
Peter Tatchell lives in an Orwellian post truth world when it comes to Russia and the Zaporizhzia nuclear power plant

110 days ago

…As you can see below, Peter Tatchell blames President Putin for a drone strike on the …


A British Jew in her sixties describes how she feels today – in short terrified

289 days ago

…When folks like Ash Sarkar, Yanis Varoufakis, Peter Tatchell, various BBC and Guardian journalists and …


The National Trust celebrates Pride, my Bennite grandfather Sir John Winnifrith spins in his grave again

397 days ago

…working for that cause. I have donated to the Peter Tatchell Foundation. If I want to help old buildings I …


Peter Tatchell define unanimous as in 75% - it is not drag that offends anyone, it is overtly sexualised shows in front of kids

492 days ago

…I see my hero Peter Tatchell is tweeting a headline from the Pink News on how …


Peter Tatchell proclaims the end of "heterosexual dictatorship" but , as has happened before, his maths dubious

510 days ago

…The great civil liberties campaigner Peter Tatchell is, as I have noted before, not the greatest …


Tom Winnifrith postcard - the data lies you are being fed by the BBC and others: Northern Ireland does not want a United Ireland

557 days ago

…to another data manipulator, the LGBT campaigner Peter Tatchell HERE . But this is about Ulster and how you are …


Lies, damned lies and census statistics from the heroic Peter Tatchell

566 days ago

…was and for his heroic support of free speech, Peter Tatchell is a great hero of our time. But when it comes to …


The woke shall devour the woke, it is always the way: 48 Wonder Women bingo and Oxfam

1004 days ago

…Greer and the heroic gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell might find themselved “no platformed” on British …


Absolutely Loving Hating Peter Tatchell

1058 days ago

…I challenge even those who dislike Peter Tatchell, who loathe his methods or who just don’t …


Remember how the cash-strapped National Trust promised not to be so woke? #BoycotttheNationalTrust

1124 days ago

…given money to a fine organisation such as the Peter Tatchell Foundation.  Grandpa spins in his grave. …

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