1177 days ago
The rule here in North Wales is that you need to call our local surgery over in England at 8 AM to get an appointment.The Mrs has had a chesty cough for three weeks so – according to in the interweb – needs some antibiotics and thus a scrip. So she started calling at 8 AM. The line was engaged.
1256 days ago
The folly of the industrial-scale corruption of so many teachers is revealed today with more taxpayers’ cash being pissed away as universities are forced to bribe students to stay away.
1346 days ago
The City of my birth is rapidly starting to rival Brighton as the woke capital of Britain. And thus it is no shock to see the local paper, The Oxford Mail, sending out a notice to all pregnant men in the county. In places like Oxford, it is offensive and sexist to suggest that only women, as in folks born with wombs, can get pregnant. No doubt, were a member of the University to flag up this madness, he or she would be censured for their intolerance and insensitivity. In a post fact world, what else should one expect?
1524 days ago
Back in November 2017, I gave a guest lecture at Bath Spa University where my wife then worked. What then followed was truly Orwellian and paints this wretched and failing institution in the worst possible light. Why mention this now, three years later?
1746 days ago
How to pay for the Government’s GroupThink driven disaster of a CoronaVirus policy? Simple says Nick O’Donovan of the former third rate Poly now 4th rate University that is Manchester Metropolitan: tax the rich. Except his proposal is not simple though anyone who buys into it is.
2731 days ago
Reading the Guardian letters page is not an ordeal I can bring myself to suffer even in the interests of research into the far reaches of the deranged mentality of public sector working, virtue signalling, elitist, money tree worshipping thought. Or what goes for it. But my father, a closet reactionary, is a loyal Guardian reader.
2796 days ago
The students flocked to Jeremy Corbyn after he promised to scrap tuition fees. It was a great bribe what was not to like? Vote Labour and save £9,000 a year. Fabbo. Of course it was based on money tree economics as were so many other Labour pledges and that is the inherent dishonesty at the heart of Labour. In the end they would run out of other people's money. But on this issue the Tories are even more dishonest.
3110 days ago
Jeepers!. Folks must have thought I was a deluded lefty as the Mrs sent me off to Sainsbury's with a rafia bag emblazoned with the name and logo of her "new" university on it, so as not to use any plastic bags. It could have been worse, the Mrs does have one from a recent conference she attended. It boasts the emblem of "The British Sociology Association." It might as well say "mad middle class Guardian reading lunatic."