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Lisa Duffy of UKIP and her Burka Ban - what a horrible woman she is

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 10 August 2016

A beached whale lookalike called Lisa Duffy is, apparently, a front runner to be the next leader of UKIP and seems determined to make her party truly the nastiest gang in town. The other day she wanted to ban state funded Muslim schools. Now she wants to ban wearing the burka in public places.

Her rationale is that this is to stop crime and make us all safer. She is a stupid woman seeking out stupid supporters. How many ordinary ( ie non terrorist) crimes are committed by folks wearing a burka? Answer none. Is there a proposal to ban any other form of headgear that might assist crime like a really big hoodie? No. This is not about the head-gear but about who normally wears it.

Of course the beached whale does not mean "ordinary decent criminals," as such folks used to be termed in Northern Ireland, she is scaremongering about terrorists. Of course what Islamosfacist killers want to do is to blend in as they attempt a crime. That means not wearing clothes that say "look I am a radical Moslem". And these terrorists do not seek to hide their identity , they want to be known as martyrs.

The proposal of Ms Duffy will not make the folks of Britain one iota more secure. In fact by demonising one religion it will alienate even more of its followers. But Ms Duffy does not care about that, her goal is to become the next leader of UKIP and she will say anything she wants to achieve that.

One can only hope that UKIP rejects this stupid and divisive creature decisively.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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