1404 days ago
Lord Andrew Adonis caught #BrexitDerangementSyndrome on June 23 2016 and the poor man is still suffering with a sort of long #BrexitDerangementSyndrome. As Europe’s covid vaccination farce goes from bad to worse, only the truly crazed can think the UK would be better off rejoining. But Adonis reckons that the case for rejoining is in fact getting stronger by the day. Adonis is ill. Pray for Andrew Adonis.
1459 days ago
Where my DNA comes from Sinn Fein and the IRA are seen as one and the same so he is known in this household as my pal in the IRA. Certainly he is proud of its actions – he celebrates the killing of British soldiers, something his forebears took part in. But, given the timing of the arrival of my family in his home county of Donegal (the 1650s), we know not to go chat about such matters. He knows that I wear an Ulster rugby shirt and we have much else to discuss anyway. Yesterday, he called to tease me about problems with Brexit, kicking off with Dutch customs officials seizing the ham sandwiches of British lorry drivers.
1465 days ago
These remoaner types like AC Grayling, hereditary TV presenter Dan Snow, crazed fantasist the cat lady Carole Cadwalladr, Lord Adonis (who the fuck is he anyway?), the entire staff of the BBC and our own in house Euro loon Jonathan Price are absolutely obsessed by the two world wars. It used to be thought impolite to talk about them when discussing things to do with Europe lest any Krauts overheard you and took offence. But these folks talk of almost nothing else these days.
1473 days ago
Even before the shocking events of last Tuesday, I was explicitly saying that the antics of President Trump in fighting the election result were unhelpful for both his party and for America. Just like all those superior bien pensants including Lord Adonis, Kier Starmer, Anna Soubry, the entire Guardian editorial team including demented fantasist Carole Cadwalladr, Layla Moran, all BBC staffers and others who screamed at Trump that election results should always be respected - apart from one where they did not like the result – I know that democracy depends on losers accepting defeat. I am more consistent than the metropolitan elite on this one.
2076 days ago
As I am often abroad at election time I organise a permanent postal vote. Thus from Bristol in the South west region my ballot paper arrives and has been filled in ( and posted0 as you can see below. It is a treble pleasure.
2285 days ago
Like 17.4 million other folk I put my feet up yesterday content to know that we won the #PeoplesVote on June 23 2016. But large numbers of snowflakes, Guardian readers, state sector employees, gobshite celebrities and other folks who looked like they were out on day release marched through London to tell us that we plebs had voted the wrong way on Brexit and must vote again. So how many marched?
2685 days ago
Lord (Andrew) Adonis is one of those folks who wants we dumb commoners to keep voting on Brexit until we realise the error of our ways and vote the same way as clever people like him and the man who enobled him, the war criminal Tony Blair. So what is the worst thing about Brexit? His Lordship tweets to enlighten us...