status quo

1185 days ago

We’re in the army now – just what is it for: creating a more inclusive society or killing bad guys to protect the UK?

I guess times have changed since Status Quo sang that rather Un Quo like hit back in 1986.  If the Quo were to rewrite the song for today it would not say


2924 days ago

The Orwellian BBC - another good reason to refuse to pay your license today: Ansbach

I have noted HERE that the BBC will do anything it can not to report that a Moslem has killed Westerners in a terror attack. And when it is finally forced to accept that the latest atrocity was (as per usual) committed by an Islamist it makes all sorts of excuses. These days its Orwellian spin is in overdrive but with the Ansbach attack it surpassed itself. Who was the victim? Yes you got it in one did you not? As you can see below...


2935 days ago

The Coronation of Theresa May, the media pundits and the disgusted plebs

There is much commentary in the USA about the revulsion that so many folks feel for the three intertwined pillars of the status quo of the establishment: the political class, the big businessmen who fund/buy that class and the media pundits who take the political/business spin without question. I would perhaps add a fourth pillar, the banksters, but perhaps they are rolled into business fat cats. The massive distrust and resentment of these people seems to be evident across the West. That Americans may well vote for Donald Trump who is, shall we say, not exactly the new Abraham Lincoln, is a sign of this, Brexit was another as is the rise of the frightful Marine Le Pen in France.

And so we come to the coronation of Theresa May
