
51 days ago

Querying the health benefits of Tesco tinned tomatoes

You might be starting to think that I have become a sort of hybrid of Bobby Kennedy Junior and the late Dr Michael Mosley. I am utterly convinced that part of the terrifying decline of the West is down to obesity and being fat. Governments chuck ever more cash they do not have at healthcare, at overpaid doctors and drug companies charging vast sums for ever more pills supplied. But the health of Western populations just gets worse and worse.


86 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: I'm a lifetime burden on the state because I was FAT

My latest blood test results are in and things continue to go the right way but I shall be a lifetime burden on the NHS because I was fat. RFK is right: obesity will destroy the West and we must stop pretending otherwise.


1368 days ago

The graph that shows lockdowns don't work as EU nations blunder back into them

The graph below is pretty clear. Having lockdowns as a way to fight covid does not work. It looks at age adjusted excess deaths per million. You will see that Sweden, no lockdown, does pretty well, far better than the UK with a draconian lockdown. Florida with a very lax lockdown does marginally worse that California with a very tight lockdown, but not that much worse. Lockdown jihadists, mainly from the “tolerant” left, have repeatedly warned that Republican run Florida was heading for Armageddon. Many of those fanatics lived in New York with a far more draconian lockdown. Look how it fared… 



1457 days ago

The chart from the ONS which shows the complete insanity of the "experts" Matt Hancock, Mark Drakeford & the other criminals

The argument for the biggest assault on our civil liberties since World War Two and for actions that are wrecking the economy, causing suicides and job losses to soar and bankrupting businesses across the land is that we must act now to save lives. The monumental folly of this is demonstrated in this one chart below with data sourced from the ONS. Read it and then I challenge any one of you to disagree with me that all those responsible for lockdowns and other measures should be put on trial for their crimes.


1603 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Journalist-smearing motherfuckers Citigate Dewe Rogerson & FastJet Edition

I have been waiting for this day for a long while. I hope that comrade Graham Neary has a glass (or seven) of Black Velvet over in Ireland tonight. I shall have an ouzo as I enjoy some karma heading to the - journalist-smearing – fascist PR bastards at Citigate. I should warn you that this podcast contains some bad language as I consider the AIM demise of Fastjet (FJET). I laugh at a rumour about Ascent Resources (AST) and the whore blogger Malcolm Graham Wood and I consider the laughable plans of the pathetic nanny state regime of Bojo to tackle obesity.  I also look at Cineworld (CINE), R4E (R4E) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME), three firms I fear are in the merde. And did I mention that Citigate Dewe Rogerson are a bunch of journalist-smearing motherfuckers whose comprehensive lack of ethics I shall toast with ouzo tonight?


2844 days ago

Photo Article: Pancake day in Bristol

The pizza Hard man Darren Atwater says that my pancakes look all wrong. That is because he is from Canada so wants big fat fluffy pancakes drowning in maple syrup which is how the folks of North America aim to take obesity rates all the way up to 100%. Back in the old world we prefer thin crepes which can be tossed in the pan.


3038 days ago

Guardian haridan Polly Toynbee patronises poor people in offensive obesity attack - let them all have ballet lessons

It is no surprise that the £300,000 a year Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee views yesterday's obesity proposals as a wicked Tory attack on thre poor. In Toynbee's socialist paradise the State would intervene with taxes and advertising bans and every instrument of its control to make poor people less fat. The failure of the Tories to do this clearly shows they want poor people to be fat and to die early. Only someone writing from the rarified airs of a North London mansion or a Tuscan castle could write such tosh. This is vintage Toynbee. She opines:


3634 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s Tip of the Year No 4 – Buy Optibiotix

As I noted in my ten macro themes for 2015 article (HERE) the analysis that Steve Moore and I serve up is bottom up – that is to say company specific – not so much macro driven. But the odd macro think session establishes useful tramlines for the investment process. My firstsecond and third share tips for 2015 are already live and so onto Number 4.

This is not the classic value proposition that Steve and I normally go for. I admit that it is speculative but should say that for reasons I cannot quite work out it is the largest equity holding in RMPC’s modest portfolio. Well one reason is that the shares have done jolly well. We tipped Optibiotix (OPTI) at 8p on the HotStockRockets website a couple of months ago. It is now 17.25p-18p. This is definitely one to buy at up to 20p and I reckon we will see 30p before very long.

The company is a play on obesity and related issues, something at the front of my mind having just enjoyed my third Christmas meal with Christmas pudding in 4 days.

OptiBiotix has, already during its brief six month life on AIM, 
