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So Gennifer Flowers can't make the front row to stare at Hillary Clinton tonight - who should stand in at the debate?

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 26 September 2016

It seems that Ms Flowers can't make it to the debate to remind any dippy millennial Dems of the sheer horrors of the sleaze and lies that marked the last Clinton administration. So who should fill that empty seat? I offer up a stack of other names for millennials to google and start to learn why no Clinton is fit to be a an elected Dog warden let alone POTUS. Let's start with Vince Foster.

Okay he is dead (in mysterious circumstances) but dig up his corpse and stick it in the front row with a name badge to make sure Hillary knows it is Vince not any of the other folks who have died mysterious deaths as they were about to blow the whistle on something bad.

If Foster can't make it I'd go for Monica Lewinsky. Monica - make sure you wear "that dress". You know the one. Perhaps you might shout out "I did not have sex with that woman" as Hillary gets up to speak and see if that induces a coughing fit. Or maybe Hillary would find that easier to swallow than you might think.

If Monica is not up for it, how about Paula Jones or Katherine Willey or Dolly Kyle ( who said that Bill told her he'd slept with 2,000 women) or maybe Eileen Wellstone might fly in from England or perhaps Juanita Broaddrick is free? Elizabeth Ward Gracen might be up for it or maybe Lencola Sullivan could be persuaded to make an appearance. Connie Hamzy might be game or what about Sally Perdue? No doubt Hillary views them all as sluts, the term she used to describe the poor intern Lewinsky as she dragged her name through the mud.

But it would be fun seeing the Crooked One have to stare up at any one of the above. Who knows it might even bring on another bout of pneumonia.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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