
1178 days ago

These SinnFein/IRA scum do not speak for Liverpool however much they rewrite history

The tweet below shows some scousers honouring the 40th anniversary of the death of Bobby Sands, terming him “The People’s Own MP.” I suggest to you that these Fenian scum, whose souls will surely burn in hell, are rewriting history and also do not speak for the vast majority of Liverpuddlians, most of whom will be horrified by this.


1308 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Life imitates art, my cats prove they are true Northerners part 5

So the Mrs thought about getting the cats a basket but I insisted that that was for soft Southerners and that our Northern cats, the scousers Quincey and Sian, needed and wanted only a cardboard box each as they said, in true Monty Python fashion: “when we were young we were poor but we were happy”. So she took away a cardboard box.


1310 days ago

Photo article - life imitates art, my Northern cats part 4

So the Mrs thought about getting the cats a basket but I insisted that that was for soft Southerners and that our Northern cats, the scousers Quincey and Sian, needed and wanted only a cardboard box each as they said “when we were young we were poor but we were happy”. So she took away a cardboard box.


2907 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: plagued by Mark Carney, the man delivering the Omen, Doc Holiday and other scouse riff raff

This is my fifth attempt to record a bearcast. I am plagued by idle thieving scousers and that included Doc Holiday today and by a delivery man - is that the Omen Box set or something the Mrs has ordered? I discuss the poisonous legacy of debt Mark Carney leaves everywhere then Nyota (NYO), Trafalgar New Homes (TRAF), Billing Services (BILL) - tough luck my old pal Jim Mellon another debacle - Strat Aero (AER) and XCite Energy (XEL) and than a useless factoid on "The Omen." 


3068 days ago

Caption Contest: Shocker for Liverpool as scousers told they must work to 76

Does stealing hub caps count as work? If being a professional full time "victim" now regarded as a career choice? Is drug dealing now seen as a career in retail distribution. This tweet below from the Liverpool Echo opens up so many possibilities.

Can you suggest a suitable caption designed to offend as many of the pathologically workshy residents of the crime infested welfare safari that is Liverpool as possible. Remember this is a City where folks always suffer because it is someone else's fault and ayone who suggests otherwise is forced to apologise.
