physical abuse

186 days ago

Another victim of historic sex abuse at Warwick school gets in touch

It was last year that I contacted the celebrated campaigner on the matter of historic sexual abuse at Britain’s public schools, Alex Renton, to discuss how to push my old school to be more proactive in addressing its own scandals. My abuse at the hands of sadistic Geoffrey Eve was physical. But other boys suffered sexual abuse. One victim, having suppressed his memories for decades has finally decided to confront them, contacted Renton who put him in touch with me. We spoke last week.


561 days ago

Sadistic abuser of countless Warwick schoolboys (including me) Geoffrey Eve is dead. Hell is too good a place for the old bastard

Eve abused me, twice throwing my head against a wall, one  made of brick, the other of metal. As I have exposed with numerous articles on this website, in two spells at the school he abused countless little boys and Warwick covered up for him. And now he is dead. The current headmaster dropped me an email to let me know.


598 days ago

BREAKING Naming alleged paedophile teachers at Warwick School, I start with the music teacher as a 4th victim comes forward

This week, after 12 years of campaigning, I finally got to see Warwick School admit, after years of denial, that historic abuse had taken place and it made a full apology to we victims in a letter sent to thousands of current parents and former pupils. Having been cold shouldered by certain former teachers and pupils for my efforts I slept well that night. But, on reflection, this not a time to let up because there is still unfinished business.


600 days ago

BREAKING: After 12 years of asking Warwick School finally publicly admits to historic abuse and says sorry in letter sent to thousands

The letter below is being sent today to all parents of boys at Warwick School and to all OWs for whom Warwick has details. Twelve long years after I first raised the issue of the physical abuse I, and so many others, suffered at the hands of sadistic bastard Geoffrey, Geoff, Eve, during his two stints at the school, we are getting there with this public mea culpa. Last year Warwick apologised to Eve victims personally, accepting that our allegations were true. Now, for the first time, we get a very public and explicit acceptance from Warwick that it had problems with historic abuse. But we are only part way there.


764 days ago

Another victim of sadistic abuser Geoffrey Eve at Warwick School comes forward to tell his tale

Geoffrey Eve smashed my head against a wall at Warwick School twice in the late 1970s. Those incidents were so horrific that I have almost blotted out the daily terror he instilled in me for one whole year. After more than ten years of campaigning, Warwick has privately apologised to me for the abuse I suffered as it has run an enquiry into historic sexual and physical abuse. Within two weeks, I plan to name a living teacher who sexually abused boys at Warwick and who Warwick protected.


770 days ago

So Headmaster: did you really listen to Alex Renton? Lessons for Warwick School

I flagged up my latest piece on historic physical and sexual abuse at Warwick School to the current headmaster yesterday.  He promised that he would listen to the excellent Alex Renton programme on Radio 4 last night. I listened with a glass of brandy in my hand thinking how much this reminded me of Warwick and almost in tears. It was very saddening but illuminating.


772 days ago

Warwick School, protector of abusive teachers please listen to Alex Renton on Radio 4 tonight

It is not often hat I urge anyone to listen to the BBC. But at 8 PM tonight the excellent Alex Renton has a new programme on historic sexual abuse at the UK’s public schools. I urge the staff, Governors and Headmaster of my old school Warwick to listen to Radio 4 very carefullty. For the issue at hand is how schools covered up and protected abusers and Warwick is guilty of that to an extraordinary degree.


948 days ago

Waking up with a pain in my ankle – thanks again Warwick bloody school: where do we stand on its historic sexual abuse?

45 years ago I was pushed back into that freezing outdoor pool at Warwick School behind the “new gym” as I tried to haul myself out. There was no real malice by the three boys who did it (Petley R, Townsend & Moffatt A) but what happened was part of a culture of bullying which teachers just overlooked. Moffat A was, in particular, a real bully in my years in the junior school. Both his parents taught there and so that was just part of life, part of what made Warwick such an appalling place. On this occassion, my ankle caught between the iron bar that went around the pool and the edge of the pool. As I struggled for breath the ankle became horribly twisted. I could not walk for many weeks. It has never fully recovered.


978 days ago

Warwick School - more vile testimony of widespread historic sexual abuse

The behind-closed-doors enquiry continues into historic abuse at Warwick School. Victims like me aren’t allowed to see reports into what went on, even when – as in my case – the school has already concluded that I was physically abused by serial sadist, Geoffrey Eve, and apologized in private. Nor has there been any public apology or statement, as we victims ALL want. And, I fear, Warwick remains in denial as to the scale of historic sexual abuse.


1086 days ago

40 years too late Warwick School has today apologised to me for the physical abuse I suffered aged 11 at the hands of Geoffrey Eve

Since 2011, I have been urging Warwick School to do something about historic physical and, latterly, sexual abuse of young boys. Two headmasters of Britain’s third oldest school swept the matter under the carpet but, to his credit, the new headmaster, James Barker, himself an OW, has done something. Barker, myself and governor Ruth Weekes had a long Zoom chat today and Warwick says that it believes my allegations against Eve, apologises for what happened and for its 41 years of failure in doing something about it. That was welcome. But that is not enough for Warwick is sitting on far worse secrets.


1370 days ago

Another punishment beating: This is how Warwick School covered up the brutality of sadistic abuser Geoffrey Eve in the “good old days”

It was about four years after Geoffrey Eve twice slammed my head against the wall when this tale, relayed to me yesterday by a fellow Old Warwickian, occurred. The boys were 10 and in their final year of the Junior school waiting for the teacher to arrive and one piped up “where is Evo?”


1419 days ago

Warwick School – Damning New Evidence of the cover up of abuse: no more excuses HeadMaster

The reason that I have detailed numerous accounts of physical abuse of schoolboys at Warwick School by sadistic history teacher Geoffrey Eve is twofold: Firstly, I hope to make other victims realise that they are not alone. Secondly, it is for Warwick to accept its failure in terms of a duty of care in not only ignoring abuse but in covering it up. Now I have been made aware of the clearest and most shocking evidence of that cover-up culture and it concerns sexual abuse.


1420 days ago

After Everyone's Invited, will Warwick School's new Headmaster deal with the Geoffrey Eve abuse & other sexual abuse & the cover up, here's the old one washing his hands of it

It appears that after two years in the job, Deneal Smith is no longer headmaster at Warwick School, where 43 years ago sadistic brute Geoffrey Eve, a serial physical abuser of young boys, threw my head against the wall not once but twice. I reprint below Dr Smith’s last email to me, washing his hands of the whole affair. Perhaps new HM, James Barker, himself an OW, might – in light of revelations of Everyone’s Invited – actually deal with this issue.


1912 days ago

Warwick School and sadistic abuser Geoffrey Eve, a new victim delivers shocking testimony – proof of the third cover up

My extensive coverage of Geoffrey Eve, the teacher who physically assaulted me twice when I was 10 has prompted two more victims to step forward, as the school continues its wilful denial of the scale of the abuse. I was almost in tears reading what happened to this man who, I am afraid I do not remember, but who was two years older than me. This testimony shows that Warwick has now  covered up the Eve scandal three times in forty years.


2239 days ago

Warwick School – your mea culpa on historic sexual and physical abuse is an outright fail

The Old Warwickian, the glossy quarterly for those of us who attended Warwick School, arrived just now. As ever it is full of pages of smiling rugger buggers and sporty young men of old and of the same fine fellows at OW receptions around the world today. I see a couple of my contemporaries (Alan Dee and Clark Sergeant) at a reunion last year. They are still recognisable but, like me, much older, Do I look that much older? Almost certainly yes. But I suspect I look far less respectable.


2297 days ago

Historic sexual and physical abuse at Warwick School, progress at last ... the HM calls

On Friday I recounted harrowing new evidence of historic sexual abuse at my old school Warwick and feared that the new Head Master, Dr Deneal Smith, was set to do the same as his predecessor Gus Locke, that is to say more or less nothing. I judged the man harshly – he called me on Friday before reading my latest article.


2300 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Distracted by the growing sex abuse scandal at Warwick School and by the rantings of Brokerman Dan

I have been greatly distracted today. In part by some ludicrous piffle from Brokerman Dan, I explain why he is deluded. More importantly there is the growing sex and physical abuse scandal at my old school Warwick as I explained earlier today HERE. Today I have spoken to a second sexual abuse victim and been contacted by the new Head Master. Maybe something will happen. On the markets I look at First Derivatives (FDP), Angus Energy (ANGS), Purplebrocks (PURP) Totally (TLY) where Stevie Wonder could see that it is placing ahoy and Goldplat (GDP)


2933 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Red flags that flutter proudly at Techfinancials

In today's podcast I look forward to tomorrow and a meeting with lawyers to discuss legal action on behalf of shareholders in Cloudtag (CTAG) and the fraud African Potash (AFPO). I look forward even more to a night-time flight to Greece. I look in some details at Rosslyn Data (RDT) and in even more detail at Israeli tech dog Techfinancials (TECH). At a personal level I have been much distracted today by writing up my thoughts after a meeting yesterday to discuss physical abuse at Warwick School 38 years ago - more on that HERE


2933 days ago

Back in the Headmaster's study at Warwick School to discuss bullying and physical abuse 40 years ago

The Headmaster's study at Warwick School is still in the old Victorian part of the school pictured below. Next door is the chapel which we visited and which has changed little. The names of those boys who lead their men over the top from the front, as second Lieutenants, in both wars stand proudly. It was that rank, the public schoolboy rank, that suffered the most heavily in the first war and that roll call of honour is a long one.


2940 days ago

Summonsed to the Warwick School Headmaster's Study once again, after 31 years

It was the last week of my last term at Warwick School and my friend J and I decided we should have a whisky drinking contest. My A levels were finished and I only needed 2 Es to get into Oxford. J was an idle sod anyway and a year younger than me so his A levels were an eternity away. There was nothing else to do other than drink, smoke and chase girls- we were young and were going to live forever.
