476 days ago

The Met Office, record June temperatures and global warming – does nobody in the media GroupThink interrogate bogus data?

The mainstream media is, without challenge, presenting claims from the Met Office saying that UK average temperatures in June were the warmest on record and that this is down to global warming. Does nobody interrogate the data behind these claims with any degree of scepticism?


700 days ago

Think back to July and August and those parched Welsh lakes like Vyrnwy – where are the media & the cultists now?

The global warming cultists and their publicists at the BBC and across the liberal deadwood press in Britain had a field day in the summer of 2022. On July 19th the record high temperature for the UK of 40.3 degrees centigrade was recorded. The recording station was at RAF Coningsby at the side of a runway being used by after-burning Typhoon jets. And if you suggest that that might be a bit of a fix you are obviously a global warming denier, not following the experts and might as well admit that you are a Nazi right now. A month later came the dramatic photos from Wales…


817 days ago

You think the 2022 two day heatwave was bad and worse is to come – so when did global warming start?

The Met Office and the BBC and the rest of the liberal intelligentsia really are creaming themselves over the two day heatwave back in Airstrip One. Okay there were not quite 10,000 excess deaths in fact there were sod all excess deaths but that was probably down to mask wearing and the mass rollout of untested vaccines. So when did global warming start in the UK?


1587 days ago

When you thought MPs could not get any more stupid...meet Zarah Sultana

University (liberal arts degree at a 3rd rate institution natch), brief stint working for a charity then full time Labour Party worker. Real life experience SFA, Inate intelligence ditto. Perfect. Find a safe inner city seat and become an MP; you will fit in well. Welcome to the world of Zarah Sultana, MP for one of the more ghastly parts of the dump that is Coventry. It ia hard to know where to start with her latest tweet  which is below.
