
1429 days ago

A celebrated composer explains to BBC Songs of Praise Boss Cat Lewis why her words on Rule Britainnia are grossly offensive and factually incoherent

I explained in a long podcast HERE why Rule Britannia was not racist, imperialist, or a reference to the slave trade and why the BBC has it so wrong. Songs of Praise producer, Cat Lewis, is one BBC staffer on a bloated stipend who is still battling in a way which is both offensive and ignorant as I flagged up HERE. My work has prompted celebrated composer, Graham Lack, to offer me his thoughts which I am delighted, at his request, to publish below.  I wonder if Cat or anyone at the woeful BBC might be able to respond to what follows. Somehow I doubt it.


2529 days ago

General Lee down, now Columbus, Lord Nelson the next statue to topple?

General Robert Lee was a good man, devout, honourable and widely admired. But he fought for "the wrong side" in the US Civil war so while most Americans disagree, his statue must come down. Overnight in Baltimore a 225 year old statue of Christopher Columbus was destroyed. On this one probably about 98% of Americans would support keeping the ancient monument standing, although in the liberal media bubble the numbers will be the other way round..
