361 days ago
I have already pointed out elsewhere just how massively bodged was the data used to claim that 2023 was the warmest year on record. The dishonesty of the coalition of cultist loons, big corporate grifters and the media and political class GroupThink is not new. But here belowe two charts covering the extent of sea ice at both ends of the planet andI challenge any global warming nutter to explain to me how, if the world just suffered its hottest year for 170 years, the sea ice at the North Pole ended the year at a greater level than any year since 2019 and also above several years since 1981. Meanwhile …down South
792 days ago
It was about ten years ago when I sat down with my daughter Olaf, now 21 and in her final year at Oxford, to enjoy a meal at an Italian restaurant. I was greatly taken by an electric grater of parmesan and suggested to the little Trustafarian (not on my side) that I quite fancied one for Christmas. “But what about the Polar Bears, Daddy” said Olaf almost in tears
2542 days ago
Given that the world is actually getting colder, the Arctic sea ice is expanding, the word global warming was expunged from the dictionary by believers in the bogus religion some years ago. But I guess when folks think of "climate change" they still have visions of polar bears on melting ice caps, desertification, etc. So as UK temperatures plunge below zero (again) and snow - which the loons told us a in 2000 that kids would not know by now - covers much of the country (again), the believers in this religion have a problem.