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Michael Heseltine is still alive? Remind us what he said about the Euro as Tarzan bashes Boris

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 18 May 2016

I had rather forgotten about Michael Heseltine, the man who stabbed Lady Thatcher in the back, but apparently the old egomaniac is still alive and today weighed into the Brexit debate saying that Boris Johnson was a reckless man and that we should all vote to stay in.

Before anyone takes the old fool too seriously on the EU you might ask where we stood in the last great debate on matters European: The Euro? Not only did the old twit want us to join the single currency when it was set up but he still does even though it has proved to be an unmitigated disaster. As recently as April 27 this year, yes 2016, he gave a speech predicting that we still will join the Euro.

At least some of those who advocated joining the Euro at the beginning have, like the late Euro loon Charles Kennedy, admitted that they got it wrong. Heseltine still thinks he was right and is right.

Writing this evening from Greece where, thanks to the Euro, youth unemployment is 65% and where pensioners now have to survive on £9 a day as the economy continues to shrink, I can tell Lord Heseltine that he was wrong and is still wrong about the Euro. And that makes his views on Brexit pretty much worthless.

Naturally the EU cheerleaders at the biased BBC are happily reporting how the Tory grandee is slamming Boris and backing the "in" campaign but neglecting to mention Hezza's decade and a half of unrepentently calling the major European issues 100% wrongly. That is sadly not a surprise.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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