1807 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: thank you, thank you, thank you & what does one do at "Woke" PC Christmas parties these days?

Firstly so many thanks to all of you who donated to the Woodlarks Christnas Grotto appeal. 101% of our target has now been reached so I’ll call it a day. Thank you again. In today’s podcast I also discuss Big Dish (DISH), and Dev Clever (DEV) two examples of why you should never invest in an IPO and I have data to back that up. I look at Tern (TERN) and at Sound Energy (SOU), shame on James Parsons, and then in detail at Velocys (VLS).


2228 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast, Debt is crack cocaine, Kier's red flags and Nike's PC folly

On today's Bearcast I look at debt, it is like crack but after the highs it always ends badly. I talk with reference to 2008 and the next correction. Then onto Kier (KIE), the spin and the red flags and finally to Nike and its self-inflicted PC own goal. 


2303 days ago

Girls cant wear skirts but boys have to – the madness of UK Education in 2018 in the gender wars

In thirty years time we will look back on the transgender and gender wars of 2018 and ask what on earth were the experts and the screaming, if small, mobs of virtue signallers hoping to achieve. I hope we will look back with a sense of shame.


2471 days ago

The Minefield of transgender vocab - the phrase "born male" is now deemed defamatory.. whatever

One of the few joys of the transgender madness, promoted by the elitists of the liberal media, and now raging across the West is seeing uber PC lefties such as Germaine Greer and Peter Tatchell fall foul of this new lobby, no platformed and accused of bigotry becuase they just cannot keep up. Want to avoid such a fate? Thankfully I can help.


2524 days ago

Now some lunatic PC crazed woman wants Sleeping Beauty banned

Every day there is another tale of modern life which makes me wish more and more for an asteroid strike. Truly how can the West be so utterly degenerate? As a society we have lost the plot. Today's victim of the PC Nazis is the fairly tale Sleeping Beauty.


2714 days ago

Big Brother at the BBC will collect your data to tell your boss if it thinks what you write might breach a law

That we have to pay for the Guardian's sister outlet, the BBC via a poll tax is bad enough. Its output is low grade and often biased. But now the BBC wants to get you fired if it does not like your views. Hey George Orwell you missed this one in 1984...


2721 days ago

Video: Diane Abbott MP does Countdown

This needs no comment. Even PC high priest Darren Atwater admitted it was funny. Watch the video below.


2789 days ago

Mrs Boot the Farmer - Saints Preserve us, PC madness for children

I find myself reading a book called Tales of the Farmyard to my, almost, six month old son Joshua. The lad probably is not following the stories clearly, at this stage he just about knows that a sheep is big, white, fluffy , has four legs and goes baaaa while a cat is like Oakley so is black and white, less big, has only three legs and goes miaow. As I read "The Tale of the naughty sheep" by author Heather Amery, I felt the need to explain a few things to Joshua.


2939 days ago

The PC campus Nazis - 35 things you must not say to offend a poor millennial

Please God, bring on the asteroid strike that ends humanity. Today's news that makes me despair for the way the West is falling apart is from a guide produced by James Madison University in the USA for group leaders to help first year students get used to life on campus. Here are 35 things they are not allowed to say. You will just cring and despair.


2954 days ago

Going back to the gym after er... a long break

I have had an on off battle with my weight for forty years. 2016 has not been my best year. The scores on the doors as we head through September are Fat 8 TW 1. Giving up smoking on February 15th was a great thing to do but I put on a few pounds in the Spring. In May and June I worked hard in the fields at the Greek hovel and managed to shed much of the post smoking gain. Since then, comfort eating, and the odd cider, with a bereaved father and with a pregnant wife has been bad news indeed. But enough is enough. The fight back is underway.


2981 days ago

Katie Hopkins, France and most folks so wrong on Burqa ban and gagging Islamofascists

Life under the rule of ISIS, the Taleban or even the loathsome House of Saud is not much fun for a variety of reasons. Women are told they must cover up - the state dictates what they can or cannot wear. It gets worse: the state dictates what one can or cannot say. In the old days I was allowed to say that such a way of living is regressive and unpleasant and that a liberal society as we, sort of, enjoy in the West was superior. I rather worry that a hardline Moslem might now claim that what I have just written offends him and thus report it as a hate crime. God only knows how our uber PC rozzers would react to that.


3048 days ago

OFFICIAL: It is Ouzo O'Clock all day as Piers Linney's pride & joy Outsourcery goes into administration

Dragon's Den flop and serial business failure Piers Linney said that the proudest moment of his business career was listing Outsourcery (OUT) on AIM in 2013 at 110p. Oh dear, the piece of Turkish has today gone into administration. How will the PC tossers at the BBC spin this debacle for their pin up boy Piers? That is their problem, mine is how much ouzo to drink to celebrate this announcement:


3122 days ago

Happy Birthday Dad I've bought you a certificate to stop global warming

My two sisters are a politically correct duo with a tendency to be rather earnest. Both work in the public sector and are married to half Germans - the Krauts. It is fair to say that we take a rather different view on more or less everything. Of course we are all united in having one father who turns 78 today. Happy Birthday Dad.

My younger sister in particular has "form" when it comes to uber-PC presents. I think it was two years ago that for Christmas she gave her husband


3134 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 23 March - I'm coming for YOU Lenigas , but first its bed time

I am off to bed thanks to the PC imbeciles at EasyJet but first three announcements about UK Investor Show on April 30th. We send tickets out this weekend so if you have not boooked go now to www.UKInvestorshow.com NOW and use the promotional code SPUKI to get a free investor class seat. At a company level I cover Lighthouse (LGT), Snacktime (SNAK), William Hill (WMH), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Solo (SOLO), MX Oil (MXO) and Tungsten (TUNG)


3198 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 January - Arguing with the UK's top share blogger Paul Scott again

Warning: This podcast contains bad language and some not terribly PC remarks about the Germans. A bit of an argument this morning with Paul Scott, Britain's top share blogger, on the subject of TrakM8 (TRAK). For once he sounded like a bit of a stale bull and I go through the bull excuses when faced with analysis like THIS. I am right on this one. I also cover Environmental Recycling (ENRT) and Motive TV (MTV) both of which are flea ridden dogs with puss ouzing from every pore and should be put down at once. Then it is on to Nostra Terra (NTOG) and Independent Resources (IRG) as well as Northern Petroleum (NOP) and Armadale Capital (ACP). I did not cover Corero (CNS) but I see its shares are slipping so should ask "when is the placing" and I gave Jabba The Hutt a break today but if you need a fix there is an LGO expose HERE


3225 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Christmas Eve Bearcast - A message praising David Lenigas and other matters

In this podcast I discuss Chris Oil's Christmas carol, part 1 HERE and parts 2 & 3 to follow. My Christmas Carol series always gives me great pleasure to write and I hope you enjoy reading them. And I beg you to fill in the Christmas win an iPad survey HERE. Then it is onto David Lenigas, Sam Antar, Petroceltic (PCI) and Wandisco (WAND) and to what little treats are in store for tomorrow. Ho Ho Ho. Finally i wish you all a Merry Christmas, none of this PC seasons greetings bollocks from me.


3230 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard #137 - #Rhodesmustfall rewrites history and is PC bollocks

#Rhodesmustfall is a crackpot PC campaign to remove a statue of Cecil Rhodes from the walls of Oriel college Oxford. The weedy liberal acedemic establishment is caving and Rhodes will fall. And worse still it is rewriting history as to what actually happened in the era of British Colonialism. After covering this in detail I end this week's postcard by wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.


3810 days ago

Should Richard Scudamore be sacked as the Premier League CEO? No!

The head of the Premier League Richard Scudamore will almost certainly be fired next week. The media knives are out. His career obituary has been written already. His crime was to send some pretty unpleasant sexist emails to pals on his work email address.

Had Scudamore said publicly what he wrote in the emails he should have been fired. Had he sent them as a round robin to his entire address book she should probably also have been fired. But he did not. He shared private jokes (albeit not funny ones) with his pals.

Had the lads shared these comments in the pub there would not have been an issue. However technically ones work emails belong to one’s employer and so Scudamore seems likely to be toast. But do we really want to live in a world where to share an (unfunny) joke with a pal or indeed to send any communication that is not work related you have to switch from your work account to a Hotmail one and send it to your mate on gmail?

Has life really got that serious? The working day benefits from the odd light hearted non-work bit of banter and must we really all switch onto personal accounts to take part in such exchanges lest anyone be offended.

It strikes me that Scudamore has done a good job in promoting women’s soccer. He could continue to do that with folks knowing that underneath it all he is a bit of a sexist beast. I wonder how many men in the world of soccer are entirely beyond reproach in this matter? How many are prepared to stand up and say that they have never told a sexist joke or made a disparaging comment about girlies in private? For if that is the qualification to be CEO of the Premier League I very much doubt that there would be that many suitably qualified candidates.

We can live in a grey world with strict rules about what you may or may not say to a mate on a work email if we like. It all seems rather Orwellian to me. How long before email audits to establish that employees have never made an inappropriate comment are demanded by some PC imbecile with limited real world experience?

Or perhaps we might just get on with our lives and be judged by the end results we deliver? Is that too much to ask?
