
9 hours ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No 1: £80m AFC Energy to see its share price halved or to go bust?

I start with the culture wars, the bursting of the green bubble, Trump, Paris, etc. That may be the killer blow. But there are also the dire fundamentals an looming cash crisis at this shortable £80 million market cap stock. It looks like a nil brainer bear to me.


18 days ago

Andrew Neil nails it: why US business will thrive under Trump and the EU and UK are doomed


57 days ago

Video: Real Assets are Returning to the Playbook of the 1970s, a gold bull market

Analyst Tim Price from Price Value Partners is concerned over Europe’s chaos, comparing it unfavorably to the US under Trump, who he sees as reducing ‘woke culture’ and neo-Marxist economic policies. You can tell he attended the same college as Andrew Bell!


72 days ago

Video: The Gold Miners are Due For a Bubble


112 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Kamala insults Jesus, Trump serves up french fries, it is now all over bar the shouting

Insulting Jesus is not a smart move in most of America. But cackling Kamala has done just that. I flag up numerous sigs that her campaign is starting to implode. Is it all over for the Dems in Congress as well?


173 days ago

Video: If you back the Democrats after this there is no helping you

Straight fromthe Democrat convention the awful BBC brings you a star delegate. The BBC might think this is normal but I challenge anyone else out there to watch this and not leap to the conclusion WEIRD.  If you are a normal person you vote Trump/Vance this Autumn.



183 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Jon Sopel's wet dream, Ukraine defeating Russia and cackling Harris defeating Trump, REALLY?

Of course Ukraine and the US election are linked. The ex BBC man Sopel has severe Trump Derngement Syndrome and is looking at polls and getting very excited. But are Trump or Russia really losing? The podcast explains why not.


242 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: George Orwell, Ian Hislop, The Reform Party, the BBC and its Verify Unit

My Dad wrote a book on 1984 and was upbeat. I am not sure that he, and his pal Bill Whitehead, would be so upbeat today. In this podcast I discuss Orwell, the BBC, its Verify Unit, Hislop on Orwell and the Reform Party of Nigel Farage, Trump and Putin.


265 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Israel, the ICC and the US election

Normally, in this podcast series, I start with the Ukraine war and how it is going and what that means for the US election. I give Ukraine a few minutes then it is on to Israel, the ICC and its arrest warrants. I explain why it is all wrong and why folks like Labour MP Zara Sultana are either misguided as to facts or Jew haters or both.  President Biden agrees with me but it will not save him in the Election, if indeed he is still running at that point. I discuss an amazing poll out this week and how the Gaza conflict is helpful for Trump not Biden. It is looking ever bleaker for Biden.


312 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: is the Trump Biden election now too close to call?

That is what Betfair/The Daily Mail is now suggesting. I look at what the latest polls actually say, whether you bshould believe them and what is driving them. I do not agree with the Mail’s conclusion though I sense a very little bit of a tightening where it matters in the swing states but cannot really explain why as there are two factors right now which should be hurting Biden. 


338 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: USA, Russia and Ukraine, dont believe the media GroupThink: Trump is winning and so is Russia but painfully slowly

I start with the US elections and then as to what is happening and what will happen in the Ukraine war. On both counts the British media are lying to us all. Russia is winning but it is making ground so slowly and at such a cost that threats that it will be in Kiev, let along Poland,  if we do not hand over more cash and arms are just untrue. Meanwhile Trump is still a hot favourite to win.


349 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: USA, Russia and Ukraine, the next episode

In this podcast i cover what is happening on the front line in Ukraine, the panicked and illogical reaction in the West, how a Trump win would force Ukraine’s hand, the Michigan Primaries and the latest polls all of which point more and more to a Trump win in November, what could derail that and what could make it more certain.


538 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - dressed to impress the Mrs and other deluded lefties

In that category I refer mainly to our friends here, the Guardian reading maskers (still) L&G. A Trump MAGA cap and a a Defund the BBC T-shirt is what the right thinking individual is wearing abroad this year. This is me snoozing on the balcony overlooking the pool.


1196 days ago

TomWinnifrith Postcard: US elections analysis, America says Let's go Brandon

Yesterday I predicted what would happen and what that means for the mid terms and the 2024 General Election HERE. In essence i was right, the Dems got a damn good kicking as America said Let’s Go Brandon.  The media and some Dems are in denial and I discuss the excuses made and why they do not wash. I also look at Trump vs Biden and how they acted over the past week and how that plays out. And so to the predictions for 2022 and 2024. Enjoy. 


1197 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: US Elections Special, #Trump2024 & #LetsgoBrandon - what it all means

I explain to British listeners the cultural idiom Let’s Go Brandon,look at the polls on Biden and explain them too.  That leads us onto today’s elections in the US but more importantly the mid terms next year which could leave Biden in very serious trouble.Will he then run again in 2024 or will his party cite senility, incompetence or incontinence and stab him in the back? So might we see Trump run again and win. It might be worth a small wager. Come what may, today’s polls may well mark the beginning of the end for sleepy Joe and his crime family and he has not even been in office for a year.  The original Nascar video referred to is below while the article on how the 2020 election was stolen is HERE, sleep Joe, 


1519 days ago

Why is it that those on the left are natural mask fanatics - meet Miashadow7606

Wearing a mask will not save you from catching or spreading anything. Don’t trust me but trust the science your leaders and the media do their best to suppress. However, there are some right old zealots out there. Meet Miashadow7606.


1576 days ago

Reasons to defund the BBC No 765: The shocking laziness and deception of Nick Bryant in Pennsylvania on Trump

Almost a week after explosive and authentic emails asking very real questions about the integrity of Joe Biden broke, the BBC is yet to report on the issue once. That is reason 764 for why it should be defunded. Instead I turn to its real coverage from overpaid correspondents such as Nick Bryant who went filming in Western Pennsylvania, the rust belt.


1620 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Trolling & harassment of me by SYME Morons hits new depths and can Trump win? I now call it as being down to just 3 states

My new video show is live and if you have a spare three hours it is, if I say so myself, a total belter and can be watched HERE. I then discuss the US election and am ready to call all bar three states: Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan. I believe that the maths are that Trump will have to win all three to win. there are three others I am calling but with a low degree of certainty ( Ohio for Trump, Wisconsin and Minnesota for Biden). I discuss what will swing the three uberswing states and where things stand now but also what financial betting markets tell us. Then trolling of me by morons, this time owning Supply@ME Capital (SYME) hits a new low. I discuss these sad creatures and how they motivate me to dig even more. 


1627 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Can Trump Win? Everything says it is getting more likely and why this does matter to British Investors?

I called it for Trump in September 2016 when the media classes wrote him off. I am not calling it for him yet, but it is looking better and better, hence more fake news reports from the BBC and the rest of the Mainstream Media to the contrary. I examine what the polls say in detail, debunk a right-wing conspiracy theory and look at the four key variables that will determine the outcome and, bad news for the liberal media, all four trends are playing Trump’s way.


1637 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Can Trump win in November and does it matter?

I am travelling today back from the Greek Hovel to the Welsh Hovel so this is an unusual bearcast. I called it for Trump last time when the entire media said otherwise. I look at the latest polls in detail and beneath the headlines and flag up the 4 great uncertainties. The answer is that Trump can indeed win but I am not calling it right now. You just cannot. As to whether it matters….


1664 days ago

Why is the Government urging school kids to read hate peddling fake news at The Day – JK Rowling apology non edition

The Day is an online newspaper which targets school kids, founded and edited by Fleet Street great and good member Richard Addis. It comes with the full endorsement of the Department of Education. But why is this, supposedly Tory, Government urging kids to read such hate filled filth.


1685 days ago

Weeping Woke web warrior Claira Janover blames Trump supporters for job loss after threatening to stab people

She is a lucky young lady that Claira. A Harvard graduate, a great job waiting for her with accountants Deloitte, and then she goes and posts a video on the internet saying repeatedly that she will stab any white person who says that white lives matter. Their “sheer caucasity” enrages her as you can see below. Maybe at Harvard, these days “caucasity” is a real word. How times change.


1863 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My condolences Mr Corbyn on what must be a terribly sad day for you

I jest. The death of Qassem Soleimani sees one more evil bastard heading to hell. While those with #TrumpDerangementSyndrome will shed tears for this Jew hating, terror loving mass murderer, I do not but discuss the impact of this latest Trump triumph on the region, on the oil price and on oil stocks. I look at Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG) and at Zenith Energy (ZEN) whrre I am contacted by material shareholders who want regime change something that makes Anglo’s desire to own Zenith shares even more bonkers. Finally I suggest that unless Bidstack (BIDS) clarifies three matters urgently its shares will continue to collapse.


2051 days ago

English writer backs USA vs Brave Lionesses for the daftest reasons: new heights of Guardian wankerdom

Led by Megan Rapinoe, a Trump hating lesbian who takes a knee to insult the National Flag and anthem, the US Women’s soccer team are naturally darlings of the liberal left, the sort of London elitists who write for the Guardian. When Rapinoe makes statements like you have to have gay players to win, which are patently untrue and ludicrous, Guardianistas rush to praise Queen Megan even more. Today’s peak wankerdom comes from sports writer Martin Pengelly who says, as you can see below, that he wants America to win and our brave girls to lose.


2327 days ago

The FBI to investigate Brett Kavanaugh – now his accuser Christine Blasey Ford shows her true colours

And so the Senate Judiciary Committee voted that the full Senate should appoint Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court despite the hit job on him from the Democrats. But then at the last minute a leading Democrat activist funded by George Soros corned a Republican Senator in a lift, blubbed about her #MeToo moment, and persuaded Country Club loser Jeff Flake to ask for a one week delay to allow the FBI to investigate the less than complete claims made by Christine Blasey Ford. Good news, bring it on.


2338 days ago

I cannot bear to watch the BBC any more, its bias & fake news on Brexit, Trump and Israel is just nauseating

For some reason we found ourselves watching both the 10 O’Clock News and Newsnight last night. In the end I had to switch off and vowed not to allow myself to suffer in this way again.  It started with the warnings from the convicted fraudster Christine Lagarde and the IMF on Brexit.


2357 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - wildlife diversity edition: the Mrs and Olaf both screamed

Right now I am in a luxury hotel organised by the Mrs for daughter Olaf's last night in Greece and for me to recover in after a ten hour road trip to drop Miss W off at Athens airport."Baywatch" has a great view, a lovely pool, ouzo is on tap, the internet works allowing Joshua to sit like a moron watching Thomas the Tank Engine without interruption and the Mrs is lolling happily. And there is no wildlife diversity to report. Not so back at the Greek Hovel. Let us start with the scorpion.


2413 days ago

The England hating misery of being a Guardian writer - Dawn Foster backs Sweden

Maybe if you write for the Guardian you don't despise England in a fashionable North London sort of way you just hate folks being happy. After all this is the newspaper that, year in year out, laments the arrival of Christmas. But now it is the World Cup and the progress of England which as seen a nation party and show joy in a way we have not seen for years. 


2495 days ago

Bombing Syria: Tony Blair is delighted but what have you achieved Trump and May?

Perhaps you remember that Tony Blair lied to the House of Commons about Saddam Hussein having WMD which could hurt Britain within 45 minutes and so got us involved in an illegal war. 179 British servicemen are dead as a result, hundreds are maimed for life, thousands of innocent Iraqis are dead, ISIS got its big break. There is so much blood on Blair's hands that any decent society would, at the least, shun him and should really send him to the Hague for trial.


2527 days ago

Video: Crooked Hillary Clinton slams half of her fellow Americans (again) as racist and sexist

"You don't like black people getting rights, you don;t like women getting jobs" That is how on her recent foreign tour as you can see in the video below, crooked Hillary Clinton has now described those folks in all those red flyover states who voted for Donald Trump in 2016. During the election she slammed folks backing Trump as "the Deplorables". For many decent Americans that became a badge of honour.


2544 days ago

The Liberal media says #Trump2020 is a busted flush - have they read the latest polls? Put your money on POTUS

The narrative of folks like the BBC, The Guardian, CNN in fact the whole of the liberal media elite is that Donald Trump should not have defeated crooked Hillary in 2016. Without admitting that their gal was useless they agree that next time around the Donald just cannot win, in fact many argue that he will not stand at all. But have they actually looked at the polls in detail? If they have, they ignore them as they churn out yet more fake news.


2551 days ago

I’m Attracted to Sectors that other People Hate says, a bullish, gold guru Rick Rule

Rick Rule of Sprott reminds us all how the Trump administration stated that a weaker dollar would be helpful. Younger generations will bear the decision to provide the boomer generation with 1.5 trillion dollars in tax cuts. The interim spending bill will add 300 billion dollars to this year’s budget as well as considerable commitments to funding infrastructure with no mention of where the money will originate. The US dollars weakness can be summed up in this saying, “When your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep becomes your downfall.”


2562 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Stockmarket crash - buy, sell or hold (PS I was right when I warned you - no?)

Well it is not really a crash yet, whatever the fake news media say as they try to blame Brexit or Trump. But it could be. So why are shares falling and should you buy, sell or hold? All of this as well as some stock specific observations are made in this bearcast as I prepare to head to London to see my daughter portray Harold Wilson.


2661 days ago

Trump Russia scandal - Manafort charged: pathetic and unrelated, not a glove laid on POTUS

Throughout last week direct evidence of Russian Collusion by Hillary Clinton designed to sway the 2016 election emerged. So useless Special Prosecutor Mueller - a man linked directly to the Clinton/Russia Uranium One scandal - had to do something on the Trump enquiry. Today two men have been arrested. If this is the best that the opponents of Donald Trump can come up with he is in the clear.


2705 days ago

The "Brexit driven" Murder of Arkadiusz Jozwik exposes the loathsome fake news BBC & its sister paper The Guardian as true liars

You may not remember the name but surely you remember the wall to wall coverage in late August 2016 when a Polish man was "murdered" in Harlow, Essex. On the state Broadcaster Pravda Daniel Sandford led the main news bulletins claiming this was a ‘frenzied’ race-hate murder by feral youths, triggered by Brexit. Ramming home this core message we had comments supporting that agenda from the local MP and a Polish diplomat. There was no question of "waiting for the facts" as we are all urged to to after each terror attack - though we all know that it was not Colonel Mustard wth the bucket bomb in the library. The liberal media had an agenda and Mr Jozwik's corpse would support that agenda.


2783 days ago

In Gold We Trust 2017

A year ago Ronald Stoeferle stated that we were at the very beginning of a bull market in gold, He was wrong. He says that was stopped by Donald Trump. Gold and commodities are dirt cheap when compared to stocks. Equities, bonds, and real estate are at or near their all time highs. He thinks the dollar is close to rolling over.


2785 days ago

Jon Snow of Channel 4 Fake News - the tweet that shows why he is so prone to pushing lies

All journalists have opinions. None of us can be truly impartial as we have our own views and prejudices. If you are a columnist, that is to say you write opinion that is why you do what you do. The views of Polly Toynbee, George Monbiot and Owen Jones are well known. They are Big State money tree worshipping lefties and argue that line. On the other side Mark Steyn, Melanie Phillips or Peter Hitchens take a different tack. I do not hide my own libertarian take on life. But none of the above are reporting news and when doing that your prejudices do matter. You should bury your on news when reporting FACT.


2806 days ago

I called it for Trump & Macron - here is my GE2017 party by party forecast - big Tory win

Everyone, including me, called the French election right, but I was one of very few who predicted a Trump win in the US. For my hat-trick I am now having a stab at forecasts for the UK General Election on a party by party basis. But first just a few general observations before I go onto what will be a night of triumph for the Tories.


2827 days ago

Online virtue signallers at Avaaz tell me to vote Labour tactically in Bristol East but they can't add up

Online virtue signalling liberal pests Avaaz claimed credit for Macron's victory but said they were robbed by the Trump triumph. That was really a win for them too. Now the virtue signallers are going for a hat-trick of wins and have turned their attemntion to the British Election where threy plan to stop the wicked Tories. Indeed they have contacted me about my vote in Bristol East. Sadly their maths makes those of Dianne Abbott look like Einstein. The snowflakes write:


2853 days ago

Are there "shy" Le Pen voters out there in France? You can bet there are

In the US election I flagged up the phenomenon of the "shy" Trump supporter. I reckoned that 3-4% of voters were prepared to back Donald but would not fess up to pollsters and that is why I predicted the Donald would win the swing states just as the corrupt liberal media and pollsters assured us that crooked Hillary would win. So are there shy Le Pen voters in France? You bet there are.


2858 days ago

The Daily Mail lies as part of the West's war on Truth in Syria

I was delighted to see the loathsome Daily Mail cough up for its disgraceful slurs on the charming Mrs Trump. I suspect many on the left will have had their loyalties divided in that battle, irrespective of the fact that it was the Mail that libelled Melania, but what about the Mail's mega lie today, on Syria. It boasts the headline "At least 100 people dead as a suicide car bomb hits convoy of busses evacuating residents from the clutches of ISIS to safe havens in Syria". This is quite simply a lie. It is fake news. It is a lie born of the insane and confused policy of the West in this godforsaken country.


2860 days ago

Diary of a Diabetic day 11 - Good & bad

The penultimate day in Sweden saw the Mrs and I drive out to vist another friend of hers in the countryside around Gothenburg. Within minutes of arriving our host was explaining why she and her family had decided not to go on holiday to America this year. "For all the reasosns am sure you understand we decided not to go after November." I bit my lip. She then said that they were thinking of going to France instead.


2879 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Wringing the Vicar's Neck, he is a mad Guardian reader

Dad and I got back from the hospital and were sitting down to lunch. water for me, wine for him. After a morning with a range of Shipmans he deserved it. Who should bound in but the vicar from our old village of Byfield. I told him that I had recently written an article about wringing his neck HERE. He then gushed out a stream of left wing views on Trump, Brexit and other matters that were so barking mad that even my Guardian reading father was a bit taken aback. A bitter attack on Uncle Chris Booker was the final straw. No wonder the CofE is going to the dogs.  On the podcast that followed I cover Orogen (ORE) where we are in and backing Adam Reynolds again, Nyota (NYO), Audioboom (BOOM), Andalas Energy (ADL) and Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO).


2884 days ago

BBC Brexit Bias & fake news on Donald Trump.. why am I paying a poll tax for this?

The BBC started its Ten O'Clock News with its reporters and presenters visiibily delighting in the FBI stating that it was investigating allegations of links between members of the Trump Campaign team and the Russians. But why stick to facts on a day like this?  it was time for some classic fake news from Pravda's gimp in Washington, Jon Sopel.


2922 days ago

The bull case for gold from the team at Sprott

The world's best known investors in precious metals, Sprott Asset Management has published a detailed 22 page report explaining why gold will head higher and will do so fast after the Q4 post Trump correction. Analyst Trey Reik notes that:


2976 days ago

Precious Metals Market Commentary - why has gold tanked since Trump?

Contrary to the pre-election consensus, Trump's victory has been negative for gold, at least in the short term. Since his election on November the 8th, price has declined from a peak of $1,336 to where it’s currently trading at $1,170 – a drop of $166 or 12.5%. So what next? Over to the experts at Sprott:. 


2991 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 550kg of olives harvested in one day, I'm cream crackered

I am utterly wiped out after day one of what looks like being a cracking harvest. A full photo report is HERE. In the podcast I discuss votes tomorrow in Austria and Italy and what they mean and why we bears are feeling good about the lack of a Santa Rally. Trump was Santa this year and that rally is over. I explain why I disagree with Malcolm Stacey's article today. I then look at a number of AIM stocks set to slide and why, as I refer to Steve's piece earlier. In focus: Avanti Communications (AVN), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Telit (TCM), Boohoo (BOO), Tungsten (TUNG), Fastjet (FJET), Cloudtag (CTAG), African Potash (AFPO) and I have a few words about Worthington (WRN)


2997 days ago

Peter Schiff - the bond carnage post Trump - next stop real estate

Shares may be zooming in the Trump rally but libertarian gold bug ( and all round super hero) Peter Schiff does not think it will last or is sustainable. But the first casualty of the bonds sell off will be commercial real estate warns Schiff in his latest podcast.


2999 days ago

Mariana Mazzucato - Sussex University Economics Prof & BBCQT panelist - she is utterly bonkers

Post Trump the BBC tries hard to show it is balanced by having an American on the Question Time panel. Naturally it always chooses a nutso liberal democrat so that he or she can join the other panelists and hand-picked audience of Guardian readers in saying that the victory of Trump reminds them all of Adolf Hitler and is awful. Heaven forbid that Question Time might actually invite on an enthusiastic Trump supporter to represent the 59 million. So this week's token yank was Mariana Mazzucato who actually teaches over here at Sussex University. God only help her students.


2999 days ago

Even Trump’s Best Policies Can’t Stop the stockmarket Crash

Some investors are getting carried away with ‘Trump trades’. Now that he is elected we see the psychological optimism linked to cutting taxes, deregulation, and infrastructure spending being reflected in the stock market. David Skarica thinks the stock market is overvalued, and this upward trend won’t last long. He is preparing for a crash between the summer and fall- which is the common historical trend, as is a crash under a Republican majority.


3005 days ago

A Snapshot of How Trump's Election Affected Gold Commodities and Major Markets Last Week

I am getting a bit "Trumped Out" - I think I would enjoy a day when he did not dominate the news. But folks keep writing on how he will change the world. Here is Sprott on The Donald and the markets. Over to the world's best known precious metals investment group.


3005 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: fascist liberals at Hamilton & global warming falling hard in Ohio

In this week's postcard I look at how the liberal elite of the 1% behave like fascists at a performance of the crap uber-PC musical Hamilton in New York while in Ohio Trump voters get snowed on heavily. Oh the global warming irony. But those without jobs will not be laughing at the folly of the liberal elite on this matter.


3011 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Draining the swamp of AIM

Over on my personal website today's podcast (HERE) looks at  how the liberal establishment still don't get it post Trump. In bearcast I look back at a fraud from seven years ago which is back in the news and discuss why we fail to drain the swamp of AIM or indeed the wider City of London 


3019 days ago

Video of Donald Trump - the Closing campaign Advert: Make America Great Again

This needs no explanation and is bang on the money. Go Trump!


3020 days ago

Peter Schiff: Q3 GDP data rigged to help Hillary Clinton and emails explained for dummies & cars tell you its 2008 all over

Libertarian gold guru Peter Schiff is a big hero of mine. In his latest podcast he discusses why he thinks US Q3 GDP data was rigged and why Us consumers really are feeling bad. He also explains for anyone too thick to understand why the Hillary Clinton email issue really should send her to prison and why he thinks Trump deserves to win and now may well win. And what this all means for the markets. Peter called the 2008 crash now listen to what he says on US car leasing and what that tells you. It tells you that there is a meltdown coming folks...


3025 days ago

The Guardian's snobbish liberal readers swung it for Bush, can dipstick Avaaz millennials swing it for Trump?

Back in 2004 the Guardian identified Clark County Ohio as a swing district in th4e swing state of Ohio. History shows if you win Ohio you win the White House and Clark was an uber-marginal district. So the Guardian got its readers back in the UK to call up folks in Clark. You can guess what happened next.


3025 days ago

October UK Investor Show Magazine - Shares to beat ASOS, When the Bubbles Pop, Scotland can't afford to leave

The October edition of the UK Investor Show magazine is live features 7 buy tips, including 5 our writers believe will  beat ASOS. Plus a feature on why the Bubbles are About to Pop, in Trump vs Clinton - who is the biggest loser from this contest, and why Scotland can't afford to leave the UK.


3026 days ago

The Liberal Media Establishment shamed & discredited again over FBI and Clinton emails

You may remember that for much of this year some journalists outside the mainstream established press questioned the health of Hillary Clinton. The mainstream media refused to cover it, stating that it was not an issue and that we were just mad right wing "bloggers". In MSM talk blogger means online writer who earns his living writing for a profitable enterprise. A journalist is paid by a loss making older media grouping that is losing readers. Anyhow, enough about folks like me who enjoy rising readership and run profitable businesses while er... enough said.

Then on 9/11 the crooked one collapsed and the story she spun did not stack up. Cough cough...the MSM


3027 days ago

Photo article: Can I now wear my Hillary for Prison T-Shirt here in Bristol?

Bristol is the sort of left leaning City where the patronising middle classes agree with Matt Frei that ALL Trump supporterrs are racists. They agree with Hillary Clinton that anyone voting for the GOP is a "deplorable". Naturally we Brexit voters were also termed ignorant racists by the bien pensants of the South West. Put it this way: I really don't feel as if I am in my ideologocal home here.


3034 days ago

Rigging the Election - Video I: Hillary Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

This video is explosive. It shows how Hillary Clinton and the DNC are cheating on an industrial scale. In part one of the Veritas expose we discover how the Dems create violence at Trump rallies to discredit The Donald. They also "fake" attacks on women at Trump rallies. Hillary says this is made up but a) it is utterly compelling, b) two of the folks on the video, notably Bob Creamer - a fraudster married to a Dem Congresswoman so a very senior player -  have already "resigned" from the Clinton campaign. Not the actions of innocent men. Natch the mainstream media has not played this video at all - can you remember the BBC or Channel 4 even commenting on it?


3053 days ago

Another academic who views the "Little people" with contempt and disgust - Scott Bellows

The Colombian referendum really has got the liberal elite out in force showing their contempt for the "little people" when they vote the wrong way. In the comfortable groves of academia, a haven for lazy and overpaid folks who engage in an intolerant form of group think, the sparks were flying. We have already met Dr Caroline from Sheffied University who thinks we "should never have referendums on things that really matter" now meet Scott Bellows from Durham. Scott, the Prof, tweeted:


3055 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Fraudsters, losers & tossers the lot of them

In this bearcast I refer to my article on the Trump & Clinton debate overnight and what it means HERE and the latest shocking expose of Quindell fraudster Rob Terry HERE.  I warn about bad things happening in Euro land and the worst of tem all is Deutsche Bank. There is a Radio 4 programme tonight on AIM fraud at 8 PM. I am not involved but some fine upstanding members of the community are. that is irony in case the loser Roger Lawson thinks I have forgiven him and ShareSoc for defending the blinkx law breakers by smearing me and Ben Edelman.Elsewhere I look at the role of certain NEDS who are Tim not so nice but fucking dim. I cover the Cloudtag (CTAG) scam, Northern Petroleum (NOP) - placing ahoy _ and Imaginatik (IMTK) as well as China fraud Jiasen (JSI)


3061 days ago

Happy days: Gennifer Flowers to attend Clinton-Trump debate: a refresher for Millennials on Clinton sleaze and lies

Oh happy days. The only way that Monday night's Presidential debate can get better is if crooked Hillary has a coughing fit and then another pneumonia induced collapse live on air. And if anything will bring that on it is the now confirmed presence of Gennifer Flowers in the front row. Gennifer who? say the millennials who still think that the Clinton family are not pathological liars and sleaze-buckets. Welcome, my young friends, to a refresher course on the 1990s.

In the 1992 Presidential election campaign


3062 days ago

Bruce Springsteen supports Hillary Clinton, terms Trump a moron and the Guardian thinks this is news.

Surely after Brexit, when almost every celebrity in Britain told the great unwashed to vote to stay, a call that was completely ignored, even the Guardian realises that celeb endorsements count for nothing. Keira Knightley can lecture me from her multi million pound mansion about why I really want to pay more taxes, have more EU diktat's ruining my life and why I should wet my pants over global warming but I just don't care. I have bills to pay and rather resent someone with no such concerns telling me how to live my life. 

But the Guardian has not twigged that. After all its senior staffers in the media elite go to the same parties as Alan Bennett and the same charity bashes as Becks, Keira and Gary Lineker so they think the views of the celebs actually matter. The Guardian backed laws to stop the press exposing the hypocrisy of such celebs by exposing double standards in their private lives. It is part of an utterly out of touch liberal establishment

And thus the Guardian splashes with the news that the singer Bruce Springsteen is backing Hillary Clinton and thinks that Donald Trump is a "moron". Well there is a shock. 


3062 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Truthful Trump but Democrats lying on terror, The maths on Watchstone now & Alba spouting shite

ISIS seems to have struck again in the USA, in Minnesota but also in New York and across the river in New Jersey. Pathetic weasel words from Democrats will only anger folks on Main Street even more, Trump calls it right again. I cover the amazing weekend poll numbers on Trump the mainstream British media won't report today HERE and HERE. He is going to win. Elsewhere I explain how to value Watchstone (WTG) post today's shock news on the Quindell fraud from S&G (HERE). I look at Mitie (MTO), WH Ireland (WHI), Servision (SEV) and a statement from Alba (ALBA) which is pure 100% cock. 


3063 days ago

The State that knows Crooked Hillary Clinton best shows American the way: latest Arkansas polling sets 44 year record

You have to be a truly useless candidate for President not to win your home state. Even folks who got thrashed at the electoral college level, such as Walter Mondale, got his neighbours to vote for him in Minnesota. Of course Crooked Hillary has no real home state. When in Dixie she tries to put on a southern drawl but when back home with her liberal millionaire pals in New York her tones become more clipped. But one state knows the Clintons better than anyone, Arkansas.


3065 days ago

Is Hillary Clinton going to come clean on her health issues? Key rally dropout

Yesterday Crooked Hillary Clinton was set to do a fund raising event in North Carolina. That is a swing state which she really must win if she is going to win the Presidency and right now the local polls show Trump in the lead and surging and the wicked witch sinking. And so you would have thought that the last thing that Mrs Clinton would do is pull out of such an event at the last minute.

But she did. She did not look that well


3067 days ago

Clinton Poll Collapse among young voters: the more they learn about Crooked Hillary....

In the past few US General Elections older voters have swayed to the GOP and thus for Democrats to win they have to win big among the younger voters, the millennials, and until about a month ago Hillary was leading by almost 30 points with young voters. But that lead has collapsed and, in the latest LA Times poll, is now well into single digits which is a disaster for Crooked Hillary. In my eight reasons why Trump would win article of two weeks ago, the key to this collapse is made explicitly.


3069 days ago

Ron Howard is backing Hillary Clinton "Scoop" - Can SkyTV's Sophy Ridge be more stupid please?

It seems that the BBCs Kuenssberg & Maitlis are not the only ones claiming bogus scoops this week. SkyTV pundit Sophy Ridge tops up her earnings with a column in the Metro in which, this week, she reported on a freebie visit to Abbey Road Studios to meet Ron Howard as he plugged his new Beatles movie. "He revealed for the first time that he would be supporting Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump: "You look at the resumes and you go with the person who has the degree. I think I would rather go to the doctor who has the degree on the wall."


3098 days ago

The British liberal Media wants to bury Trump so ignores the polls - The Donald is surging

The British liberal media and many of its ideological cousins from inside the Beltway want Donald Trump to lose the Presidential election and so all pretence of impartiality is out of the window. Right now the media is ignoring the latest Clinton scandals and Crooked Hillary's refusal to come clean on her health issues. Instead the narrative is of Trump failing so badly that senior GOP figures want him to withdraw, a campaign in chaos. The only problem is that this is just not true.


3109 days ago

New Trump Video: Is Robot Hillary Clinton melting down

Crooked Hillary is now seeing her post convention poll bounce evaporate. As I have said before, the more folks know about Mrs Clinton the less they like her. Donald Trump knows this and as long as he can stop saying daft things, Hillary will carry on delivering him the votes. This little attack advert from Trump sums up a couple of recent gaffes and reminds us all of her email varacity issue.



3166 days ago

The BBC World News takes the piss on Brexit

Sadly here in the most excellent Melitsina Village hotel here in Kardamili the only English language channel we can get is the BBC World News Channel. It is Pravda at its best. The agenda is clear: Trump = evil racist, Brexit - evil supported by racists, Tories - evil racists who hate the NHS, all of the NHS, EU, crooked Hillary = perfect. Once you understand that all reporting has to fit that narrative watching becomes easy and your anger at having to pay for this crap with your taxes sort of subsides.

And thus we flicked channels and saw a BBC chappie called Sean with a panel of four folks discussing Brexit


3186 days ago

New poll again shows UK liberal media 100% wrong on Trump as GOP voters unite, Dems splinter, the Donald gets record traction with non-whites

The liberal British media could not get enough Republicans to go on camera saying how they's rather suck Bill Clinton's cock than vote for Donald Trump. Inside the bubble that is Washington DC, folks like Kylie "beltway" Morris of C4 news span the narrative again and again that the GOP would splinter and not back Trump and so he could not win. As such the latest polls show at every level that Kylie et al really just cannot get this contest any more wrong.

The headline is a good place to start on the latest ABC/Washington News poll. Trump is on 46%, crooked Hillary is on 44%. Yes Trump is winning. But its the breakdown that is more fascinating.

What percentage of Republicans who did not vote for Trump in the primaries will vote for Hillary in the General? It is just 11% ( down from 20% in March). So 11% of c40% of GOP voters are backing crooked Hillary - that would be just over 4%. The rest are backing The Donald. that looks like a pretty united party to me with pretty much everyone bar Mitt Romney, and the effete Country Club Republicans who lead the party to electoral disaster in the past two contests, backing Trump. 

But over with the Dems it is rather different. 20% 


3190 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: Ignore the British liberal media, why Trump will beat Clinton in November

A new poll show The Donald leading the loathsome Clinton woman for the first time. The British liberal media told you Trump would not win the Republican nomination. Folks like Kylie Morris of C4 News could not see outside of the beltway and got that totally wrong. The same folks said with Trump the GOP choice the lyin' Hillary was sure to win. They are wrong again as I explain. in this podcast.


3219 days ago

Beltway Kylie Morris and British Liberal Media have you seen the Trump landslide news from New York? Apology time?

Beltway liberal Kylie Morris of C4 News led the British liberal media, after Wisconsin, in saying Donald Trump's campaign had problems. Less partial commentators (me) suggested we wait for the New York Primary where rump would win big. Kylie covered that contest by interviewing rapid Democrats saying what a stinking racist Trump was or, yesterday, the craziest man she could find among Trump supporters - a religous nutter from Long Island blowing a ram's horn and misquoting the Old Testament. C4 viewers could be under no illussion: Trump had no mainstream support in New York State. Well here are the actual numbers from the primary.

Trump 60.5% and 89 delegates, Kasich 25.1% and 3 delegates while Cruz, the candidate the Country Club establishment want to foist on the GOP got just 14.5% of the vote and no delegates.

So what do we know now? Kylie may not have worked this out


3219 days ago

Video: Peter Schiff, Trump & Sanders are right, the US economy is broken

This is classic Peter Schiff with the great man explaining to Alex Jones why he thinks that the US economy is already shrinking and getting worse. In essence Trump is right - the economy is broken. He describes negative interest rates as an admission of failure and warns of an impending dollar slump.


3250 days ago

How to confuse the liberal white media - black Trump supporter beats up white liberal in KKK outfit

Gosh the lefty media just does not know to play this one. A white college educated liberal attended a Donald Trump rally dressed in a Klu Klux Klan hood yesterday and endeavoured to disrupt the event, making it clear that he thinks The Donald is a racist. A black supporter of Donald Trump then beat him up before the cops pulled both men away in cuffs.

The liberal media is confused


3254 days ago

Lesbians For Donald Trump - Beltway liberal Kylie Morris of C4 News is very confused indeed

Out on the stump in a working class town in Ohio, one could sense the discomfort of Channel 4 News reporter Kylie Morris as she encountered rust belt workers from the real world. Gosh they paint their dogs in funny colours for St Patrick's Day she noted. I am sure she thought it all rather naff, rather white van man, but didn't quite say that on camera. But then salvation for Ms Morris as she stumbled across two big fat lesbians. However, much to the consertanation of the beltway liberal the bull dykes were voting for Trump.

But, an uncompreheding Kylie stammered: what about what he says about the blacks and the hispanics? 


3256 days ago

Clinton, Obama, Beltway Bernie and the GOP Country Clubbers play the racism card but it wont stop Trump

Things are getting desperate for the political establishment. The polls suggest that after the Florida and Ohio primaries on Tuesday, The Donald will be a slam dunk cert to get the GOP nomination. Then - with the Democrat contest rigged by establishment super-delegates, proof once again that the left doesn't trust the little people to handle democracy by themselves - we are all set for Trump vs Clinton in the General Election.

Right now polls show Clinton winning but it is within the margin or error. And with all sorts of skeletons in Clinton's closet, some of which


3260 days ago

British Liberal media creams itself as proven Republican losers bash Trump but no-one else cares

You could sense how the BBC, Channel 4 News, The Guardian and the rest of the British liberal media creamed themselves last week as leading figures from the Republican establishment lined up to slam Donald Trump. For a moment the liberal media forgot that folks like Mitt Romney and John Mccain were evil right wingers, in their book anyway, and lauded them as great statesman.

As one, the only question the media pack lead by Emily Maitlis on Newsnight and the beltway liberal warrior Kylie Morris on C4, asked was "have the big beasts left it too late". That was, of course, the wrong question.

In case the liberal media had forgotten,
