Jonathan Price

58 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is Euroloon Jonathan Price trying to kill me?? Evil Banksta even more conceited than usual today


313 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Don't listen Nigel Wray, Stuart Ashman prompts more bad language

In today’s bearcast I start with happy events in London last night to cheer both myself and the Euroloon Jonathan Price. Then it is on to Verditek (VDTK), Canadian Overseas (COPL), Regtech Open (FRAUD) and Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) all four of which owe us statements. Then Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX).


516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: injecting allogeneic immunomodulatory progenitor cells into the myocardium of patients who were having coronary by-pass grafting.

I start with a travel tale that has my good pal the Euroloon Jonathan Price at last seeing a benefit of Brexit. Then a schoolboy error from me today. How many folks put 2+2 together to make 25 re trades in Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) today. I chat with Steve O’Hara of Optibiotix ( OPTI). I have some light reading for the FCA, SI Capital and Ashington Innovations (ASHI) HERE which should sink its planned RTO. Finally, there are now just 9 tickets left for ShareStock on 23 September and you can book them HERE


516 days ago

Is anything at all in the Daily Mail true? Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon hits out & I promise to buy a pint for Will Hutton

My good friend, our in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price is in a terrible state after I told him about my post Brexit experience at Athens airport late on Wednesday night. More on that later. But now there is some real angst for the poor man in the battle between two demons from the Eurosceptic right: the wretched Daily Mail and JD Wetherspoon (JDW) run by heroic freedom campaigner Tim Martin. The latter has lashed out at the former.


560 days ago

Video: The Most Destructive Crash in Financial History

Gold bug and Vietnam vet Bob Moriarty talks an awful lot of sense. That is he says the sort of things which would have my Mrs and Euroloon Jonathan Price, both great folks, spitting out their cornflakes.


564 days ago

Premier African – George (Cock) Roach sounds like my pal the Euroloon Jonathan Price

As Jonathan reminds me frequently, we 17.4 million xenophobes ( including my wife of Indian origin) were too stupid to understand the question of Brexit and so the only solution is to make us all vote again. George Cockroach, the boss of Premier African Minerals (PREM) has a similar view of his shareholders: the dumb fucks need to vote again.


584 days ago

A graphic display of why Cakebox will struggle over the next year

I realise that the cakes made by CakeBox (CBOX) are not strictly comparable with those you can buy at Tesco, Aldi, or for metropolitan elitists like my pal Jonathan Price, Waitrose. Cakebox cakes contain no eggs so are great for Hindus (1.7%of the population) and vegans ( 4.5%). And there are some with a sweet tooth and, almost certainly type 2 diabetes, like Lucian Miers who really dig the taste. But…


584 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Wildcat, I have rarely read such nonsense, Cakebox still does not stack up

I start with a few comments on the pound vs Euro and nonsense talked by my pal the Euroloon Jonathan Price and others. Then it is Deepverge (DVRG), MicroSaic (MSYS), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), now in the 2s, ETA the 1s?, Premier African (PREM), run by George (Cock)Roach, Chesterfield (CHF) and finally a long look at Cakebox (CBOX)


595 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A challenge for Euroloon and fellow Hammer Jonathan Price, Tingo's joke of all jokes EGM & the inevitable fallout from the growing Odey sex scandal

Forgive me, I start with last night’s football and West Ham’s triumph. I explain just how I will suffer on June 17th and its nothing to do with blisters. To the 90% who have yet to give to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks please think of the looming pain, 16 hours of non stop regurgitated Cadwalladr, and donate HERE. Then I look at: the Odey sex scandal, the Eurozone in recession while a free Britain is not, more on the fraud Tingo (US:TIO) including its 5 minute no Q&A (as promised) GM, at Zamaz (ZAMZ), BarryRoe (BEY) and then at house prices and housebuilders. 


606 days ago

24 hours to go another thank you from Woodlarks & the Rogue Bloggers – 1 last ask & some bad news as we hit £20,000

June 17th and the 34 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to the amazing Woodlarks camp in Surrey is now just ONE days away. It looks like the 12 ( no 11) of us walking will be sweating under a hot sun on what will be our last trek for Woodlarks. We are all very grateful that so many of you have donated allowing us to reach, with gift aid, £20,000 raised. Thank you to all who have given Woodlarks much needed funds. But…


606 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Dear Jonathan let me explain logic to you, I did not NOT say all Ukrainian women are hookers

Think of my suffering. On June 17 I shall walk 34 miles and be lagging at the back of the pack with my friend Jonathan Price who will have 16 hours to explain to me why Brexit was a disaster, how 17.4million of us are dim or Xenophobic or both and how the fraudster Carole Cadwalladr is the greatest living journalist. Think of my suffering and please donate HERE as we approach ( with gift aid) £10,000 raised for Woodlarks. In today’s podcast I discuss Pantheon (PANR) – target price 6p? – BSF Enterprises (BSFA), Versarien (VRS) – shares up 50% today – and Cineworld (CINE), still 100% overvalued. .I also look at Cellular Goods (CBX) and the state of seaweed to carbon zero technology referencing THIS ARTICLE.


712 days ago

One last time, Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks Annual 34 mile walk – we are on!

This will be the sixth walk and we have agreed the last. Maybe Lucian and I will do something different next year, maybe not. The old boy did turn 60 last year. The date is now set for June 17 and we will walk the 34 miles from Winchester to the Woodlarks camp. So far those signed up are:


974 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks lunchbreak

At 17 miles, we are now halfway. Brian Basham, who started just after midnight, is now a couple of miles ahead of the main group; so, we are stopping for lunch. I wish my friend, Jonathan Price the euro loon, were here joining me, as I am struggling a bit. His Guardianista thoughts are always a reason to march on and end the suffering. The next stop is four miles away, and it is hard to think beyond that. Again, everyone else eats as I nibble at my half-eaten breakfast sandwich. I feel rotten. If you have yet to donate, please do so HERE.


974 days ago

Photo Article: Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks reach 14 miles

The next target is lunch, which is 3 miles away. We are, I calculate, on track to catch Brian Basham at c. 3 pm. My fellow rogue bloggers, even the hungover Lucian Miers and reader, N, who has an incredibly heavy backpack, are in fine form. I am not. Something isn’t right, and I am just taking on more liquids at this stage. I have confessed to Nick Richards that, for the first time, I may not make it to the finish line this year. Nevertheless, I am focused on the next three miles, which take us just past halfway. Master Miers, a barking-mad commie, is keeping at the back to help me along, entertaining me with his bonkers worldview.  He makes our in-house Euro loon, Jonathan Price, seem rather sane.  Think of my suffering, as Master Miers explains why rich people’s houses should be nationalised, and donate to Woodlarks HERE


1054 days ago

Andrew Bell signs up for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks – will it be 4th time lucky for the great man?

To date, controversial mining boss Bell, has managed 18 miles, 31miles and 3 miles (the last three). But on June 11th he will try to make it 4th time lucky and complete the 34miles Winchester to Woodlarks walk. He joins myself, writers Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, three of our readers Jonathan Price, Nick and Sam plus 80 year old Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham and his long suffering trainer. So that makes nine rogue bloggers so far.


1069 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A duff Nigel Wray call & Parsley Box needs to 'fess ASAP

I start with a recovered Joshua learming a new word. Then it is onto Gfinity (GFIN) and Nigel Wray, Guild ESports (GILD), Parlsey Box (MEAL), the markets and Ukraine, Chill Brands (CHLL) – the day’s biggest gainer (pro tem), a true dead cat bounce and Cineworld (CINE).  There is also a history lesson for GCSE student, our in house Euro loon, my friend, Jonathan Price.


1108 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - Damson vodka crumble

As I am on the Lucian Miers diet I cannot drink anything from the two bottles of damson vodka I decanted the other day. But I had a brief break in the diet, as I plan to step up the excercise part of it next week, as you can see below.


1126 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A sleazy PWC report does not excuse grotesque NED share option greed at Optibiotix, it stinks

I start with a few minutes on Woodlarks. This may be my last year doing the Rogue Bloggers Walk but myself, Lucian Miers and Jonathan Price are minded to do it once more in May or June. On the basis that it could be a last hurrah and that you may want to consider a way of shifting that Christmas belly bulge how about you join us in 2022? Then onto Optibiotix (OPTI) where its NEDs have behaved in a most disgraceful way with free money share option troughing. As a loyal shareholder this is another kick in the gonads for me and I urge Steve O’Hara to sack three of the four of them and replace them with one new, less greedy, individual. Actually I’d go for all four booting out chairman Neil Davidson as well.


1348 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: does anyone care about corruption or misuse of taxpayer cash anymore?

I start with thoughts about yesterday’s walk, especial thanks to Jonathan Price, Steve Moore, Robert Lewis and Lucian Miers and his son, the other five rogue bloggers who managed all 34.2 miles. Lucian as the logistics meister who also got another stack of relatives to join us deserves especial credit. Thank you to all who sponsored us, it is not too late to donate here. Then onto what I see as corruption, the misuse of taxpayer cash by so many in the corporate world. It is legal but immoral but I sense no one really cares which saddens me.


1355 days ago

Saturday 29th May I walk 34.2 miles – will you please sponsor me and the other Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks?

I seem to have pulled some muscles in my back and shoulder and am in a bit of pain which will make tomorrow’s 34.2 mile walk from Winchester Cathedral to Woodlarks even more “fun”. But walk I shall as the quite amazing charity said that it needed to cover its costs in this year when its revenues have been eliminated by lockdown by us raising £48,000. So I will walk and I will finish. I won’t be alone but ask that you do your part and sponsor me as we seek to raise that £48,000. To those who have already done so, I say thank you, to the rest of you…


1403 days ago

Photo from the latest Woodlarks training walk of ShareProphets Reader Robert Lewis.

We are now up to eight rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with J, the son of reader Jonathan Price joining the party. That means one more person for the “having to talk to Dan Levi rota” so spreading the misery of hearing about the evils of Brexit and why disgraced Guardian fantasist Carole Cadwalladr is a genius, more widely. That is all good news. But think of how we will suffer on the day, even if it is now for less than 2 hours each and make a donation HERE. Meanwhile we continue with our training walks. As I look at the snow falling here in Wales I am glad I did my weekly walk yesterday. But here is a photo from Robert in Cornwall as he made it up to 15 miles.


1475 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Oi Comrade Jonathan Price it is me not you who is of the manual labouring classes

I describe how my role in the garden at the Welsh Hovel moved from a purely managerial one today so our resident Euro loon really can’t out working class me today. Only kidding Jonathan, I know you really are an oik. In the main podcast I look at Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Greatland Gold (GGP) – great grades shame about the sleazy option news Mr Alex Borelli – Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Eurasia Mining (EUA) and car crash in waiting Zoetic (ZOE). I also look again at Gamestop and who really areb the good and bad guys. There are a lot of financially illiterate commentators talking bollocks on this matter.


1477 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mark Warde Norbury and Tory Toff Lord Willetts star in Monty Python

For those who do not understand the cultural idiom, younger listeners, the reference video is below. I inject a bit of class warfare to keep working class hero and Euro loon Jonathan Price happy. In today’s show I discuss Marechale (MAC) the latest Chris Akers spoof, Verditek (VDTK), Nightcap (NGHT) and Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV)


1485 days ago

AC Grayling, The High Priest of #FBPE lunacy, FFS Don't mention the war

These remoaner types like AC Grayling, hereditary TV presenter Dan Snow, crazed fantasist the cat lady Carole Cadwalladr, Lord Adonis (who the fuck is he anyway?), the entire staff of the BBC and our own in house Euro loon Jonathan Price are absolutely obsessed by the two world wars. It used to be thought impolite to talk about them when discussing things to do with Europe lest any Krauts overheard you and took offence. But these folks talk of almost nothing else these days.


1500 days ago

The EU brought peace to Europe, Brexit threatens this – the nonsense spouted by Euro loons Jonathan Price, Dan Snow and others

The hereditary TV presenter Dan Snow, aka thehistoryguy, claimed yesterday that the EU had brought peace to Europe and Brexit threatened it. So nothing to do with NATO and the American defensive shield then? And what about the genocide at Srebrenica during the Bosnian war when EU peacekeeping troops stood idly by as 8,000 folks were massacred?  Snow was talking nonsense as many of us pointed out. But rallying to his defence was my good friend, the arch Euro loon Jonathan Price, who insisted that the EU had ended war in Europe since all the previous wars were started by either France or Germany. Like the hereditary TV presenter, I fear that even Bath Spa would fail that answer. 


1503 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Happy Brexit has been done New Year to you all

I mean it. happy New Year to you all especially our own in house Euro loon Jonathan Price who will be in tears at 11 PM Tonight. I shall not be! In this podcast I discuss the FCA and today’‘s mini-bond calamity in waiting, Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the Marwyn vehicle (MAC1) where Vin Murria is now on board but where it seems impossible to buy shares. That’s not much fun is it? Vin: how about a Primary Bid offer for we plebs?  I also lash out at Priti Patel and the Tories for blowing off the public sector while the private sector is screwed. I thought that is what Labour was for.


1521 days ago

I noted earlier, in another context, that it was increasingly hard to tell genuine hate-filled woke liberal Twitter warriors apart from parody accounts of hate-filled woke lefties. Is this vicar/lecturer at a Marxist madrassa/Guardian reader a member of one of the Teacher’s Unions for real or just another send up by Andrew Doyle?  That brings us to Steve McKellen whose deranged outpourings on the matter of Brexit featured here yesterday.  Is Steve for real and thus a man we should pity and pray for as he battles severe BDS or is he a parody?
Surely even those on the left could not be so filled with hatred & contempt for freedom that they are advocating snitching, Stasi style, on colleagues for voting for Brexit and advocating P45s for the “deplorables”?  These days I am afraid that such a stance is seen in some circles as perfectly acceptable.  Anyhow, Steven is tweeting again. What are the odds for our own in house Euro loon Jonathan Price being one of the 31 who liked this tweet?
" target="_new">Does Steve McKellen have such severe Brexit Derangement Syndrome that he wants 17.4 million folks sacked tomorrow or is he a parody?

I noted earlier, in another context, that it was increasingly hard to tell genuine hate-filled woke liberal Twitter warriors apart from parody accounts of hate-filled woke lefties. Is this vicar/lecturer at a Marxist madrassa/Guardian reader a member of one of the Teacher’s Unions for real or just another send up by Andrew Doyle?  That brings us to Steve McKellen whose deranged outpourings on the matter of Brexit featured here yesterday.  Is Steve for real and thus a man we should pity and pray for as he battles severe BDS or is he a parody?


1616 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Maybe I was wrong (it happens now and again) on AEX Gold

I start with a London millionaire slating me for being an Alt Right billionaire. I am neither but our in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price is a peculiar fellow. I look at the madness at Vela (VELA), at Future (FUTR) and its trading statement (a win so far for Mark Slater vs Matt Earl), at what Verditek (VDTK) did NOT say, and at AEX Gold (AEXG) where the CEO is 13, or at least looks it, but I may have been a bit harsh before.


1616 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It happens once or twice a decade, Zak Mir says something quite interesting

Sorry to the in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price who reckons that my interest in the US election is excessive but two new polls yesterday cast further light on the races in Pennsylvania and Florida which  as I noted yesterday  are two of the three states that will decide the election. I discuss this and then Justin Urquhart Stewart on gold where he gets his numbers so wrong that I am more bullish than I was as I think this tells you something of wider import. Finally onto my good mate the Sith Lord Zak Mir, a chap called Carl Linton who is a plumber and heating engineer, and the current mood of market craziness.


1632 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Joshing with in house Euro loon Jonathan Price as he, quite rightly, faces house arrest

London Millionaire liberal elitist, our own in-house Euro Loon Jonathan Price, faces house, or should I say mansion, arrest within days. About bloody time. I joke with him on email but I am not sure he sees the funny side. After that digression I discuss Red Rock Resources (RRR) – do you believe Andrew Bell?  – Amigo (AMGO), Sunrise Resources (SRES), Cobra Resources (COBR) and the very odd price movement at joke company Anglesey Mining (AYM). Cheryl Cole gets two mentions in this podcast


1698 days ago

And now the statue of George Washington topples… liberals have only themselves to blame

Yes that George Washington. The man who lead the US to Independence from Britain in 1776, a founding father, a chap who most folks admire as doing more good than evil. Yet on his statue in Portland Oregon they inscribed the words genocide and fascist. The goons at ANTIFA need to spend a few days at Auschwitz to discover what a real fascist looks like.


1709 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: sticking it hard on two counts to a company I own

Mahmud celebrates the pain I am suffering and is so happy that he has helped us to get to 49% of the £48,000 we NEED to ensure Woodlarks SURVIVES. I only ask each of you for a tenner but how about every bearcast listener donates that TODAY so we hit target. Please give HERE. Then I look at my friend Jonathan Price’s article about why I am wrong on property plays. Euro loon Jonathan is a great chap though utterly misguided on almost every issue as only an elitist London millionaire can be and I clarify matters. Then onto Curzon Energy (CZN): I am a long and wrong shareholder and explain why I think the shares are too high and why a statement is needed ASAP. A few words follow on SSP Group (SSPG) and today’s dividend placing madness.


1858 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - update on my literary works, Tatnall clings on - time for a confirmatory people's vote at doomed Plutus?

Ahead of the start of my training for the 2020 Woodlarks walk on June 13 I appeal for volunteers – who will join me on this 34 mile trek? Then there is an update on my literary efforts. Then it seems asn if Nu-OG (NUOG) may be the third company dragged into the criminal activiuty on private chat-rooms scandal. Just how big is this? Then I turn to Plutus Powergen (PPG) where the useless and venal board survived a sack the board GM narrowly. C’mon, our resident in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price, who now asserts as an insult that my Dad and I are “posh”, how about you start campaigning for a confirmatory second people’s GM?


1891 days ago

ShareProphets Election coverage: Vote Liberal Democrat says Woodlarks walker Jonathan Price

We are running articles by supporters of the three main parties in Britain urging you to vote for their party. If you are some SNP supporting sheep molester or cottage burning Taffy and want to bleat about not having your say, tough. This is about parties that are serious across the UK ….and also the Lib Dems. Our first contributor was lifelong Labour supporter Brian Basham, next was writer here and recently elected Conservative Councillor Chris ‘three brains’ Bailey and now it is Woodlarks walker Jonathan Price for the Lib Dems:


1951 days ago

Pity JMRoyle for he suffers from severe #BrexitDerangementSyndrome

A common symptom of BDS is the determination to suggest that everyone who is not #FBPE is somehow a Nazi.  I am not sure that JMRoyle is not a parody account. It is hard to tell these days. But my friend and resident in-house Euro loon troll Jonathan Price is not a parody tweeter although, if I did not know him better, I’d sometimes think he was. He gladly retweeted the gibberish below. Pity them both for they are unwell. My thoughts and prayers are with them both and I wish them both a speedy recovery. 



2020 days ago

Our in-house Euro-loon Jonathan Price responds to bearcast

Over the weekend, I explained in bearcast why any half sentient being would not wish to tie the UK’s growing economy to the neo-corpse that is the EU economy. My friend, our in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price likes backing losing causes, being a fellow West Ham supporter. And thus, he has taken the trouble to respond which is very good of him as I know that he knows that he is, like all London based liberal elitists, an expert and I am one of the 17.4 million who are too thick to understand the real issues of Brexit. Anyhow, Jonathan explains:


2086 days ago

Photo Article: The veteran rogue bloggers complete the walk to Woodlarks

From the Farnham golf club two and a half miles out the young folks (plus Jonathan Price, minus Steve Moore) were sent ahead to finish as promised at 8.30. Andrew Bell’s knee collapsed and he had to complete the walk by taxi and the old men slogged on.


2210 days ago

#BoycottWetherspoons flopping, and the People’s hero Tim Martin lets rip on Brexit again

The #BoycottWetherspoons  (JDW) campaign by mad remoaners is flopping badly. Hooray. The company has released a  cracking trading statement and its chairman, the People’s Hero, Tim Martin has again let rip on Brexit.

We are told that for the first 12 weeks of the second quarter (to 20 January 2019), like-for-like sales increased by 7.2% and total sales by 8.3%. In the year to date (25 weeks to 20 January 2019), like-for-like sales increased by 6.3% and total sales by 7.2%. Well, Jonathan Price, Polly Toynbee et al stick that in your pipe…


2215 days ago

The sheer nastiness of Brexit opposing fanatics as they celebrate the deaths of the old and the sick

I have commented before on the champagne socialist, Tuscan castle dwelling, Guardian writing, hypocrite Polly Toynbee thinking, each time, that the poisonous old windbag had reached a new depth of liberal depravity and surely she could sink no lower. And then, each time, £300,000 a year Toynbee sinks lower.


2370 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - the Eco loo is almost ready for use

As you can see below, the little room in the Bat Room, the eco-loo room is almost ready. Fear not, there is a sliding door which locks in any odours as well as an extractor fan.  As you can see there is plenty of reading material. Euro loon Jonathan Price will no doubt approve of the positioning of "Castle of Lies" the definitive history of the EU, by Uncle Chris Booker, next to the loo roll.  But we are not quite there yet.


2394 days ago

Remoanometer - a measure of just how much of a mad, metropolitan elitist, Brexit loon of a remoaner Jonathan Price (or you) are

I saw this cartoon and at once thought of my pal & fellow Hammer, the metropolitan elitist remoaner Jonathan Price who, as @BC3Pres torments me on twitter with dire warnings of how flights will be grounded, the power will run out and as we all starve to death how West Ham will be relegated the day after Brexit.


2408 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Led badly astray by Evil Banksta and remoaniac Brexit loathing loon Jonathan Price

Both men attended last night's UK Investor presentation and then plied me with drinks after the event and then at a pub. I rarely drink anything these days and I reacted very badly. God knows how I made the plane but, in the end, I did and woke up in Kalamata. A bit on last night and on Greece and then I look at Telit (TCM), Online Blockchain (OBC) where Clem Chambers' spoofing seems to be having less and less effect and finally the fraud MySquar (MYSQ). It is day two of the trial it wont tell you about.


4160 days ago

The Smallest Political Quiz – take it now: I straight aced it

So where do you stand politically? Take the quiz on this website and find out. Just give your gut instinct answer and it takes a minute.  I straight aced it. That is to say I scored 100% on both economic and social issues and thus come out as a purer than purer libertarian. Natch.

The Mrs, the one formerly known as The Deluded Lefty has just taken it. She ummed a bit and then scored 30% on social issues and 10% on economics and is thus defined as a pretty extreme statist believer in big Government. No surprises there. Let us know how you fare? Kit Ingoldby a straight ace man I suspect while Jonathan Price with the Mrs on economics but I hope pretty pure on the social issues.

Our correspondents from the Cultural quarter of Stoke on Trent, heaven only knows such is the Bohemian free thinking in that district.


