2656 days ago

54 folks close to the Clintons who have been murdered or suicided - watch out Donna Brazile

The big story of last week was former DNC boss Donna Brazile accusing crooked Hillary Clinton of rigging the primaries against mad Bernie Sanders. Not that the BBC or Channel 4 fake news bothered to report it at all Anyhow if I was Donna I would not go walking in the woods alone after her revelation. Here are 54 folks who crossed the Clintons...


3022 days ago

The North Carolina poll that tells you Trump is winning massively - this is HUGE for The Donald

North Carolina was an uber marginal win for the Republicans in 2012 and for the Dems in 2008. It is a must win state for Trump and last night the Clinton propagandists at BBC Newsnight were still calling it for Clinton. This is despite a new poll out which showed Trump smashing it out of the park. This is massive at a State but also a National level.


3034 days ago

Rigging the Election - Video I: Hillary Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

This video is explosive. It shows how Hillary Clinton and the DNC are cheating on an industrial scale. In part one of the Veritas expose we discover how the Dems create violence at Trump rallies to discredit The Donald. They also "fake" attacks on women at Trump rallies. Hillary says this is made up but a) it is utterly compelling, b) two of the folks on the video, notably Bob Creamer - a fraudster married to a Dem Congresswoman so a very senior player -  have already "resigned" from the Clinton campaign. Not the actions of innocent men. Natch the mainstream media has not played this video at all - can you remember the BBC or Channel 4 even commenting on it?


3120 days ago

The Liberal media creams itself over Michelle Obama...they still don't get it

I hate to admit it but I really like Michelle Obama. I do not normally go for left wing women, other than my wife and Abbe, who broke my teenage heart before becoming a lesbian, but Michelle is not only not bad looking but she also comes over as funny (very unusual among those on the left) and a warm sort of human being. I really can't say a bad word about her other than that she is married to the ghastly President hopey change. Yet the idea that her speech at the Democratic convention was transformational and inspiring was just another liberal media piece of fiction.


3122 days ago

How will the media spin the divided Democrats & will Wikileaks send Crooked Hillary to jail?

By the end of the last week most of the media had to admit that the GOP convention had ended well for Trump. Lyin' Ted Cruz was dismissed as a sore loser and a nasty piece of work for his non-endorsement and the Trump speech went down well. 
