
1043 days ago

Videos: Music Magpie can STEAL from you! Read its T+C's CAREFULLY

Okay, these videos are a little nerdy. But they make the point that, while musicMagpie (MMAG) may bang on about its great reputation and oh-so-clever IT systems, it does piss off a lot of its customers. Many got in touch with this blogger after he claimed Magpie had used its T&Cs to steal from him. In the end, this will only hasten its inevitable demise.


1055 days ago

SHOCKER: Brokerman Dan robbed by ADVFN

This is outrageous and enough to make one lose all faith in the integrity of some in the financial markets. Today ADVFN (AFN) has announced its 2022 financial awards where past winners include Ronnie Kray (re-distributor of the year), Bernie Madoff (fund manager of the year) and Gordon Brown (economist of the year).  The correlation between those financial services companies receiving awards and those advertising heavily on ADVFN is, as ever, just a pure coincidence. The main award is the blogger or blog of the year. Naturally nobody associated with this website has ever won…


1149 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Bad news Bulletin Board Morons, I have not got covid

I was up well before the crack of dawn to take my pre-flight test and I passed, I discuss that, move onto MyHealthchecked (MHC), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Tungsten (TUNG), ADM Energy (ADME) and finally Purplebricks (PURP), another fallen former fave of top blogger Paul Scott. It’s latest news really would turn aman to drink. But there is worse still to come.


1457 days ago

Paul Kendall of the Telegraph defends corrupt journalism with a twitter "hit" on me

The BBC’s Panorama recognised which journalist exposed the disgraced fund manager Neil Woodford from 2015 onwards with more than 1000 articles, podcasts and videos. When I confronted Woodford at his AGM in May 2019, he signalled me out as the journalist who had been most “wrong” about him. Within 3 weeks his funds had been gated – as I predicted. Woodford made £40 million from the venture, tens of thousands of ordinary savers lost billions. I had been right while  Fleet Street blew Woodford off almost to the end. The FCA is now looking into Woodford but 20 months later the disgraced fund manager is plotting a comeback. How do we know? The Sunday Telegraph had the scoop. This is corrupt journalism that shames our profession.


1607 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: sorry Colin enough is enough I am out

In today’s podcast I consider my dining experience in Chester last night and then look at Carnival (CCL), Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and its jail bait CEO and the 1 question its diehard supporters cannot answer. Moving on I consider Xtract Resources (XTR), Tiger Royalties (TIR) and the loathsome spiv Jon Bellis of Novum who has now pushed me over the edge, I look at Novacyt (NCYT) and TrakM8 (TRAK), once the beau of Britain’s thirstiest share blogger


1727 days ago

Here’s a question for a dying industry – my own!

This gives me real pleasure. Dismissed as a “blogger” by some patronising tossers in the Newspaper world I enjoy seeing our readership here at ShareProphets steadily climb. Moreover we operate on a business model that Fleet Street would find hard to understand. Folks want to access our content so pay for it and our revenues exceed our costs. We innovate and hope to continuing growing to top line so we can invest in content you can’t get elsewhere. Meanwhile newspaper print circulation data for April is out. Ouch.


2101 days ago

Winnileaks Special: explosive Singapore Court Docs - MySquar boss Eric Schaer a liar and guilty of theft and fraud

I demonstrated clearly that AIM listed MySquar (MYSQ) was a fraud, founded and run by a lying fraudster Eric Schaer way before it finally folded. The great and the good at AIM Regulation and Nomad SP Angel did nothing about it despite explicit warnings Self important PR fucktard Piers Pottinger stayed on as chairman, standing by his man and ignoring me. PR spawn of Satan Damian McCrystal banked his cheques and carried on spinning. The fraudsters fave journalist  (and ADVFN blogger of the year) Ben Harrington ran bogus stories in the Sunday Papers to get bailout placings away. No-one cared about the lies Schaer told. You guys are the establishment and it is far simpler to bank fat salaries and dismiss me as failed fund manager, pizza restaurant employee, yak, yak yak. Well gents you, 1% er bastards who are complicit in a transfer of welath from the many (shareholders) to the few (yourselves), please now read the Singapore Court Documents below branding Schaer a liar, a thief and a fraud. Read, weep and apologise to the Sheriff of AIM and to investors who have lost everything. You were all warned. You are complicit.


2173 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Neil Woodford fools the morons on the deadwood press (again) and Malcolm's worst article yet

I am losing my voice and have had to postpone my training walk today. Tomorrow, come what may, I will do 15 miles. Think of an old and sick man, listen to my croaky voice and sponsor a rogue blogger for Woodlarks HERE. In today's podcast I look at how Neil Woodford has legged over the deadwood press yet again, at why i remain bearish on equities and at Malcolm's worst ever article, pure cobblers on Brexit and shares.


2355 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron Contest Result - Juicin fails again, Daniel Victor wins semi naked photo of Thirsty Paul Scott

Having demanded we bring back this contest, once again Juicin Drumroll fails to win with his nomination. Come on Juicin, we are doing this for you, please try harder. This week's winner of a semi  naked photo of  Britain's top share blogger, before lunchtime, Thirsty Paul Scott, is Daniel Victor. You can see all the entries HERE but Daniel's winning entry, from twitter, is from a Tesla loon:


2378 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - why employing the whore blogger Malcolm Graham Wood is a straight sell signal

In today's podcast I look at fat bastard and those PLCs that employ him, at Amur Minerals (AMC), Mirada (MIRA), FastJet (FJET), Spire Healthcare (SPI) and Card factory (CARD).


2492 days ago

Frontera Resources - whore blogger Fat Bastard does his master's bidding & talks shit again

Who would have thought it? Frontera Resources (FRR) is forced to reveal that it has a major problem in Georgia after trying to mislead investors that it did not. So what to do? Call in the whore blogger, Fat Bastard Malcolm Graham Wood to claim that nothing is wrong after all. Natch he does not disclose that he is paid to write this shite.


2521 days ago

Jeremy Corbyn will be horrified by his defenders over Russia

What do the following have in common: right wing Sunday Times polemicist Rod Liddle, Conservative Sunday Telegraph columnist Chris Booker, right wing blogger Tom Winnifrith and his (closet) reactionary father of the same name and Right wing polemicist Peter Hitchens of the Mail on Sunday? When it comes to Jeremy Corbyn quite a lot...


2936 days ago

Who will the Lefty Wimmin & Islington poseurs want to win: The Daily Mail or Melania Trump?

You know when your kids ask you "Daddy would you rather jump into a room full of poisonous snakes or an aquarium full of great white sharks?" and you just say " It is not a choice I expect to make? This morning lefties across Britain and all those pampered posh liberal nitwits (and my daughter) from the Wimmin's March wake up facing just such a choice.

During the US election a deranged Hillary Clinton supporting blogger Griffin Webster Tarpley posted a (100% fake news) story suggesting that the wonderful and intelligent six language speaking Melania Trump had been a high class hooker. Britain's Daily Mail duly repeated this lie and


3026 days ago

The Liberal Media Establishment shamed & discredited again over FBI and Clinton emails

You may remember that for much of this year some journalists outside the mainstream established press questioned the health of Hillary Clinton. The mainstream media refused to cover it, stating that it was not an issue and that we were just mad right wing "bloggers". In MSM talk blogger means online writer who earns his living writing for a profitable enterprise. A journalist is paid by a loss making older media grouping that is losing readers. Anyhow, enough about folks like me who enjoy rising readership and run profitable businesses while er... enough said.

Then on 9/11 the crooked one collapsed and the story she spun did not stack up. Cough cough...the MSM


3074 days ago

Just doing a Russia Today interview on Hillary Clinton - I am not an ffing blogger!

It went out live on the 7PM Moscow Time show. In a Skype based interview, they asked how I wanted to be described - a blogger? No pal I have been a journalist for 25 years I said to the chappie who was probably soiling his nappy when I started in this trade. They described me as a blogger anyway. 


3181 days ago

Paul Scott's fantasy - let's get this straight

Given how a number of followers of blogger Paul Scott went onto twitter last night to retweet or like tweets about me which were simply untrue I feel the need to publish a private email which, I fear, shows that the blogger wwas just making things up. I do so merely to protect my own reputation. It all stems from Cyan.


3231 days ago

Justin Farr Jones of Beacon Hill & hairdresser Infamy turns to blogging but CV misleads methinks

You may remember Justin Farr Jones of Beacon Hill infamy - the man of the uber dodgy share dealings with his pal the hairdresser (HERE). Apparently he is now a blogger and financial services guru. I'd rather take financial advice from a big issue seller than Justin but each to their own. Check out his - ultra-tedious - blog HERE.


3293 days ago

Doc Holiday to join Lucian Miers & Tom Winnifrith at LSE AGM protest, will you come too?

The scouse blogger Doc Holliday has today said that he will be stealing a few hubcaps so that he can buy one share in the London Stock Exchange (LSE). That will alllow him to join the protests at its AGM in late April about its wholesale failure to tackle fraud and PLC lies on the AIM Casino. So that makes three comrades pledged to attend: Doc, myself and Lucian Miers. Will you come too? Here's the deal...


3346 days ago

David Lenigas panics over Afriag revelations and signs its AIM death warrant on twitter

Sometimes when the bad guys come under pressure it all gets too much for them and they panic and make a silly mistake. The Quindell "response to a blogger" statement actually gave proof of certain frauds. It was a blunder made in panic. And that brings us to David Lenigas who was so panicked by yesterday's Afriag (AFRI) bombshells and so effectively signed the AIM death warrant of the company with one single panicked tweet.


3353 days ago

Chris Oil Video - how he makes 1000% a trade, his night with the ladies and more

Market abuser Chris Oil has recorded a Christmas video special to blogger ABM. It is 31 minutes long but watching it may seem like it took you a lifetime. I was physically sick at 5 minutes and gave up. For any readers into masochism here you go...


3883 days ago

Mr Contrarian is a Genius – A Song for Quindell

Blogger Mr Contrarian is our official genius of the day with his Song for Quindell (QPP). This should be sung to the tune of Michelle by The Beatles.

Given that he is such a total genius we recommend that you check out his blog HERE and follow him on twitter @MrContrarian 

Quindell, a sell
These are words that go together well
Quindell, a sell


3962 days ago

Video of My fave libertarian Tory blogger Charlotte Argyle at the UK Investor Show

My fave Tory blogger Charlotte Argyle was one of those sitting in the bloggers cafe at the UK Investor Show. As ever she was forthright in her views as regular readers know from her classice pieces: what a banker and on how the minimum wage destroys jobs and hurts the poor. The true child of Thatcher, outlines a few of her thoughts in the video below


3972 days ago

My fave Tory Blogger & her dirty little secret

I have to flag up this piece from yesterday by my fave Tory Blogger Charlotte Argyle becuase it is a? very good and b) seems to have wound up a series of lefties. Well done on both counts Ms Argyle. The daughter of Thatcher writes...

 I like Bankers..... There you go I said it. My guilty little secret is out. What I don’t like though, is the concept of an organisation being too big to fail.


4047 days ago

My fave Tory Blogger writes: The Living Wage...the SME Job Destroyer- do the tax maths

I am always happy to give a platform to my fave Tory blogger Charlotte Argyle as her views are - as far as I know - 100% bang on the money. And so over to Charlotte.

As of December 2012, the average London worker can expect to enjoy a wage of £33,816 compared to that of their Northern neighbour, where in Manchester for example the average is £26,242.

If you go on to look at the median hourly rate for London, it is £10.13 and further investigation shows that if you take the median hourly rate by years experience, you would need 5-9 more years within that sector to reach anywhere close to the proposed £8.55 ‘living wage’ figure.

At a time of reported low growth, the living wage can be described as nothing more than another bureaucratic bid to stifle SMEs and start-up growth.
