1127 days ago
This remarkable claim is, of course, just a lie. Dr Kayat claimed on a national TV show which then tweeted out the lie that 12 days after getting the AstraZeneca jab you are 100% safe from hospitalization and death from covid. Hard data shows this to be patently untrue. Yet where is twitter which takes down thousands of vaccine sceptic tweets for being “misinformation” when this obvious lie is broadcast? When, as someone earning his living analysing numbers and data, I offer hard data on covid, folks such as the mask jihadists of Holt or creepy LinkedIn either say I canot comment as I am not a trained Shipman like Dr Kayat or just censor me. Meanwhile…
1143 days ago
Former chairman of the Vaccine Task Force, Clive Dix, has given an interview to the ever more appalling Daily Telegraph. I am not sure which I find more depressing, the lack of thought in Dix’s claims or the failure of the deadwood press to pick him up on this? Let me explain…
1397 days ago
Yes, of course that organisation is the state funded broadcaster and purveyor of very unfunny woke comedy, the BBC. You know the sort of comedy where a black comedienne makes a joke about killing all white people and the audience laughs because genocide is such a laughing matter. This time the programme is Have I got More News for You where actor David Tennant told a witty scripted gag about how, in Israel, only Jews get the covid vaccine and Arabs don’t. Okay it is not funny at all and it is also 100% untrue. It is just another blood libel from the woke left about those pesky Jews.
1454 days ago
I am not wildly happy about having the jab. It has not been tested on folks who, like me, have had Covid. We also do not know if there are any serious long term side effects on all sorts of patients – yes, I know that all vaccines can produce some side effects. And having already had covid, all the evidence suggests that God has already vaccinated me and so there is no need for a second dose organised by the stupidest man in the Western world, Welsh first minister Mark Drakeford. But…
1475 days ago
Like colleagues such as Daniel Sandford, Ms Adler banks a six-figure salary, plus expenses, funded by extorting £157.50 a year from we plebs whether we watch her fake news or not and she honestly thinks she does a good job. As the BBC’s EU correspondent, she has become utterly embedded in the Evil Empire’s mindset. In the Brexit talks she batted for Brussels. On every glitch, it was always the fault of the evil Britishers and now that we have left she carries on blaming Britain for everything as you can see below.
1480 days ago
He’s the one who, though a multi-millionaire, stiffed the taxpayer with a bill for mucking out his stables. Yes, the MP for Stratford upon Avon really is a self-entitled smug bastard. He is also thick. There is a limit to how quickly we can vaccinate folks so why waste resources for that is exactly what Nadhim proposes as you can see below. A 96-year-old who had survived both Auschwitz and Covid will already have antibodies (from the latter not the former).
1481 days ago
Add it to the list of things we must shun like knickers, bras, sand, covid itself, drinking coffee, women’s hockey, dating people of colour, not dating people of colour, the film Grease, etc, etc etc. The source of this latest shocking expose is the career Euro loon Femi Oluwole. Apparently Boris Johnson has blood on his hands for insisting that covid vaccine packaging is so racist that BAME folks will refuse to take it. You could not make this stuff up.
1488 days ago
Like others who have had Covid, I am pretty sure that my vaccination from God is about as good as the one Matt Hancock wants me to take but the Government seems desperate to make us think otherwise and the BBC is acting as its propaganda arm in this aim. Yesterday, it reported – as you can see below – that a new study showed that having Covid could protect folks for at least five months! Putting this 5-month figure in one’s mind is an utter deceipt.
1513 days ago
I ask you not as an expert virologist, like Piers Morgan or Christopher Biggins, but as one who spends his working days looking at numbers and who has a simple question for the real experts.
1525 days ago
The Government is rolling out a list of celebs who are prepared to have the covid vaccine and then urge we plebs to follow suit. Because, as we all know from all those luvvies who lined up to get us to vote for Labour, the Lib Dems and against Brexit, we dirty oiks like nothing better than being lectured by millionaire celebs about why we are stupid and should change our minds.
1530 days ago
“So you are an anti-vaxxer” she said to me as I dared to offer a modest dissent from the party line. The Ministry of Truth, aka The BBC and the social media companies, are leading the charge to eradicate social media posts by wicked anti-vaxxers lest they confuse the plebs. There is even talk of specialist army units being brought in to fight this menace. In the way that, this summer, anyone who did not apologise for historic slave activities by taking a knee was deemed to be alt-right extremist who needed re-education, anti vaxxers must now be insulted and, once suitably demonised in the eyes of the population, purged.
1541 days ago
Today, from AstraZeneca (AZN) and the City of lost causes, we have news on a third vaccine against Covid-19. There will soon be a fourth and a fifth and at some stage lots of folks will ignore concerns about potential long term side effects to get vaccinated against a disease which kills 0.05% of those under 70 who catch it. And a bedwetting world can breathe a sigh of relief and, even idiots like Matt Hancock, will realise that we will not need mass testing and we can get on with our lives.
1547 days ago
The Mrs is about to go into the operating theatre so fingers crossed. In these strange times I am at home with Joshua watching Paw Patrol and it is a bit hard to think about shares but I comment on the Moderna Covid vaccine news, on Kefi (KEFI) and on Versarien (VRS).
1548 days ago
As you may have gathered I have been a major sceptic of Government policies on Covid and not just in the UK. For a disease where the survival rate among under 70s is 99.95% and where the average age of death is greater than life expectancy itself, it seems to me that the policy response has been excessive and has caused and is causing utterly unjustified collateral damage. But none the less we should all welcome news that Pfizer has a vaccine which works 90% of the time.
1554 days ago
I start with the wonder vaccine. Is it a cure all for companies such as Cineworld (CINE) or Carnival (CCL)? Then I consider Julie Meyer in light of the research I was doing yesterday for the Gewanter case and what it says about the UK’s rotten honours system. Then I look at Inspirit (INSP), Countrywide (CWD), Amigo (AMGO) and Escape Hunt (ESC) where I stand with Steve not Justin the Clown.
1593 days ago
I have documented over many years what a rotten investment Scancell (SCLP) has been but its spoofing on its quest for a Covid vaccine is one of the biggest red flags fluttering. Today it plunged new depths of spoofery as it announced a collaboration with Cobra Biologics “for Cobra to manufacture Scancell’s COVID-19 vaccine.” Great except that…
1608 days ago
Since the start of lockdown, the number of Brits under the age of 60 with no known underlying health conditions who have died within 28 days of testing positive of Covid is just 307. In other words, the number of folks who actually had no underlying heath condition and actually died of Covid while under 60 is far lower. In the same period, UK total deaths were more than 300,000.