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What will the increasingly authoritarian Police crack down on next? Derbyshire plod and the hate kiss

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 16 May 2020

The other day I saw a report on how our brave boys in blue (and girls in blue and all the other 108 genders in blue) were stopping motorists here in Wales to make sure that their driving was really necessary in lockdown Britain. Some poor saps had strayed over the border as they drove from A in England to B in England. That brief foray into our rain sodden principality did not earn an on the spot fine but the miscreants were let off with a warning. As I have noted before, certain members of the fuzz seem to be rather enjoying life in an authoritarian Police state. And that takes us to Derbyshire where the Old Bill are onto a serious criminal. Jeepers, I hope they lock this bastard up quickly and throw away the key.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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