
176 days ago

Varsity Heartbreak

You get a different class of chant at the Oxford Cambridge women’s football match. Held in a 12,000 seater stadium, that of Cambridge United, more than 1,500 folks crammed into one stand made some noise. “I’d rather go to Durham than Oxford” they chanted. That is far more genteel abuse than that which daughter 2 and I used to hear at the old Upton Park.


200 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Technology Minerals an academic writes…

I have warned repeatedly that the stench of career fraudster Chris Cleverly of Tingo (US:TIO) and African Potash (AFPO) infamy, rendered Technology Minerals (TM1) utterly uninvestable. I have now received a letter from an academic which I republish and will be forwarding to the FCA. Anyone reading the letter and still holding the shares is truly certifiable.


270 days ago

Jesus was Jewish – just what madness sees some folks denying this at Christmas?

There seems no end to the lunacy of those who seek to rewrite history. Over in Cambridge, a minor, provincial university somewhere near East Anglia, carol singers are told that when singing the First Noel they must replace the line “Born is the King of Israel” with something about being born in Bethlehem. It is not how the carol was written, it does not rhyme but at least it might not offend some snowflake undergraduates. That the vast majority of us find this sort of thing intensely irritating is ignored. And then there is Jesus whose birthday we will celebrate in less than two weeks: apparently he was a Palestinian. I kid you not.


354 days ago

Only in the Guardian: footpaths are racist!

My family is a bit unusual in these parts. My wife is a person of colour and my kids mixed race. But 97% of folks in this part of the world are white, as opposed to 87% of the overall population. When we lived In Bristol, a big City, the ethnic percentage, at 16% was above the national norm. Non white folks are more likely to live in big Cities than out here in the boonies. that is just a statement of fact.


648 days ago

Fewer than half of Brits are Christians census fury but atheists, like Cambridge bisexuals, see the light in the end

There is much wailing as the results of the 2021 Census are published and so that for the first time in almost two thousand years the majority of folks in England and Wales do not identify as Christian. Well sort of, many of the supposed godless are just like Cambridge University bisexuals. They will see the light sooner or later. Let me explain on this day before Advent.


650 days ago

Less than half Cambridge students are straight screams the Daily Mail... of course its all cobblers

I always thought the Tabs were a bit queer but further down this article in the Mail is a survey suggesting that less than half of Oxford Students are straight so has Oxbridge been over-run with gay folk? Quite obviously the answer is no and this is another sensationalist load of cobbers from the wretched Mail. The stats in the Cambridge survey were: straight 49.7%, gay 11.9%, bisexual 29.7% and other 8.7%. In Oxford 49% were straight 33% bi and the other 17% gay or other.  However…


721 days ago

Voting in the MCC special ballot

When I was 16 my father arranged for me to join the Marylebone Cricket Club waiting list and a few cold winters later I found myself a member of the world’s most famous cricket club. These days the waiting list is an eternity long. As I am allergic to London, I have not been to a match in years. My in-laws are the only Indian family on earth with no interest in cricket but I keep on forking out the Country membership fee on the basis that one day I shall retire and head down to snooze in the sun watching a spot of cricket at Lords.


1028 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: As we move onto the Long Cold Winter the woodpile grows again, Pa Ingalls would be proud

Notwithstanding the utterly false slur from deluded, Guardian reading, Cambridge academics that Laura Ingalls Wilder is a vile racist whose books should be kept away from young folk, Joshua and I are now onto the fifth of the series, The Long Cold Winter.  At chapter five the first blizzard has been survived but nature is warning the Ingalls family that far worse is to come.


1049 days ago

Little House on the Prairie’s Laura Ingalls Wilder an offensive racist author say Cambridge academics

I am reading this series of books to my five year old son Joshua who is, of course, of Indian origin. So I explain what Laura means by an Indian and he gets it.  But in years to come  the simple pleasure of reading these wonderful books may be denied us because Laura is now like coffee, women’s knickers, fried chicken, a 42 tonne rock, trees and numerous other items officially racist. Who says so? Homerton College Cambridge.


1665 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Cambridge, 14 March, £83, Lingerie on Expenses - She's back! Bargain!

hey what better way to mark International Women’s day than to hear an overpaid BBC nobody interview someone who  says she is “ A self-confessed believer in the human spirit, she is ‘ridiculously and overwhelmingly happy with the opportunities that she has to develop and how she can play into the amazing world that we live in.” Yup, you know who is back. Elsewhere in this podcast I discuss Versarien (VRS), whose Nomad DID resign, ValiRx (VAL), Sound Energy (SOU), Petra Diamonds (PDL), Novacyt (NCYT), Nostra Terra (NTOG) and Laura Ashley (ALY). I also ask you to be generous and give to a great cause today HERE


1685 days ago

The Biggest Clown on AIM: Roland Fatty Cornish warns Brian Basham who quit last week that ADVFN might now have to sack him

It may well be that London’s worst Nomad, the Cambridge educated gourmand, Roland “Fatty” Cornish has, in between meals, invented a time machine. Or perhaps he is just not very bright but that the tutors at Pembroke College thought he was a jolly good fellow who had been to the right school and that the College VIII needed a bit of ballast in the middle? I shall leave you to decide.


2290 days ago

Yet again ashamed of my old University Oxford

My father, like his father and brother an Oxford man, despairs at the way Oxford has become a term of abuse. Seemingly a week goes by without it being attacked for being elitist, a place where only the children of the 1% attend and for being out of touch, or for it being shown to be home to very silly people. Former graduates like Robert Peston, most of the BBC and the Guardian editorial team line up to say how ghastly it is. And the spineless craven fools who run the place do not bother fighting lie with fact but just cower and grovel.


2578 days ago

Congratulations to nephew D on winning a place at Britain's second best University - it was 31 years ago for me

In most ways I am, as you might have gathered, the black sheep of my family. Am I allowed to use that phrase anymore? The rest of them work for the State, read the Guardian and believe in money trees while worrying about the poor polar bears drowning on melting ice caps thanks to wicked folk like Donald Trump and Margaret Thatcher. But in one respect I followed a family tradition in that I managed to get into the UK's leading seat of learning, that is to say Oxford.


2790 days ago

Today's mad Oxbridge academic in la la land is Wendy Ayres Bennett - time to learn Polish

In last week's demonstration of how out of touch elite academics are with the rest of us, an Oxford Don reported the half witted Home Secretary Amber Rudd to the old Bill for Hate Crimes for a speech he had not heard. This week Cambridge has struck back in the battle to show which top University is more out of touch.


2901 days ago

Carolyn Fairbairn, Director General of the CBI is just not fit for purpose

As head of the CBI Carolyn Fairbairn is meant to speak for British Business. She is, naturally, totally unqualified. Her CV says it all:


3065 days ago

My #4Demands - not quite what the workshy, money tree worshipping People's Assembly want

The British people voted for a Tory Government last year but those on the left reckon they were cheated. First past the post works fine when the left win but when the wicked & evil Tories win we need electoral reform. Whatever. So now we face a group called The People's Assembly which is marching today, making #4demands. It claims to speak for the people but has an agenda the Britsih people rejected overwhelmingly.

Charlotte Church, Russell Brand, Owen Jones, Jeremy Corbyn and a host of other millionaires will be there . I will not. It is one of the benefits of not living in London that I get to avoid contact with those sort of champagne socialists and thousands of bone idle smelly and lazy folks from the non-productive sectors who think everyone else should fund a society based on entitlements. 

I am sure that we have our share of such deluded folk here in Bristol but thankfully they have all gone on a middle class outing to London today: "Rah, rah, rah we're 


4179 days ago

Who do you support in the Boat race and Why?

For me it is pretty clear. My father, mother and step-mother went to Oxford. And so did all their fathers and three out of four brothers ( C Booker went to the other place). I was born in Oxford and somehow managed to scrape a place there too as did my youngest sister Naomi. And so naturally I support Oxford. Evil Knievil was born in Oxford and his father taught at Oxford and Evil was (understandably) rejected by Cambridge. And so he too supports Oxford.

My sister Tabby went to Cambridge and so as well as supporting ideas such as global warming and welfare hand-outs all round she also supports the ‘tabs. There is a consistency in her thinking.

But most people who do not regard this institution as elitist nonsense seem to support one side or other and for the oddest of reasons. I cannot say that I have any great feelings of warmth for the City of my birth, the City of Lost causes. I do not really care who wins most Varsity contests. But the Boat race is a bit different. Come on the dark blues. Or is it the Light blues. I can never remember which is which. Come on Oxford.
