shy Trumpsters

132 days ago

Trump Promises “a bloodbath” if he wins: Jon Sopel, CNN, HuffPost all spread fake news

Little Sopel, formerly the BBC’s man in the USA could not help himself tweeting about Trump warning of “a bloodbath”. HuffPost ran the story “On Campaign Trail In Ohio, Trump Warns Of ‘Bloodbath’ If He Loses In November.” The rage of the liberal media GroupThink could be heard the world over. And folks in that groupthink wonder what nobody trusts the mainstream media anymore.


2132 days ago

Will the Republicans win the mid-terms? The Red Wave looks good – best polls in almost 8 years as Dems self-destruct

The conventional wisdom of the liberal media is that the Democrats will regain control of the House and possibly also of the Senate in the mid-terms coming up in a few weeks and that this will be a body blow to Donald Trump.  Here’s something the BBC and Channel 4 “fake” news is not reporting – the latest poll numbers are just amazing.


2827 days ago

Ignore the lying liberal media: What the polls actually said, even pre FBI, is that Trump can win!

Before the FBI did the decent thing and, in some cases, afterwards the liberal media was telling us that the General Election was a slam dunk win for Hillary. But the polls told you that this was not the case. Even without the FBI reopening its investigation into Crooked Hillary which is really bad news for her, as I explain HERE, Trump was looking good for the White House. Here's why.


2834 days ago

Don't Tell the BBC or C4 but Donald Trump is now leading in some opinion polls

Crooked Hillary Clinton is still the favourite to win the November 8 Presidential Election. But her allies in the liberal media who refuse to air damning video exposes - such as this one - showing how she is just not fit to run the Dog Pound let alone be POTUS, are already pondering what outfits to wear for the victory party. The media is telling you that the contest is over and if you are a Republican you might as well not vote as your party is imploding. Au contraire my God Fearing, gun owning, tax paying, hard working friends in the conservative family.
