John Stuart Mill

265 days ago

I agree with Gary Lineker: let the revolting Hamas fans march on Remembrance day

Readers of this website can be in no doubt that I stand 100% with Israel and I make no apology for saying that I am hopeful that it kills every single member of Hamas in Gaza. That is a proportionate response to October 7 such was the horror of that day. Regular readers should also know that I think that Gary Lineker is a twit and worse, a man who made £5 million from promoting the Ingenie/Quindell fraud which I exposed. But a broken clock is right twice a day.  The crisp salesman says that the weekly Hamas victory parade should go ahead on November 11 and I agree with him.


964 days ago

Which will be legalized first – paedophilia or bestiality? Meet Dr Allyn Walker

For the avoidance of doubt I pray that it is neither but I fear that one or both will, in some “progressive” part of the degenerate West be first normalised and finally legalized. Maybe not in my lifetime but in that of my kids I fear that it is inevitable. Meet Dr Allyn Walker who until recently was a lecturer at Old Dominion University in Virginia and likes to be referred to by the pronoun “they”.


1294 days ago

Kathy Griffin really does incite violence on twitter & the liberal media just loves her while shutting down those outside the GroupThink

Even before the shocking events of last Tuesday, I was explicitly saying that the antics of President Trump in fighting the election result were unhelpful for both his party and for America. Just like all those superior bien pensants including Lord Adonis, Kier Starmer, Anna Soubry, the entire Guardian editorial team including demented fantasist Carole Cadwalladr,  Layla Moran, all BBC staffers and others who screamed at Trump that election results should always be respected -  apart from one where they did not like the result – I know that democracy depends on losers accepting defeat. I am more consistent than the metropolitan elite on this one.


2568 days ago

Nick Clegg vs Tony Blair who is the maddest Brexit denying remoaner of the week?

There is a strong contest to be the maddest and most extreme Brexit denier in public life. Normally Tory MP Anna Soubry is a strong contender, turning up on the BBC or C4 twice a day to offer up a few post fact era words to explain why she cannot accept the democratic will of the nation. But this week Soubry started to look positively sane when compared to two chaps who really are yesterday's men.


2654 days ago

Are there "shy" Le Pen voters out there in France? You can bet there are

In the US election I flagged up the phenomenon of the "shy" Trump supporter. I reckoned that 3-4% of voters were prepared to back Donald but would not fess up to pollsters and that is why I predicted the Donald would win the swing states just as the corrupt liberal media and pollsters assured us that crooked Hillary would win. So are there shy Le Pen voters in France? You bet there are.


2816 days ago

Twitter suspends Clint Eastwood for supporting Donald Trump - please suspend me too you Nazi pigs

Clint Eastwood tweeted repeatedly in support of Donald Trump before the election and celebrated on twitter afterwards and his account has now been suspended. Meanwhile there on folks out there on twitter calling for violence and all sorts of illegal acts in protest against the democratic call of the USA and twitter does nothing. As a supporter of free speech I am appalled at how the liberal establishment just cannot accept our basic liberties - aren't you too?


2879 days ago

When in Rome...Masturbate in Public, The Decline and fall of the Western Empire

There are days when you start to think that in ranting about a decadent and degenerate West the chaps at ISIS have not got it completely wrong. And thus we today discover that masturbating in public, in fact in front of young women, is no longer an illegal act in Italy thanks to a Supreme Court Ruling.


2970 days ago

Apologies to the English Couple over-hearing my father and I last night - I was only joking

Winnifrith males have loud voices and we like to tease each other and also anyone unfortunate enough to join us, in the case of supper last night that meant my dear wife. And thus as the wine flowed we found ourselves discussing the output of our various universities.

My father is, of course, a full on elitist but knowing that his deluded lefty wife who forces him to read the Guardian may disapprove sometimes finds himself having to pretend otherwise. And thus as we discuss the Brexit vote, I note that John Stuart Mill raised in "On Democracy" the idea that more intelligent folks should get more votes. Why not, I suggest give 10 votes to those of us who went to Oxbridge (my father and I), 5 to Russell Group graduates, 2 to those who attended other old universities, 1 to those with no degree and minus 1 to those who attended the former Polytechnics. Thus my wife would get 2 votes and her students would all get minus 1 votes. On reflection having lectured ti them, make that minus five votes.

I am joking but with this wheeze get a double tease. My wife is naturally appalled 


3465 days ago

Your Vote matters says Bristol City Council – Really? Prove it – I register anyway

As part of the dirty tricks campaign waged by the Labour party, the Mrs left me off the electoral register thereby denying me the opportunity to vote. I am sure that Ed Miliband is profoundly grateful to his one loyal supporter in this household for this act of electoral sabotage.

As luck would have it, the Mrs is away, and a letter from Bristol City Council has landed on the doormat. It stresses that “Your vote matters, make sure you’re in.”  Keen to ensure that the sanctimonius eco-Nazis at Bristol City Council do not target me for disobeying them I have done as they urged and registered online to vote and applied for a postal vote at the same time. I have now filed the letter and envelope in the correct recycling bin.

But can Bristol prove that my vote matters? As far as I can see none of the main parties, and I include UKIP and the Greens to humour any fruitcakes or eco-smellies who are reading, are prepared to be honest with the electorate about the deficit and debt.  None are prepared to fess up that with an ageing population we just have to extend the retirement and pension age by a decade and a half, to slash welfare spending and to accept that we cannot any more afford an NHS giving free healthcare on demand.

But no politician is honest about this. They all tinker


3633 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard (#46 financial, #76 non-financial) – Free Speech & Frigana Edition

For once I combine my financial and non-financial weekly video postcard into one. Recorded at the Greek hovel I am turning into a home I shows off my new toy but do not say whom I thinks of as I slash away at the Frigana (I explain what that is too). But I am sure you can guess.

The subject is free speech. Starting with John Stuart Mill I cover how it is society rather than draconian laws that threaten free speech in the UK. 

I relate this both to threats made to the livelihood of an Israel supporting twitter acquaintance (see HERE) but also to my own livelihood and life and why Society rather than that state needs to change to protect free speech in its responsible manner and what responsible free speech is.


4149 days ago

A free press will today be killed by a corrupt elite – but freedom will thrive online

Today the three party leaders will sit down and agree to ever tighter controls on the press. Assuming that he is not getting a blow job from a hooker at the time, Hugh Grant will then invoke the name of Milly Dowler and a 300 year tradition of a free press will draw to a close.

If you trust your politicians to behave with honesty and integrity that is perhaps fine. If you are happy for celebs like Grant to give you the hard sell on their latest movies or useless designer products without knowing why their public image is a sham that is again fine. If you are happy for scandals involving taxpayers cash being wasted, paedophile rings run within local councils and at the BBC to stay hidden and protected, then that is fine.

I suspect that none of us are happy that scandal and corruption will now become harder to expose. I am not.

The established press has done itself no favours. Phone hacking was a disgrace. It was also illegal under existing laws. There is no need for a new law to (in due course) get the collar of Piers Moron and others felt. And the press/Westminster cosy club


4157 days ago

Secret Courts an illiberal abomination – what is Nick Clegg thinking of?

I am not sure what the Lib Dems are meant to stand for these days and in a couple of years’ time they will be an electoral irrelevancy anyway. But I always thought that a party with the word Liberal in its name might have some sort of core beliefs in the liberty of the citizen against an all-powerful state. Unless I have read my John Stuart Mill very incorrectly I think that should be the case.

However, under current plans which the Lib Dems in parliament have largely supported, the law will change to extend secret hearings across the civil justice system. In a secret hearing defendants or claimants will not be allowed to be present, know or challenge the case against them and must be represented by a security-cleared special advocate, rather than their own lawyer. Right now these procedures are used in tiny numbers of immigration and deportation hearings, but the Government wants to extend them across the civil courts in cases deemed to involve national security.

Now, I am sure you can spot the flaw in this proposal. It is the State that decides when the security of the State is threatened. In a country where burning a poppy on twitter and where calling a police horse “gay” have both been deemed by the State to be offences, I simply do not trust the State.

That may trivialise the point. What about the whistleblower? The David Kelly figure. As the law stands now he is just murdered in the woods, sorry I meant allowed a public trial if charged. But as the law may stand in future someone who exposed how a crazed leader started an illegal war with a pack of lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction


4420 days ago

Piss Off Argentina

The incredibly ugly woman who is President of Argentina (Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, if you care) has attempted to confront Call Me Dave over what she calls the Malvinas. History is written by the winners so I shall stick with the Falkland Isles. To give him credit CMD told the old trout to piss off and that is exactly what Britain should do if the Argies try anything on once again.


4422 days ago

Doing Two Sets of Books at Real Man

No, no ,no not one for the taxman and one for us! Just a day on two sets of books at the restaurant. First up is my library. The most valuable books are stored safely elsewhere but I still have well over a thousand books picked up over the years which are now being housed downstairs at the Real Man Pizza Company on Clerkenwell Road. If you have a spare afternoon and fancy a read over a coffee or just a book to digest as you digest a chocolate pizza – you now know where to go.
