
1046 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - the view from Murder Bridge

A few years ago a chap in Kambos and his mate killed two men from Kalamata and dumped the bodies over the old bridge across the gorge that comes down from the mountains to the sea, about three miles from here on the way to Kalamata.  The new road has a new bridge but you can still access the 1960s bridge as did the murderers.  The gorge is normally dry but the view today was of a gushing river with the water fighting with itself to get over the rocks and down to the sea.


1205 days ago

Photo Article from the Bridge at Arta

From Zitsa, Joshua and I headed down the old road to Arta. There was no time to visit the trout farm or the entrance to the underworld or even a museum to the war of 1912-3 which I will be writing about later, for we were already running late and Delphi, even by motorway, was many hours away. But Joshua was fascinated by the story of this bridge which kept on falling down until its builder was told to enmure his daughter in it and did so. It has stood for many hundreds of years since.


1209 days ago

A road trip from the Greek Hovel to Vlach land

The pool is getting closer to blue here at the Greek Hovel but needs a couple more chemical dumps before myself and Joshua can use it and so while we wait, it is time to introduce him to the Vlachs: road trip!


2810 days ago

Photo Article: The Snow in Greece falls not only in the North

I gather from my father, Darren and the Mrs that it snowed a bit in Shipston, London and Bristol today. It was snowing in Metsovo this morning and the fields on the Anelion side of the vallet were all white. But in case you think that the snow falls only in the Northern Pindus mountains, have a butchers at this photo taken from the Northern side of the Gulf of Corinth at Patras. The bridge across the gulf is pretty spectacular but look on the other side. That is the Pelopponese.


2812 days ago

Photo Article - Greece is not meant to look like this

Whenever I say to folks that I am off to Greece they always say "lucky you the weather will be so much nicer than in the UK". Au contraire. True, when I got to Athens airport at 4 AM (2 AM GMT) it was a balmy 9 degrees. I was so hot that i removed oone of my four layers of clothing. But as I headed North things started to change.
