Bath Spa

101 days ago

The Cass Report – on the transgender walk of shame must be Bath Spa University

I have my own battle with Bath Spa University. The time is now almost right to relay to you the Orwellian treatment it dished out to me but more critically to my wife after I gave THIS outstanding lecture. Suffice to say it is an Orwellian, woke shit-hole with zero credibility in terms of academic rigour. Bath Spa should also be reminded of its horrific treatment of academic James Caspian after the publication of the seminal Cass Report.


509 days ago

Suicide, white privilege and the patriarchal hegemony – ONS data out, DO NOT discuss the facts

Were it to emerge that women were, as my mother, one great aunt and one of mum’s cousins did, far more likely to kill themselves than men, the BBC’s Women’s Hour would be all over it demanding that action be taken. Were it to emerge that black and Asian people were far more likely to kill themselves than whites, all the usual grifters would be out demanding public enquiries, Government spending and suggesting that this was a legacy of colonialism. David Lammy, Priyamvada Gopal et al would be all over the papers and outr TV screens crying and demanding action. As it happens, the ONS has published data on suicides today.


614 days ago

NHS Nurses - greedy, deceitful and shameless witches

You are told by the BBC and the rest of the liberal media that nurses are grossly underpaid and that their decision to walk out on cancer and other patients leaving them to die is thus all the fault of the wicked Tories. But here in chart form are the facts….


644 days ago

Radio 4 Woman’s Hour – it just cannot let facts override a narrative of victimhood: Part 1 the gender pay gap

To torture me, the Mrs. leaves the radio tuned to Radio 4 in the room in which I work and I am too busy scribbling to turn it off and then the clock strikes 10 and it is Woman’s Hour and it is just so unimaginably awful and misleading that I sit there gripped. Among the joys this week was a section on how girlfriends are more likely to be staying at home while boyfriends worked than vice versa, the “trapped girlfriend phenomena.”


910 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: University of Chester makes Bath Spa look like Harvard & Congrats Fraser Perring - a win for good bears

I start with the University of Chester and despair. Then a win for the bears, well done Fraser. Then I look at Nanosynth (NNN), Advance Energy (AVD), Omega Diagnostics (ODX), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Chill Brands (LIARS) and the GM called to sack Clem Chambers at ADVFN (AFN)


929 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the fallacy of green bitcoin and the bad things hidden in ESG wrappers

I start with a couple of points of economics, covering disincentives to work for low paid folk, especially if divorced dads and also the epidemic sweeping the nation, the public sector variant. I flagged this up to Bath Spa students a few years ago, it is still true.  Then, tying in to my 4th tip of the year out today, I move onto bitcoin and also the smokescreen, being seen as ESG friendly provides but why it will unravel as the market gets nervous this year.


929 days ago

Guess what sort of workers are suffering most from Long Covid?

The Mrs has left the radio on and I find myself listening to, the unimaginably bad, Women’s Hour on BBC Radio 4. Even the Mrs admits it is utter piffle and has now demanded that it be switched it off lest it make me even more angry with its utterly fake news. The show is all over a story today that the ONS has suggested that 1.3 million Brits have long covid. This, it concludes, is a great reason to go and have the booster jab although there is no evidence at all that it will stop anyone catching long covid from the very mild Omicron variant since it has been around for only a few weeks. The ONS survey has a key takeaway which the BBC loves as it allows it to indulge in praising the usual victims. Which professions suffer the highest rates of long covid?


1027 days ago

Hero of the day is yet again Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon on lockdown insanity

The Mrs was doing a seminar yesterday on data analysis. I doubt it was half as good as this classic from her husband given to the woke morons attending Bath Spa but she challenged their preconceptions on covid an a very entertaining way. Which profession has suffered most covid deaths per thousand?  The students said nurses. The answer is, of course, security guards. Take back those pay rises for nurses whose average wage (more than £33,000) just a few years into the profession is already more than the UK national average wage.  Anyhow back to our hero Tim Martin…


1034 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I forgot to mention Bidstack last week & why Bath Spa holds the key to the petrol crisis

I start with how I am terrorising folks in this hotel as I sneeze in the lift and droplets fall from my ever redder nose. I know I don’t have covid, they don’t. Then I move onto Malcolm Stacey and inflation. Then onto Bidstack (BIDS), a train crash in the making. Then I discuss the lorry driver and cabbage picker crisis with a joke at Jim’s expense and also what is the obvious solution.


1084 days ago

Michael Gove’s soon to be ex Mrs Sarah Vine serves up 100% fake news on Margaret Thatcher, coal and global warming

The soon to be ex wife of Michel Gove, Sarah Vine, is – for reasons I have never been able to fathom – paid vast sums to serve up a weekly diet of complete bilge in the Mail on Sunday. If Mr Gove is looking for an excuse for his historic drug use, I’d suggest that having his Mrs read her column to him each week is one that would gain the sympathy of many. Today, Vine deals with Thatcher, coal and global warming prompted by Boris Johnson telling an unfunny and factually inaccurate joke last week.



1220 days ago

University of Winchester firing staff to save cash but spunking £24,000 on a Greta Thunberg statue

No I had never heard of the University of Winchester either. It is not quite up there with Oxford. In fact it is not even up there with joke marxist madrassas like Bath Spa. Two years ago its staff went on strike as Winchester announced it was cutting 10% of teaching posts because of a funding crisis. Last year it warned that it needed more voluntary redundancies as covid threatened. However…


1301 days ago

The EU brought peace to Europe, Brexit threatens this – the nonsense spouted by Euro loons Jonathan Price, Dan Snow and others

The hereditary TV presenter Dan Snow, aka thehistoryguy, claimed yesterday that the EU had brought peace to Europe and Brexit threatened it. So nothing to do with NATO and the American defensive shield then? And what about the genocide at Srebrenica during the Bosnian war when EU peacekeeping troops stood idly by as 8,000 folks were massacred?  Snow was talking nonsense as many of us pointed out. But rallying to his defence was my good friend, the arch Euro loon Jonathan Price, who insisted that the EU had ended war in Europe since all the previous wars were started by either France or Germany. Like the hereditary TV presenter, I fear that even Bath Spa would fail that answer. 


1328 days ago

Bath Spa – it is almost time to tell all and to name names

Back in November 2017, I gave a guest lecture at Bath Spa University where my wife then worked. What then followed was truly Orwellian and paints this wretched and failing institution in the worst possible light. Why mention this now, three years later?


1438 days ago

The Orwellian vision for Universities of the Guardian's Sonia Sodha

The peak years for state school entrance to my old University, Oxford, were in the 1960s. Then, successive Governments and Education ministers including, in a rare error of judgement, the blessed Lady Thatcher, started to scrap grammar schools. That ladder which gave bright working-class kids educational and social mobility was whipped away as they went along to comprehensives. Comprehensive schooling has, almost entirely, failed both the bright poor and the not so bright poor who, on most measures, fail in later life as badly as they did in the “bad old days”. But one institution has a solution… an establishment where most of the senior staff went to public schools and Oxbridge. Yes, you have guessed it…


1716 days ago

Labour says it will close the #genderpaygap by 2030 - utter bollocks, my Bath Spa lecture

Labour has today said that it will, if elected, close the Gender Pay Gap by 2030. No doubt the liberal media, notably the BBC, will lap this up. But the hard data shows exactly why on this matter, as on so many other matters, Jeremy Corbyn is talking unmitigated bollocks. Two years ago I gave a lecture to sociology students at Bath Spa which gave the hard data which shows the lie at the heart of what Labour says. Naturally, offering facts rather than woke nonsense landed me in an Orwellian soup which I will give full details on one day. The lecture was recorded and with its slides is below.


2017 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If First Derivatives only wants questions about how big its CEO's cock is I have a nasty surprise for it

In today's podcast I have some bad news for Bath Spa as the Mrs prepares to head to the Grim North relating to what happened after I gave this talk. I also have bad news for First Derivatives (FDP) as it prepares for a "Capital markets Day" session of mutual masturbation with the dumb sell side analysts and even dimmer fund managers who have stuffed other folks cash into this stock. I cover Totally (TLY), Wishbone (WSBN), Ariana (AAU), Quadrise Fuels (QFI) and Richoux (RIC) 


2306 days ago

Crude gender pay gap reporting measures render results meaningless

As you know I regard much of the discussion on the gender pay gap as absurd with data misused by many - something that landed me in the soup at Bath Spa University in a most Orwellian way.  The most excellent Kate Andrews of the IEA has just produced a stunning report taking this discussion one and once again bases her superb work on hard data.


2312 days ago

Campus Cowardice & Intolerance - the death of free speech - Monty Python at McMaster

Across the West the story is the same. Offended snowflakes object - or in some cases far worse - and craven academics cancel events or no platform speakers. This is a matter I am now all too familiar with after giving this most excellent talk at Bath Spa University. It is surely only a matter of time before some liberal arts faculty somewhere organises a book burning. Today's demonstration of the Orwellian nature of the liberal arts campus of today comes from McMaster University in Hamilton Canada.


2319 days ago

Pay rises of up to 29% for NHS staff are NOT paid for by the Treasury as the BBC claims but by me and it is the final straw

One of the big lies that our children are told in school and university and which the liberal media ram down our throats is that public sector workers are paid less than we folks in the productive sector and have had lower pay rises over the past few years. Those lies are exposed as lies with hard data as I did in my, Bath Spa lecture HERE, the "what happened next" story of which I will relay one day and which will horrify you. But the lie has worked. If enough folks repeat a lie often enough it becomes an Orwellian truth.


2326 days ago

ITN Gender pay gap - Natch Channel 4 "fake" News gets it all wrong despite being on the inside

There is a 19.6% gender pay gap at ITN announced Cathy Newman of Channel 4 News ( part of ITN). She was clearly enjoying rubbing her employer's nose in it. She then handed over to a colleague who grilled the head of ITN demanding repeatedly that he apologise for the way women were being treated unfairly. But of course, data on the gender pay gap can be misleading as I explained to students at Bath Spa, to my cost, just before Christmas.


2370 days ago

Lies, damned lies and the pay rises you and I will be funding for rich women at the BBC

PWC has today produced a report on the gender pay gap at the BBC. The state owned broadcaster funded by all of us via our taxes and by the poll tax which is the license fee, is wilfully misinterpreting the results in order to justify pay rises to some already rich and overpaid female staff.


2383 days ago

Cathy Newman of Channel 4 News nailed by Jordan Peterson the worst interview in the history of fake news

Until yesterday the most toe-curling interview in the history of Channel 4 Fake News was when little white liberal Matt Frei hectored a black pastor about why it was racist to vote for Donald Trump, a man the vicar supported wholeheartedly. But Cathy Newman has now trumped that with an interview with Canadian shrink and best selling author Jordan Peterson. The full 30 minute car crash is below and from start to finish demonstrates why the liberal media elitists have so completely lost the trust of the wider population. 
