #AskthePresident


For what it is worth my own effort has yet to get a reply:

Tom Winnifrith ‏@TomWinnifrith

#AskthePresident - with youth unemployment at 60%+ please explain why Spain & Greece have gained from joining the Euro?



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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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