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Today's idiot Tory Minister is the vaccines czar Nadhim Zahawi

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 23 January 2021

He’s the one who, though a multi-millionaire, stiffed the taxpayer with a bill for mucking out his stables. Yes, the MP for Stratford upon Avon really is a self-entitled smug bastard. He is also thick. There is a limit to how quickly we can vaccinate folks so why waste resources for that is exactly what Nadhim proposes as you can see below. A 96-year-old who had survived both Auschwitz and Covid will already have antibodies (from the latter not the former).

She will almost certainly already be as safe as any other 96-year-old who has acquired antibodies either from God or the jab from suffering a premature death by Covid. Yet a dose which could have gone to someone without antibodies will be pumped into her anyway, a waste of 2 vaccine shots and a bit more of the taxpayers’ cash. Not that Nadhim cares about wasting taxpayer cash as his horses know full well.

Of course, anyone questioning the logic of the Government’s programme has blood on their hands. Do not quibble with Nadhim. Big Brother knows best.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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