
1317 days ago

Daughter Olaf lambasts me on the 6PM curfew for men issue – here is why she is both wrong and patronising

Green Baroness and career politician Jenny Jones said she might propose a 6 PM curfew for all men. That Bonkers Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford showed some sympathy with the idea is surely all the proof that you needed that it and Jenny are mad as a nest of snakes. But my wonderful, but a bit woke, daughter Olaf lambasts me for saying so.


3516 days ago

Weekly postcard #103: Speaking as a feminist about International Women's day

Today is International Women's day and, speaking as a feminist, I pose a number of questions for my fellow fiminists covering Israel, Oxford, Rotherham, affirmative action, abortion, prostitution and other matters. I sense that some of my fellow feminists might struggle with a few of these questions.


3642 days ago

Video postcard #87 – Our relations with the UK Muslim community – tolerance needed but also honesty

I sense that this video will not go down well in all quarters. A woman talking total rot on Any Questions prompts me to outline views which will not win friends in all quarters.

The UK Muslim Community must not be demonised - nearly all British Muslims are good folks. But on the other hand the way that we have approached matters such as the child abuse scandals of Rotherham etc. and also ISIS recruitment do not assist. Political correctness has been highly counterproductive but the failure of the Muslim community to speak out has also been damaging. This must change. We cannot sweep such issues under the carpet any more.

Tom’s financial video postcard covers a different sort of denial. The state of mind of investors in a stock that is plunging, And yes Tom does refer to a well-known fraudulent solar panels to insurance come telematics come golf company beginning with Q,  That video can be watched HERE


3979 days ago

Range Resources – can anyone explain director pay to me?

Range Resources (RRL) shareholders have just voted through the annual report giving their approval on executive pay. Hmmmmm.

Starting at the bottom, I note that non exec Marcus Edwards-Jones (bet he did not grow up on a council estate in Rotherham) picked up A$100,000 last year. That is more than three times the AIM average. Would Mr. Edwards-Jones care to explain why he is such a valuable commodity in relation to net operational cashburn and a plunging share price?

But compared to CEO Pete Landau, old Marcus is a pauper. 


4191 days ago

Making Money from My Father thanks to UKIP & the Shipston poll

My father has already done his stint as part of the slick electoral machine of the Shipston branch of the party that wishes to block the deportation of Abu Qatada and now we sit back and watch the results come in tonight. To add interest we have six bets running. And it is at 5 Albanian Lekke a pop.

My banker is who will get a greater percentage of the popular vote: UKIP or the Lib Dems. The last national survey suggested the Lib Dems would get 14% and UKIP 22% just behind labour on 24%. I think it is pretty brave of anyone to admit voting Lib Dem but I suspect that even more folks are reluctant to admit to voting UKIP lest the local council snatch their kids or Ken Clarke accuses them of racism. So I sense the 22% might just underestimate the UKIP vote and so barring a miracle this is my banker bet.

I win 5 Albanian Lekke from my father.

I wish we had a bet on the South Shields by-election where the word is that both the Tories and Lib Dems will lose their deposits. Indeed there is a suggestion that the unofficial Monster raving Loony party (the one led by Nick Clegg) will in fact be beaten by the Official Monster Raving Loony party. UKIP will come second but I suspect a lot closer to Labour (in its safest seat in England) than it did in Rotherham.

How well UKIP actually does is down, I suspect to whether folks feel apathetic (Local elections do not count, all politicians are greedy sleazy tossers who ignore our wishes on everything, but I am off down the pub, staying at home waiting for the next Coronation Street star to be exposed as an alleged sex offender) or angry


4225 days ago

Could UKIP win the South Shields by-election?

Well anything is possible. The uber talented chanteuse Ms Cheryl Cole could be walking down my street right now to ask me out for a hot date.  Frankly that is more likely than Labour losing a seat that has never been anything but Labour. But miracles can happen. Hang on… there is someone at the door.

Pizza delivery. Wrong address. Not Cheryl. Drat.

The results last time were Labour 52%, Tory 22%, Lib Dems 14%, BNP 7%, others (not including UKIP 5%). Following Rotherham and the national trends my assumptions would be:

Various others including the BNP and the Lib Dems get 10% between them. The Lib Dems will come somewhere between 5th and 8th on another night of abject humiliation for Nick Clegg. The BNP will not achieve much.  At least Clegg’s memory these days seems to be so poor when it comes to hearing painful news (Rennard, Huhne, Hancock) that he will soon be able to forget about leading his party to another electoral caning.

The Tory vote will slump. Call Me Dave has done his utmost to piss off traditional Tories (I am amazed that there were so many in South Shields, wherever it is, last time) and voters will tactically switch to the best placed party that might just run Labour close, i.e. UKIP. The Tories will get 10% of the vote ( + or – 3%). I suspect the – is more likely than the + - it will be a dire night for Call Me Dave as May 2nd also sees local elections in which the Tories will get thrashed. There will be stacks of very angry ex Tory councillors on May 3rd.

And so on the face of it, if the Labour vote held steady then that would see UKIP on 30% and Labour on 52%. But….

South Shields looks to be the sort of grim Northern shit hole that Labour takes for granted. Its voters there are working class and one suspects that their views on immigration, Europe and a range of other issues are not exactly the sort aired by Ed Miliband and his pals at Islington dinner parties. Besides which this by election is caused by Dave Miliband pissing off to New York to earn loads of wonga. Talk about treating your poor constituents with contempt. That makes the circumstances a touch unusual.

And so my guess is that there will be some shift from Labour to UKIP (as there was in Rotherham and Eastleigh) and also from Labour to “not voting at all as you are all wankers.”

UKIP has nothing to lose here. If it gets 30% and comes second (from nowhere) that is a triumph. But I have a sneaking feeling that it could do rather better than that. It is currently 17-1 to win and I am tempted to have a tiny flutter.  Anything is possible. Hang on... is that the doorbell I hear ringing again?


4350 days ago

I give you the email address for Rotherham Stasi child snatcher chief Joyce Thacker

My hope is that on Monday morning Joyce Thacker will be clearing her desk at Rotherham, fired without compensation for removing kids from foster parents just because those parents voted UKIP. My guess is that either she will not be fired at all or will resign with a vast payoff. That is the way the State sector operates. No responsibility just gravy all the way: success or failure.

Assuming that she is still at her desk I have sent her an email with my thoughts. I hope that every one of you does the same

Her email address is [email protected]

My email reads:


You are a disgrace. My hope is that you are fired before you read this but if not here are a couple of articles I wrote about you this weekend

Thought crime in Rotherham Social Services 2012 (1984 is finally here) – the UKIP Foster parents .

Joyce Thacker: Rotherham’s Sour Faced Stasi Leader & the UKIP Foster parents scandal .

Since they do not appear in the Guardian your might have missed them. I would not want you to miss out.

Best wishes

Tom Winnifrith.

PS. If you do get a huge payoff as a reward for your utter failure and crass stupidity I suggest that you renivest £4.25 of it in a new e-book published yesterday on the increasingly authoritarian state of the UK today. It really is very funny and makes a good point or two. “Letters from the Chestnut Tree Cafe, Though crime in Britain and Greece, 1984 is finally here“ can be ordeerred direct from publisher Harriman House HERE.

I wonder how big Thacker’s email inbox will be by Monday?


4350 days ago

Joyce Thacker: Rotherham’s Sour Faced Stasi Leader & the UKIP Foster parents scandal

I invite you to hold your nose and watch the BBC video below of Joyce Thacker, head of Rotherham’s Social Services defending the removal of three kids from loving foster parents because the parents belong to UKIP. Can anyone say that they are not appalled? This sour faced old bag should be sacked at once. She admits that the decision was made by her.
