virtue signaller

1142 days ago

The vile standards of the liberal left on abortion: New Zealand vs Texas

New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern is a woman who, in the eyes of the liberal left who dominate the media and political classes, can do wrong. God fearing Texas Republicans are in the eyes of the same people an abomination who, in recent weeks have been branded and compared, unfavourably, with both the Nazis and the Taliban. Check twitter, yes #TexasTaliban really has been trending for well over a week. The issue driving this is abortion.


1314 days ago

This really is my last word on ghastly Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle and her dim husband said that their lie-packed interview with billionaire virtue signaller Oprah Winfrey would be their “last word” on the matter. That now seems to be a lie too as they are happily letting it be known to pet poodles in the press their latest thoughts and feelings.  Just when I thought that I could not view the couple as even more despicable, I find that I do. I suppose as a Republican I should not really care but as a human I find myself feeling ever warmer thoughts towards the rest of the Royal Family. Maybe this is long Covid and I cannot think straight but after 53 years as a Republican, I really do feel rather sorry for the rest of the Windsor family.


1926 days ago

England did not win the greatest cricket match ever because of diversity!

For some reason, my wife’s family seem to be the only Indians on this planet who do not give two hoots about cricket. After seven years with the Mrs, I still found myself yesterday trying to explain what is a four, a six and an overthrow. None the less, as yesterday afternoon went on we had two TVs going at my mother-in-law’s house: one for tennis and one for cricket. Gradually even the Tennis goggle box became a cricket one as my mother and father in law became engrossed by the World Cup Final, without doubt the most exciting ODI ever.


2175 days ago

Has Jug eared virtue signalling prick Gary Lineker got no shame? Backing the Quindell fraudsters AGAIN

As BBC license fee payers, you will be truly delighted to see how the vast pay cheque given to Gary Lineker is being spent. You may remember that the crisp salesman was appointed as brand ambassador to Ingenie, part of the Quindell (QPP) fraud, now under SFO investigation as the UK’s largest stockmarket swindle for 30 years. Lineker was given millions of pounds of free shares in Quindell which he sold onto poor investors who lost almost everything - having said he'd be a buyer. Well it worked before…


2310 days ago

Just why am I paying for so many BBC staff to live it up in Russia at the World Cup?

ITV is a commercial network and covers the World Cup well enough. So why does the BBC need to bid for matches and cover it at all? Its remit should be high quality public service broadcasting not competing against commercial networks – using taxpayers cash – to show commercial propositions? But okay, we do not live in a low tax libertarian paradise, so there has to be BBC sport. However…


2437 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast - the real scandal with charities is that they don't work

There are so many scandals and I cover the hypocrisy of the left over fallen virtue signaller Brendan Cox and the double standard shown regarding nonces in the church and at Oxfam. But the real scandals are that there are too many charities, that taxpayers cash is wasted on too many of them and that they do not work. Poor folks in third world shitholes need capitalism not NGOs.


2441 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - why is a stock promoter like an Oxfam Aid worker, oops I meant paedophile

Sorry, but I have Oxfam on my mind. Seeing the downfall of these virtue signallers who I have long despised is hugely entertaining.  However there is a link, this is not a contrived headline. In this podcast I discuss Mayan Energy (MYN), Andalas (ADL)(, Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and The People's Operator (TPOP)


2484 days ago

Imagine earning £500,000 a year for spouting utter nonsense - star Guardian virtue signaller Owen Jones on Iran

Guardian columnist and celebrated virtue signaller Owen Jones earns £500,000 a year for writing material which is, far too often, directly contradicted by facts. Here is his take on demonstrations in Iran which have left more than 20 dead.


2700 days ago

It is not often that I cheer the taxman but in the case of the virtue signaller Gary Lineker....

I would like to see a low tax small state Britain. Sadly that dream is not shared by any of the money tree worshipping political parties but I can still hope. Instinctively that makes me view HMRC as the pantomime villain, a body to be hissed and booed whenever it comes on stage to try and get more cash out of hard working folks. But in the case of HMRC vs Gary Lineker, the jug eared virtue signalling poseur, I will not be warning Mr Walker's Crisps that "he's behind you", I cheer on the taxman at every turn.
