
604 days ago

Fewer than half of Brits are Christians census fury but atheists, like Cambridge bisexuals, see the light in the end

There is much wailing as the results of the 2021 Census are published and so that for the first time in almost two thousand years the majority of folks in England and Wales do not identify as Christian. Well sort of, many of the supposed godless are just like Cambridge University bisexuals. They will see the light sooner or later. Let me explain on this day before Advent.


1132 days ago

Owen Jones & The Guardian cannot bring themselves to mention one elephant in the victimhood room in Batley & Spen

Guardian columnist Owen Jones has written a detailed piece on why Labour may lose the Batley & Spen by-election. Not only is its white working-class vote deserting it but so too, it seems, are the Muslims. Around 86% of Britain’s 3 million Muslims voted Labour in 2019 and in Batley 20% of the electorate is Muslim and they are not happy. Jones explains why but fails to mention one gigantic elephant in the room.


1327 days ago

Dana Nessell - your ultimate Biden-loving, Jesus-denying, A grade liberal hypocrite

Whether godless liberals accept it or not, the reason they get a holiday this month is because the rest of us are celebrating the birth of Jesus. But in corrupt Michigan, the state Attorney General thinks it is fine to say Happy Holidays as that does not denigrate Christians but merely recognises “the diversity of the nation.” However, if one looks at her Twitter feed in May during Eid…


2610 days ago

London Bridge: They DON'T Hate our way of life, they DON'T hate democracy and we CAN'T carry on as normal

I do not know why the pathetic liberal media, led by the taxpayer funded BBC, are bothering to interview London's useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, his hapless Mancunian counterpart Andy Burnham, stockmarket spiv turned home secretary Amber Rudd or any of the other members of the political elite after the London Bridge attack. They are all saying the same as they did after Manchester. They were lying then. They lie today. Just re-run the old tapes. There are three big lies.


2894 days ago

Katie Hopkins, France and most folks so wrong on Burqa ban and gagging Islamofascists

Life under the rule of ISIS, the Taleban or even the loathsome House of Saud is not much fun for a variety of reasons. Women are told they must cover up - the state dictates what they can or cannot wear. It gets worse: the state dictates what one can or cannot say. In the old days I was allowed to say that such a way of living is regressive and unpleasant and that a liberal society as we, sort of, enjoy in the West was superior. I rather worry that a hardline Moslem might now claim that what I have just written offends him and thus report it as a hate crime. God only knows how our uber PC rozzers would react to that.


2908 days ago

Lisa Duffy of UKIP and her Burka Ban - what a horrible woman she is

A beached whale lookalike called Lisa Duffy is, apparently, a front runner to be the next leader of UKIP and seems determined to make her party truly the nastiest gang in town. The other day she wanted to ban state funded Muslim schools. Now she wants to ban wearing the burka in public places.


2911 days ago

Allahu Akbar screamed the machete wielder in Belgium as he attacked 2 cops - how a liberal explains this one

The cry was clear as the chap attacked two female cops in Belgium this afternoon. The BBC is still not reporting the jihadist reading material of the Russell Square attacker and insisting that the chjap was simply an insane Norwegian and his acts had nothing to do with his belief in the religion of peace. We shall see. But this time it is hard to spin it. Even the BBC is using the word "jihadist" in its coverage.


2912 days ago

Russell Square - the BBC still evades the point & so becomes ever less trusted

Out in the real world evidence has emerged showing that the Russell Square killer had been reading books supporting islamic extremism in recent months. The BBC is still buying the line from the Old Bill, calling this a killing by someone with mental health issues and referring to him as a Norwegian born in Somalia. Actually it is worse than that.


2914 days ago

Russell Square: Where are the mentally ill Jews & Hindus engaging in mass murder across Europe?

I rather guessed that the Russell Square murderer was not going to be Jewish or an Armish farmer. The Police knew his name from the same time that they knew he may have had mental health issues but released only the latter fact as I noted HERE.

Now almost 12 hours after we were told that the 19 year old assailant had mental health issues we are told he is a Norwegian. Think Breivik the crazed right wing extremist, think blond vikings, think sexy blond nurses, think the pop group Aha. No..think again


2924 days ago

The Orwellian BBC - another good reason to refuse to pay your license today: Ansbach

I have noted HERE that the BBC will do anything it can not to report that a Moslem has killed Westerners in a terror attack. And when it is finally forced to accept that the latest atrocity was (as per usual) committed by an Islamist it makes all sorts of excuses. These days its Orwellian spin is in overdrive but with the Ansbach attack it surpassed itself. Who was the victim? Yes you got it in one did you not? As you can see below...


2924 days ago

Four lone wolves in Germany have no connection - UK lone wolf is Right wing nutter: the BBC speaks

Two more lone wolves struck in Germany tonight - a bloke with a machete killed two folks. The pertinent facts here according to the liberal media were that he was pinned down by a Moslem and that one of his victims was an immigrant, a Pole. Then in Ansbach a man denied entrance to a 2000 person music festival blew himself up injuring ten people outside a wine bar. The BBC wants us to know both are lone wolves. So was the killer of nine in Munich on Friday night and the chap with the axe earlier last week. All lone wolves. Meanwhile... 


2930 days ago

Lucy Williamson of the BBC on Nice - yes of course the victims are the Moslems

84 people in Nice were murdered by a maniac. A few of the victims, as on 9/11, were Moslems. The vast majority were not. But 100% of the assailants on both occassions were followers of the "religion of peace" as it terms itself. But in the world of the BBC those base truths become reversed. And thus the French correspondendent of Pravda, Lucy Williamson filed her report yesterday which opens up with the words.


2966 days ago

Orlando - an American liberal "its all about Trump" - don't these idiots have any values?

Sitting in the bar in my hotel here in Kardimili Greece an American woman in her late 20s looked at her mobile device and says "Oh my God, Orlando, 50 dead." She is a few hours off the newsflow so I I helpfully pipe that it was an Islamic attack.

"How do they know?" she bites back. Oh shite. I have met a liberal with utterly distorted values. Though she uses the word God she is almost certainly a non believer but is praying hard as we speak that the killer is a white Christian American who hates gays. Then she can pin this all on Republicans, the Religious Right, US gun laws and Donald Trump. 

But I guess the fact that this liberal has not spoken to God in many years and insists on celebrating the anniversary of his son's birth by saying "Happy Holidays" means that the old guy is not listening to her today. For I am able to counter " His parents are from Afghanistan, he is called Omar Mateen, he called 911 to pledge allegiance to ISIS before going in for the kill during which time he was heard to be praying in arabic." I reckon that might shut her up.

But no
