
2499 days ago

Jon Snow and Little Matt at Channel 4 Fake News cream themselves as Naomi Klein spouts golden liberal shit to plug her new book

She has a book to plug so best selling harpie Naomi Klein is doing the rounds of the liberal media to talk about what a complete bastard Donald Trump is. Okay she is Canadian but the accent is good enough, she is THE expert one needs to talk US politics. On Channel 4 Fake News, where they make up quotes by Donald Trump to show what a racist he is, Jon, "I hate the fucking Tories" Snow was asking the soft questions. Purring from the sidelines was Matt Frei who likes to accuse black vicars of being racist for supporting Trump.


2825 days ago

So what if Malia Obama smokes weed - what has her father been smoking since 2008?

The elder daughter of the President of the United States appears to have been caught on camera by someone, she thought was a friend, smoking a joint. Hell's teeth the girl is eighteen and, it now appears, normal, what is the fuss? She must be feeling a bit betrayed by her "friend" and why the hell shouldn't she have a bit of dope like every other American teenager? It may be illegal but the law is a patent ass. And even arch conservatives must know that. It is not working and it utterly unenforceable.

I despise
