
493 days ago

The second training walk for Woodlarks – a boring nine miles

The river Dee is still outside of its banks and I am still rather worried about the killer cows and thus on Saturday morning, for my second Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walk, I opted for the most boring of walks: my house to the service station on the Wrexham ring road and back.


794 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tortilla Mexican Grill just does not taste right and as for Chilango

I start with the usual. 94.5% of you have yet to donate despite the cows, nettles and thorn bush of the weekend. Go on, just a tenner for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, you know it makes sense. Please donate HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss Vin Murria and M&C Saatchi (SAA), the scoundrels at Ince (INCE) and Deepverge (DVRG), Vast Resources (VAST), Audioboom (BOOM) and then I take a very detailed look at Tortilla Mexican Grill (MEX) as it buys Chilango. This looks all wrong and another membr of the 2021 IPO hall of shame. 


795 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I don't give a feck what Nick Train says about Hargreaves & Neil Woodford, he misses the point and has called this horribly wrong

I start with the cows, my red face and pain. Read all about it HERE and then urge you to leave the 95% and make a donation to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE. Then I discuss Hargreaves Lansdown (HL.), Neil Woodford and whining underperforming fund manager Nick Train of Lindsell Train


795 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: UK Investor & harassed by a herd of cows leaving me in utter agony

I was not at the show, but have had feedback. What were your takeaways from Vin Murria, Adam Reynolds, Nigel Wray et al? Please do post in the comments section. Instead, I was on a 23-mile walk. I report on the good news and also how, thanks to a herd of cows, I am in complete agony tonight. Photos tomorrow, as bed beckons. Think of my complete pain and, if you are among the 95% of listeners yet to donate, please do so HERE.


797 days ago

Photo article: Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks training walk - agony as the cows attack

On June 11, myself and seven other rogue bloggers will walk the 34 miles from Winchester Cathedral to Woodlarks. I can now say that I will complete the walk after yesterday’s training effort of 23 miles. But that is three weeks away so now is a great time to sponsor me HERE. To encourage you to donate, let me tell you about the pain of yesterday and show you the reason: the cows, or bulls as they were advertised.


1491 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - invasion of the bulls the Old Bill wants to milk

I awoke this morning to strange sounds from the formal lawn behind the housse. I wandered downstairs and opened the door. Having entered single file through a small gate from the farmyard, the lawn was full of 10-15 bulls. The photo below was taken by my neighbour as a few of them wandered up the lane to his drive.


3696 days ago

Are cows to blame for global warming?

I think that global warming a giant hoax. The world has been getting cooler for almost two decades and there is absolutely no correlation between the level of man-made carbon emissions and global temperature. But to humour the climate change freaks and carbon trading crooks for a second I bring you, c/o one of the City’s smarter brokers,  news of a Japanese Study that explains who is to blame…cows. 
