
Photo Article from the Greek Hovel: the last day of the olive harvest 2023

138 days ago

…burn off those branches we had chopped off before Nicho the Communist could see any evidence of our “crimes.” We had …


Photo article: day 0 and 1 of the Greek Hovel olive harvest 2023

233 days ago

…with hosepipes are looking good. My friend Nicho the Communist growled yesterday that I was “making …


The Greek Hovel summer 2023, losing more faith in humanity: the Belgian Lady

327 days ago

…translated and he was hired. Then, in walked Nicho the communist. I said I had help and pointed to P. At which … owner of whom more later, most folks, even Nicho the Communist, had moved on and the Belgian Lady and P were no …


Day 1 of the Greek Hovel olive harvest 2022

597 days ago

…taverna the prior night was my business partner Nicho the Communist who gave me strict instructions about not cutting … and maybe I have got lucky. I relayed this to Nicho the Communist but he seems to have fallen out with this …


Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - evidence of my law breaking

824 days ago

…Hovel ended on 16 April when my business partner, Nicho the Communist, came up for an inspection of our trees and told …


Photo article: I need a holiday - a day of high stress at the Greek Hovel

828 days ago

…and the Albanian hired by my business partner Nicho the Communist was busy pruning, we all headed off to the …


Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - the Albanian olive pruner has me all confused

829 days ago

…The Albanian hired by my business partner, Nicho the Communist, is – supposedly – a true expert. I …


Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - a cloudy morning means no Albanian help

830 days ago

…the trees. My business partner in the olive game, Nicho the Communist, seems to think that I am not up to much in the …


It's all change in the main square in Kambos, the ups and downs of the taverna world

950 days ago

…attracted all the big drinking locals such as Nicho the Communist who will eat there but also stay on drinking …


Photo Article: The Greek Hovel olive harvest 2021 day 5 & my "profits" revealed

957 days ago

…which is less than the cost of fertilizer that Nicho the Communist insisted we add in the spring. And so, once … as Miranda’s to ‘fess up the grim total to Nicho the Communist, Vangelis et al. …

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