
1292 days ago

Today's Orwellian Covid Cops are in Avon & Somerset - man fined for eating a kebab in a car

Britain’s Police forces are increasingly drunk on the new lockdown powers they have been given by our airhead, but authoritarian, Home Secretary Priti Patel. My family and I managed to break five of her daft laws today with acts that have seen fines handed out by cops from various forces in recent days, such as sitting on a bench or drinking a cup of coffee, without the Rozzers catching us. But some poor sap from Bristol was not so lucky. His crime is shocking.


1362 days ago

Patel bans 3 or more folks from a protest march, now I really can’t call my daughter Priti – this is authoritarian and wrong

The Mrs is set to give birth in nine days and has insisted that we give our daughter, we think it is a girl, an Indian first name. Fair’s fair – Joshua has a Western first name. We do actually have a set of names decided but the shorthand name for Joshua’s little sister has, until now, been Priti, if only to trigger the lefty friends and relatives of the Mrs who seem to dislike the Home Secretary with a passion. But not now …



1549 days ago

What will the increasingly authoritarian Police crack down on next? Norfolk plod and the death mask wearer

The Coronavirus crisis here in Airstrip One has given elements of the Old Bill license to act in an increasingly authoritarian manner. Often asistsed by a GroupThink mob keen to snitch on their neighbours to enforce house arrest, sorry lockdown we see Journalists pulled over for filming nothing at all. Citizens are warned for sitting on a park bench or playing soccer in their own garden. And now from Norfolk a new insanity.


3042 days ago

You are Swiss? I assumed you were German because you act like Nazis

I have just been given a free drink by my hotel and asked if I do not mind not being in the breakfast room tomorrow when an ageing German speaking couple appear. It seems as if they complained three times today that I had taken a phone call while they had breakfast. Not that this is illegal but they have paid for peace and quiet.

I paid to use a hotel where I am allowed to take a phone call. But they are old folks so naturally their needs are more important than mine.

Maybe I am allowed to have breakfast but must leave my phone outside? Whatever.

The old fascists
