333 days ago
A few days ago, on the electronic trains departure board at King’s Cross there appeared a Hadith, a message from the prophet Mohammed posted to mark Ramadan. The message, posted by an employee of Network Rail, said more such Hadiths would follow. Cue outrage.
1244 days ago
Once upon a time, Worcester College Oxford was a place that proudly believed in free speech. Even in my student days, it offered sanctuary to those such as the great historian Norman Stone whose conservative views were considered as appalling and depraved by the Guardian readers who dictate what can be thought and said in the City of lost causes. How times change. Today Worcester has attacked the one minority considered by the liberal elite to be below the Untermensch of working class males, that is to say Christians.
1524 days ago
I do not agree with the politics of communist journalist Ash Sarkar and she says some remarkably silly and insensitive things. But, as a believer in freedom, I defend to the utmost her right to say and write as she pleases, just as I defend other figures such as Sasha Johnson of BLM. Her right is to offend me with her ludicrous views. I also have a lot of sympathy for Ash for the way that she is attacked.
2568 days ago
Tomorrow is world end Female Genital Mutilation day and to show how they support this Police Forces across the land are taking time off from painting their fingernails blue to show how they oppose slavery, to send out some tweets. Surrey Police Force has taken an admirable lead in is social media fight to #EndFGM but seems annoyed by the response.
2731 days ago
Back in 2003 Al Qaeda blew up dozens of Spaniards in Madrid demanding that Spain stop attacking poor Muslims in Iraq. The Spanish had a General Election that weekend and the new Government duly caved and pulled its troops out of Iraq. It said " we are not afraid" but caved into the Islamofacists anyway just to be sure.
3199 days ago
I kid you not, this is a lecture from the highly respected US college, the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT). The lecturer was from the University of Melbourne and, before you laugh, your kids in the UK will be taught this sort of crap by their Guardian reading liberal left lecturers too. The full gory details: