
89 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Chatting to Nigel Wray about all that is wrong with the stockmarket

I discuss my chat with Wray, Versarien (VRS), Cykel AI (CYK), Belluscura (BELL) and Big Technologies (BIG)


99 days ago

Mark Menzies: The Tory MP who “disputes” the Grindr blackmail misuse of funds reports – its like dealing with stockmarket villains

In my day job I deal with stockmarket villains. The narrative does not change when you expose a big scandal. I publish a report.  The company’s advisers, overpaid PR fluffies, put out a regulated announcement where they “refute” the allegations. And in due course I am vindicated and shares in that company collapse, sometimes to zero. It has happened so many times.



163 days ago

BREAKING: SEC suspends Tingo, the billion dollar fraud created by Home Secretary James Cleverly’s cousin Chris

The first cousin of the Home secretary, the serial fraudster Chris, has a history of UK stockmarket fraud, exposed by this website, but his company Tingo (US:TIO) is a Nasdaq listed con which was once a multi billion dollar scam. Today the regulators at the SEC have moved into suspend trading in the shares and the associated document, below, is damning. It will be ouzo tonight for me as I first flagged up this scam in September 2022, for the Cleverly family its not such a good day.


452 days ago

David Beckham’s Guild ESports – did it break Exchange Rules (again) as it loses key sponsor ( but gains another) as cash crisis weeks away?

Not for the first time I sit pondering whether cash strapped Guild Esports (GILD) – which has proved such a money spinner for David Beckham and such a disaster for mug punters – is playing fast and loose with stockmarket rules that you have to announce price sensitive information as soon as possible. Let me explain.


519 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I agree with Warren Buffett not Malcolm Stacey

Having wrongly called the stockmarket as a bear, Malcolm is again an uber bull as the Footsie hits record highs, today telling us that Warren Buffett has got it all wrong. Malcolm seems to be driven by FOMO and I explain all sorts of reasons why you might not want to bet the ranch on his call.


871 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Saying the unsayable about Ukranian hookers

I start with a look at wider stockmarket sell offs in the UK, US and especially Germany and what we – who will all be down – should be doing about it. I warn that if you go full bear you could be burned when most shares spike or rebound as will happen at some point. I comment specifically on the frauds Chill Brands (CHLL) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and on Ukranian hookers and fake news and also on Ten Lifestyle (TENG). And I discuss pen Orphan (ORPH) vs Braveheart (BRH), the saintly Cathal Friel vs the spiv chancer Trevor Brown. It is all to do with returning capital or not.


948 days ago

Some stockmarket Christmas carols from a reader

A reader presents a seasonal offering. I am sure you can match the tunes to the carols below.


1112 days ago

Video: Americans have never been more exposed to a stockmarket that will crumble if not crash

Writer Steve St. Angelo of the SRSrocco Report says that the Fed’s Treasury purchase isn’t money creation; instead, it destroys it. Therefore, QE is not inflationary as many believe. This process is supposed to lower rates and thus increase public borrowing. However, QE is destroying money velocity and gradually ruining the economy.


1238 days ago

Video: Big Money About to Rush into Gold

Gold investor Don Durrett believes that the yellow metal is currently trapped on the chart and will fall before it recovers. Investors currently don’t have a good reason to exit the stockmarket and buy gold. If a correction occurs in stocks, it seems unlikely that gold will avoid taking a liquidity hit, but it will recover.


1338 days ago

Video: Gold and bitcoin to the moon, or at least $4,000 for the yellow metal

Asset manager Frank Holmes argues that the US the election results and a split house may be the perfect scenario for the stock market and the ideal scenario for gold. He believes that G20 Central bankers have been functioning as a cartel since 2008 by synchronizing taxation and regulation. Now they are playing with MMT, zero interest rates, and monetary stimulus. However, they have redefined the CPI, and today if you use the old model, inflation is running at close to eight percent. Smart people are buying real assets like art, gold, silver, mining equities, and bitcoin.


1440 days ago

Video: Marc Faber: The Economy Will Not Return for Years

Legendary commentator Marc Faber does not mince his words. Whatever is being done to pump the stockmarket, the real economy has been crushed and will not bounce back. He states: “The economy is currently in a dead-cat bounce and that peak economic levels seen in 2018-2019 will not come back for a long-time… and by a long-time… years.”


1491 days ago

Inflecting an irregular noun contest – hat tip Andrew Bell

No prize here just a chance to display your intellectual genius.  Ideally the answers will be stockmarket related. I suggested to Andrew Bell that if he was a real stockmarket spiv he’d spin off the Aussie gold tenements of Red Rock Resources (RRR) via an IPO as the market is red hot. He thinks it’s a good idea but asked if that made me a spiv too for suggesting it? I replied by explaining the irregular inflection of the word stockmarket spiv:


1504 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: we are all so lucky

I start with a few reflections on the widening gap between the real economy and the stockmarket. Then I ask you to consider how lucky you are as I discuss Woodlarks and what it does and why it matters. As you listen I am walking 33.3 miles to save Woodlarks. If you have donated I thank you. If not we are so close to getting the £48,000 needed to save the camp. Please, please donate HERE.


1563 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition 28 with Tom Winnifrith a Coronavirus & stockmarket special

I have no guests in this week’s show which is sponsored by Open Orphan PLC (ORPH). Instead it is just me discussing all things Coronavirus. My own views on the pandemic and on the Government’s disastrous, GroupThink driven, response are well documented in a series of podcasts and a couple of articles on my own website HERE. my views are not the issue it is the economic and stockmarket fallout. I discuss the bubble led by stocks like Novacyt (NCYT) and why it MUST burst but also stocks to buy and why I am nervous of the market rally. If you like this podcast and can’t wait seven days for more of the same and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast and enjoy our cracking writen exposes and analysis every day HERE.


1572 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No longer a down and out old man but a throwback to the 1970s & I hate James Hay

Yes, after three weeks, I have shaved off a lockdown beard that was white, grey, black and brown and made me look like an elderly Big Issue seller. But having run out of foam i still have a dark moustache and so am now a throwback to the 1970s. The good old days.  I discuss this and also the idea that we will see a dramatic post Coronavirus economic, stockmarket and oil price recovery. I look at Easyjet (EZJ), Angling Direct (ANG) – using it as a case study of how the economy really is snagged so badly – and at the scandal at Versarien (VRS) where lyin’ Neill Ricketts now stands totally exposed with regards to his share dumping a year ago. Surely the regulators must act now. I discuss how James Hay are m aking my life a misery with their incompetence lover my SIPP transfer.  Finally an appeal from Darren please send your views of your new home desks and the views from your window to [email protected]  


1592 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: stockmarket Bloodbath

I start with the markets, coronavirus, hapless Donald Trump and other matters. It is all a mess. Some folks are really hurting and I explain how this can affect you. Then I look at Cineworld (CINE), Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), Big Dish (DISH), NMC Health (NMC), Finablr (FIN) and Metro Bank (MTRO)


1599 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: stockmarket and oil price crash special

Don’t worry the sun will still rise tomorrow and we are not ALL going to die of Coronavirus. I discuss the oil price crash and stockmarket slump and look in particular at: Tern (TERN), Carnival (CCL), Bidstack (BIDS), Versarien (VRS), the antics of market makers, Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC), BP (BP.), Shell (RDSB), Tullow (TLW), Optibiotix (OPTI) and Premier Oil (PMO)


1616 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what happens when the Donald Trump stockmarket bubble bursts?

I start with a bit about the US election this November, the Trump economic and stockmarket bubble and when it will burst. It is a when not an if and in that vein I review stocks that could be utterly cratered when the mood music changes including Petra Diamonds (PDL), De La Rue (DLAR), Versarien (VRS) and other jam tomorrow overvalued jokes and NMC Health (NMC). And I suggesy how you start to prepare for the bubble bursting.


1802 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A MAJOR red flag for the US and global stockmarkets

Hat tip my esteemed stockbroker, I flag up a major red flag for global equity markets. I discuss a hot rumour of the real reason the FCA swooped to shut down broker SVS. I look at Canadian Overseas (COPL), Avanti Communications (AVN), Sound Energy (SOU), Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) and Brady (BRY).


1849 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Feelings of disgust and anger at the rigged & corrupt stockmarket

In today’s bearcast I look at FinnCrap (FCAP and two of its rotten clients: Telit (TCM) and Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG), at vile greed at Attis Oil & Gas (AOGL) , formerly Mayan/Northcote and at the latest FRC sanctions for shoddy audit work by Delotte and audit partner Helen George. I look at Weald Basin news from IGAS (IGAS) and what it means for Uk Oil 7 Gas (UKOG) et al and at daft Sound Energy (SOU) rumours.


1988 days ago

Podcast: The Long Term Gold Chart is Really Exciting

As you know, Jordan Roy Byrne is the only technical analyst we take seriously ( sorry Sith Lord Zak Mir). As such we note that Jordan  points out that the signs are close for declaring a new bull market in gold. The indicators are all showing positive. Both GDX and GDXJ have surged in their long term moving averages. We still need to rally up to the resistance levels but we are so close and the evidence is mounting. Lastly, he is looking for the ratio of gold compared to the stock markets to rise which is a classic bull market sign. All this is explained in the latest podcast from Palisade Capital.


2050 days ago

Malcolm Stacey's Santa Rally Caption Contest

For some reason the old boy has not been banging on about the Santa stockmarket Rally quite as much this year as usual. In that vein, for the chance to win a semi naked photo of Britain's top share blogger (mornings only) thirsty Paul Scott, please supply suitable captions for the picture below in the comments section. The deadline for entries is midnight Sunday... do your worst.


2059 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Call me dim or old fashioned but I dont understand the Versarien valuation

I start with a few Greek ramblings, The Iliad and the Greek Hovel, going to a bank, etc. Then I look at the wider stockmarket woes and then onto TrakM8 (TRAK), Versarien (VRS), BlueJay (JAY), FinnCrap (FCAP) and the resigning analyst and finally I have grave questions about the statement made on November 15 by Neil Woodford dog Eve Sleep (EVE). Surely there must be a steward's?


2099 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Malcolm kids himself, FinnCrap & Sam Smith must be desperate to IPO right now, why?

I start by referring you to a video just up of my labour of love, the Greek Hovel, which you can see HERE. Then I take apart the bullish nonsense about the stockmarket Malcolm Stacey served up yesterday HERE.  Finally I look at IPOs planned for the next few weeks such as that of Sam Smith's FinnCrap and broker AJ Bell. Why oh why go now? Surely they are both either mad or desperate? I discuss in detail why both should be avoided like the plague, referring also to the Funding Circle IPO debacle.


2137 days ago

A Note Of Caution – General Equity Market

Sprott is the world's best known resource investor. If stockmarkets wobble, precious metals usually flourish so this bearish note is "talking its own book". None the less Sprott analyst Tekoa Da Silva makes some valid points in this note just out. Over to the expert...


2176 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the $70 billion question: is Elon Musk of Tesla stark raving mad?

In this podcast I look back of the events of the past week at Tesla, what it says about the state of the stockmarket and the wider market cycle and specifically about the state of mind of Elon Musk. is he certifiable or a genius holding a hand of Aces we do not know about? Or just so desperate he will do anything to keep the show on the road for a little bit longer?


2399 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Looking forward to 2018 It is not if but when the stockmarket suffers a major correction

I start, as ever, in Greece and with a book written in 1951. Humour me as I travel to Monemvasia. This is is about how we humans can interpret two sets of data and arrive at a conclusion that is understandable but proves utterly wrong. And that brings me to the state of the stockmarket. I explain six reasons why, for me, a correction is a when not an if but also why it may not be the end of the world.


2503 days ago

Sell in May and Go away and come back on St Ledger Day - how did that work in 2017

It is an old stockmarket truism, just like "everything tipped by both Zak Mir and Justin the Clown will always go down". But while the latter truism bears the test of time, proving to be 100% accurate how did the former do in 2017?


2610 days ago

London Bridge: They DON'T Hate our way of life, they DON'T hate democracy and we CAN'T carry on as normal

I do not know why the pathetic liberal media, led by the taxpayer funded BBC, are bothering to interview London's useless Mayor Sadiq Khan, his hapless Mancunian counterpart Andy Burnham, stockmarket spiv turned home secretary Amber Rudd or any of the other members of the political elite after the London Bridge attack. They are all saying the same as they did after Manchester. They were lying then. They lie today. Just re-run the old tapes. There are three big lies.


2613 days ago

Photo Article: Doing what makes me happiest - a 2 hour workout at the Greek Hovel killing frigana

It may sound silly but I find that killing frigana - the horrid thorn bush in which snakes hide - is really the most relaxing thing that I can do. Whether it be with poison or with my strimmer I become the grim reaper and could not be happier.


2613 days ago

It is not often that I cheer the taxman but in the case of the virtue signaller Gary Lineker....

I would like to see a low tax small state Britain. Sadly that dream is not shared by any of the money tree worshipping political parties but I can still hope. Instinctively that makes me view HMRC as the pantomime villain, a body to be hissed and booed whenever it comes on stage to try and get more cash out of hard working folks. But in the case of HMRC vs Gary Lineker, the jug eared virtue signalling poseur, I will not be warning Mr Walker's Crisps that "he's behind you", I cheer on the taxman at every turn.


2692 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: On dangerous ground telling a joke about crap Scottish Football

As the Rangers (RFC) comedy show is back into town again. I could not resist it. Elewhere I discuss Challenger (CHAL), Concha (CHA), a golden stockmarket rule or two, Strategic Minerals (SML) and how its honesty on matters LOC compares to that of the liars running the fraud African Potash (AFPO), Quadrise Fuels (QFI) and then in some detail, Telit Communications (TCM)


2699 days ago

Peter Schiff Rate Hike Odds Surge As GDP Forecasts Collapse

Libertarian gold bug Peter Schiff is one of my heros and his latest podcast reminds us all why the stockmarket may be hitting recorcd highs but it is clearly way overvalued.


2709 days ago

Photo: The stockmarket has gone mad ... no comment

Financial TV commentators are always bullish. But even now? The photo below says it all and is presented with no additional comment for none is required.


2714 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the lunacy of PC Aviva & 3 Stockmarket Red Flags

In today's podcast I look at the new rules Aviva is implemententing in the name of gender equality. They are not needed and are bad news for all concerned. It is yet another sign of how Britain is losing the plot on capitalism. I then offer up three clear signs that we are at a market top and why it pays to be very wary.


2731 days ago

BREAKING: Snake Oil Salesman & Charlatan Darren Winters defeated and humiliated in Court - The curse of ShareProphets is upon him

For almost 20 years, the spiv Darren Winters has been making a killing charging mug punters five figure sums for utterly worthless stockmarket courses. His salesman get punters to sign pieces of paper which they say do not bind them to anything then bully and threaten folks for thousands of pounds. In 2015 we started to expose this conman and Winters threatened us with legal action unless we desisted HERE. We said "see you in Court Bitchez!" and he declined that offer. We then started funding various cases of folks who Winters was trying to fleece. Winters has used google to try to stop people finding out about this (see HERE) but yesterday one case came to Court. It was a disastrous humiliation for Winters - who sent his ghastly Mrs Tatjana to represent him - and ouzo o'clock for ShareProphets & the Sheriff of AIM. Here is the story of Mr O.


2742 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron & Trump bashing moron of the week contest

This week, and for one week only, we widen the scope of this contest. As ever, to win simply post the greatest example of idiocy from the Bulletin Boards or twitter relating to shares and the stockmarket in the comments section below. But this week you can also win with comments made on social media or placards from the "wimmin's march" yesterday, from a Donald Trump hater showing the greatest lack of intellectual rigour. The deadline for entries is midnight on Sunday 29th January.


2752 days ago

If Slater & Gordon did comedy they'd issue a press release like this...oh they did

Following news of the latest investigaton into it cooking its own books, shares in Aussie law firm now trade at 29 cents down from c$8 when it blew £649 million buying 92% the assets of Quindell less than two years ago. Blowing up your balance sheet buying the biggest stockmarket fraud in 30 years is not a smart move. And as such I am delighted to see this release from the Aussie poltroons: 


2772 days ago

The stockmarket comeback of Jason Drummond of Teathers infamy, thanks to Fatty Cornish - but uh oh legals looming?

Those who lost money on Teathers Financial (TEA) must have assumed that there would be no stockmarket comeback for those involved in incidents such as THIS and THIS as well as the complete wipeout for shareholders. No self respecting adviser would inflict another such creation on public markets would they. But we reckoned without London's worst Nomad, the tax averse Mr Roland "Fatty" Cornish.


2785 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Insanity, Insanity and yet more Insanity

My day at the olive harvest was tiring and curtailed only slightly by Vreki - details HERE. But that explains the late bearcast on a day of stockmarket insanity. I discuss Santa rallies and some true indicators of the lunacy that abounds. At a company level I comment on Cloudtag (CTAG), Servision (SEV), African Potash (AFPO), Advanced Oncotherapy (Hee Hee), Metal Tiger (MTR), Amur Minerals (AMC) and Strat Aero (AERO).


2860 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Donald Trump & The Stockmarket

The first Trump Clinton debate is tomorrow and here's hoping for a knockout for The Donald - I am just so glad that Gennifer Flowers will be in the front row as I explain HERE.  But what does a Trump win or a Clinton win for that matter mean for the stockmarket? I am a market bear and selling my shares as I explained yesterday HERE. Does who wins the US General Election make any difference? I discuss this in detail.


2874 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: remembering 9/11, rewriting history & classic cars the canary in a stockmarket coalmine

It is the anniversary of 9/11, the Al-Qaeda attack on the twin towers in New York. I look back on that with a few thoughts notably on how we in the West have rewritten history in such an Orwellian manner as we repeat our past errors. I then look at what the market for classic cars is telling you about the stockmarket and house prices. It is not good. I've been here before and know how it will end.


2883 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - 8 Reasons why Donald Trump will defeat Hillary Clinton on November 8

The British media, lead by Beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 News and by the BBC are not reporting what is actually going on in the US Presidential race just what they would like to be going on. They have called Trump wrong all along in terms of actual ballots cast and they are still wrong. In this podcast I offer the eight reasons Trump will win.


2902 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Stockmarket Lessons from Empire by Niall Ferguson

I have been re-reading "Empire, how Britain Made The Modern World" by Niall Ferguson this weekend and it has some quite incredible stockmarket data and lessons for us all. It is a great read as I discuss.


2912 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: another Vision of suffering for eternity in hell

Earlier this week I discussed HERE how eternity in hell might involve being lectured by a ponce from Bristol City Council on Health & Safety Rules and EU regulations on child car seats. I have another vision of hell today and it involves the Mother in law, Mothercare and discussions about prams. On other, more stockmarket related matters, I discuss, in some detail, Avanti Communications (AVN), Grafenia (GRA) and Glenwick (GWIK). I have a few more words on our devastating expose earlier today (HERE) on Strat Aero (AERO) and I offer praise up to the delightfully politically incorrect Anthony Coombs of S&U (SUS) for his trading statement today covering Brexit in which he sticks it firmly to the liberal chattering classes of doomsayers.


2949 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: crack whores like Eden, Golden Saint & Cloudtag as Polly Toynbee spikes Stockmarket

The worst newspaper in the world in the truth and analysis department is the Guardian and its worst columnist is the loathsome haridan Polly Toynbee. Silly Polly has today caused the stockmarket to surge as I explain. I then move onto FastJet (FJET), Teathers Financial (TEA), Tern (TERN) & Nigel's dynamite expose today and an array of AIM crack whores: Servision (SEV), Eden Research (EDEN) and Cloudtag (CTAG). Warning: this podcast contains some very bad language.


2950 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: crack whores like Eden, Golden Saint & Cloudtag as Polly Toynbee spikes Stockmarket

The worst newspaper in the world in the truth and analysis department is the Guardian and its worst columnist is the loathsome haridan Polly Toynbee. Silly Polly has today caused the stockmarket to surge as I explain. I then move onto FastJet (FJET), Teathers Financial (TEA), Tern (TERN) & Nigel's dynamite expose today and an array of AIM crack whores: Servision (SEV), Eden Research (EDEN) and Cloudtag (CTAG). Warning: this podcast contains some very bad language.


2952 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Independence day Bearcast Part 2: Political panto, sterling & the stockmarket

Earlier, in Independence Day Bearcast part 1, I looked at how we the people had given the elites a well deserved kicking on the Brexit poll and what that says for Europe as a whole. Now I turn to the political panto but more importantly to waht happens to Sterling and the stockmarket and I mention a few stocks featuring today. Don't panic but be realistic is the message.


2961 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Good journalism is not insider dealing & how to make money when we win the Brexit vote

I start with a look at how in stockmarket terms insanity begets insanity. No this is not how David Lenigas thinks of me and my mother but our case study here is Highland Natural Resources (HNR). I think explain why good journalism, that is to say breaking stories that are price sensitive, is not breaking the law. Finally as the polls move our way I ponder how you make money when team Brexit wins the EU referendum. One reason why I think we might win is how Labour voters are shifting and that is covered in a podcast on my own website HERE.


2974 days ago

An Evening with a snake and a hooker c/o Inspirit

It is good to see that Inspirit Energy (INSP) is spending the £750,000 from the bailout financing of last month wisely. Canapes and stockmarket hookers all round.

I refer to an RNS out today saying that there is a canapes and nibbles evening on June 14. So here is how it goes. Back in the autumn of last year Inspirit paid to appear on t1ps TV to get a soft interview from Zak "Judas" Mir.  t1psTV did not disclose the payment and CEO John Gunn assured the world that no placings were needed even though that was patent bollocks. Ramp, ramp and ramp again.


3103 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith Presentation - the great stockmarket and real economy unwind is only starting

I gave this presentation in Clerkenwell last night. I am not predicting a crash but I am suggesting that the debt and QE bubble is only starting to unwind and will go much further


3125 days ago

Stockmarket Villain of the year 2015: Tom Winnifrith, Chris Oil or Rob Terry

As we revealed here our poll on the stockmarket villain of the year 2015 was rigged by someone in Manchester voting numerous times from the same ISP, encouraged by the lying criminal Chris Oil. And so we have three potential villains of the year.


3127 days ago

Tom Winnifrith stockmarket villain of 2015 votes Manchester saddo, rest of you think of real crooks

What wags some folks are. Certain folks reckon that you should all vote for PR bimbo Canace Wong as a proxy for me as the stockmarket villain of 2015. Not only are predictable fools and knaves urging their minions to rig the vote but someone in Manchester has actively attempted to rig it with multiple voting. Vote early, vote often, vote Canace. You saddo - you think we can't monitor IP addresses?


3133 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 27 December - the chickens will come home to roost for fake stockmarket capitalists in 2016

Tomorrow I shall be in New York with my daughter and her uber-mad lefty godparents. Yesterday I spent the day with my wife's family including her barking mad (Greek) brother in law.  He has numerous good qualities and is very likeable but a couple of major blind spots. I managed to control myself as he claimed that the evil Jews were behind 9/11 and controlled global banking. Then he moved onto capitalism. He has it wrong but so does the stockmarket from the FTSE 100 down to the AIM casino. In 2016 chickens will come home to roost for both.


3169 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 22 November - No Sleep till Brooklyn

I am sure folks my age know who sang that classic. The year it came out I was living in Brooklyn. I'm back. Boy its changed. The corner where I used to come out of the subway and get offered drugs is now a plush little oasis. I sit in the Starbucks opposite. How things have changed. In today's bearcast I look at the real scandal and failings at HBOS, explain why flip flop's view of AIM is, like that of the Clown on ADVFN, narrow and distorted and flag up a few interesting factoids explaining my increasing bearishness about the stockmarket.


3270 days ago

Rangers International Football Club Stockmarket Re-float –up to £20 million to be raised

Rangers International Football (RFC) recently announced the appointment of Peterhouse Corporate Finance as its ISDX advisor, and sources close to the deal say that ISDX is desperate for RIFC to join its junior market in London. A few uncertainties remain.

Sources close to the deal have revealed that bosses at Peterhouse have had four meetings with RIFC Chairman David Cunningham King – with the FCA now having cleared Mr King as fit and proper to run a public company.

However, in order to list on ISDX RIFC must show that it has enough cash to last 18 months. Right now it has net debt of £5 million to the loathed Mike Ashley and


3331 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 June

In this podcast I discuss why I welcome a market correction which I regard as inevitable. I explain why I view it as inevitable - following on from themes in this Saturday show - but say why I welcome it. I look forward to the day because a) as a long term investor it will allow me to buy great stocks at bargain prices - and yes I am looking at FTSE 100 stocks - and b) because it will force a belated clean out of the Augean stable that is the UK stockmarket today. I look back to 2003 for some inspiration.


3380 days ago

Darren Winters Stockmarket Charlatan Expose – Part 2

In a few hours Mr Darren Winters will stand up as a main stage speaker at a marginal investor show in London. Most media organisations will not give him airtime but some are so devoid of principle that they will take his money to allow him to peddle his snake oil.  I explained yesterday why so many of his claims are bogus HERE, now to how he gets folks to part with their cash.

At the show organised by those devoid of principle today, 


3381 days ago

Darren Winters – the stockmarket’s greatest Charlatan – part 1

Darren Winters claims to be the UK’s top financial trainer and to have assisted over 400,000 people learn about the stockmarket. Yet most reputable financial companies including ADVFN and ourselves refuse to have anything to do with him, viewing him as an utter charlatan. Having spoken at length to a former employee of his I shall over the course of two articles explain why you should have nothing to do with this man or with any media organisation that takes his cash to allow him to peddle his snake oil to its customers. Only unprincipled scumbags deal with Winters taking his cash to allow their customers to get screwed.

Winters claims that his critics are driven by jealousy. Whatever. My motivation in writing this is to expose a man who has made millions from mug punters and seems incapable of telling the truth and to shame those who – like a trivial trade show in London tomorrow give him a platform and so betray investors, in return for hard cash.

The official biog


3418 days ago

Nominate your NINE stockmarket villains or buffoons of the past 12 months – its for UK Investor Show

All will be revealed in due course but this is going to raise money for Woodlarks, will be a lot of fun at UK Investor Show and I ask for your help. Simply nominate your top nine stockmarket knaves or buffoons of the past 12 months – all must be from different companies or organisations. For starters here is mine:

1. Rob Terry Quenron

2. Marcus


3513 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's Bearcast - Individuals commit stockmarket crime not companies - the 1 reform AIM should make

How to clean up AIM at a stroke? Shimple. Listen to my pal Sam Antar and accept that it is individuals not companies that commit or aid fraud and go after them. A simple suggestion to clean up the market at a stroke.


3949 days ago

Q&A with Mike Wallis CEO of Enables IT

AIM Listed Enables IT (EIT) was formerly known as Nexus which in turn was formerly known as something else. Will its third incarnation after its second RTO turn around the fortunes of what historically has been a bit of a stock market dog. I met up with Mike Walliss the CEO of the enlarged network and IT solutions group to find out.
