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The England hating misery of being a Guardian writer - Dawn Foster backs Sweden

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 5 July 2018

Maybe if you write for the Guardian you don't despise England in a fashionable North London sort of way you just hate folks being happy. After all this is the newspaper that, year in year out, laments the arrival of Christmas. But now it is the World Cup and the progress of England which as seen a nation party and show joy in a way we have not seen for years. 

Natch the Guardian, like the equally despicable Independent, started the tournament fretting about folks flying the English flag which was obviously racist, imperialist and typical of wicked post Brexit Britain under the evil Tories. As we saw Britons of all religions and colours painting their faces with the national flag and celebrating, this line looked all the more pathetic.

But some folk did not celebrate when England beat a woeful and dirty Colombian team on Tuesday. Meet Dawn Foster, a tedious virtue signalling Guardian hack. Ahead of the match against the filthiest team in the tournament, Newport born Dawn was cheering on Colombia. Now she is backing Sweden. Who will she back if England play Russia given how her paper devotes about a quarter of its coverage to fake news about Russia and its "collaboration" with Trump, Vote Leave, Assad and other folks?

That will be a tough call for Dawn. Like Dawn, I am British, not English, but like nearly all Brits I back the only home nation at the World Cup or am indifferent. To fly the flag of "not England" in the face of a period of national joy, is just so miserable. So predictably Guardian.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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