New York Times

1010 days ago

Sex, murder, cigarettes - the three great evils

When Angela Rayner termed the Tories “scum” she was attacked for her language and then the papers snapped her having a crafty cigarette outside the Labour party conference. That was the picture then used because, in 2021, all smokers are deemed stupid, ignorant and just rather dirty. Truly: smoking is the new evil.


1044 days ago

If a woman is charged with fraud that is sexist says the liberal wanksheet the New York Times ref Elizabeth Holmes

That Theranos was a gargantuan fraud is in little doubt but that its CEO Elizabeth Holmes is being charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and nine counts of wire fraud is, according to liberal deadwood press wanksheet the New York Times just plain sexism. Ms Holmes was the poster girl for women making it big in US business and folks trying to get her sent to the slammer are all sexist beasts. The whole article neglects to mention one salient point which is that also on trial facing exactly the same charges is Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani who is a man.  Even the bedwetting dullards who read the NY Times would surely conclude that that fact, not mentioned once in the article, rather undermines its core thesis. 


1055 days ago

The vile standards of the liberal left on abortion: New Zealand vs Texas

New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern is a woman who, in the eyes of the liberal left who dominate the media and political classes, can do wrong. God fearing Texas Republicans are in the eyes of the same people an abomination who, in recent weeks have been branded and compared, unfavourably, with both the Nazis and the Taliban. Check twitter, yes #TexasTaliban really has been trending for well over a week. The issue driving this is abortion.


1321 days ago

Calling all men: if you are not taking up sewing, you are a racist, sexist, global warming-denying dinosaur

It must be true. After all, it was reported in the deadwood press. In this case, it is the New York Times  - 2019 average daily circulation 443,000, down from 959,000 a decade earlier -which brings you this earth shattering A grade piffle below. I just can’t think why more folks do not want to read a publication like this.



2381 days ago

The BBC was Robbed! Where's its #FakeNewsaward Mr President?

Last night Donald Trump handed out nine awards for excellence in fake news. He knows what the BBC is, having owned its grossly overpaid North American Reporter, pompous prig Jon Sopel, in public as you can see here. But POTUS failed to recognise our State Funded broadcaster. That is outrageous. How dare he snub the British? Is it because he is racist?


2471 days ago

The Real Russia Scandal in American Politics - its the Clintons, Uranium and those pesky mega bribes

As she plugs her tawdry lie packed book "How I lost the election even though I was a brilliant candidate and it was everyone else's fault but I won really" Crooked Hillary Clinton tells every fawning liberal media interviewer in turn that the Russians worked hand in hand with Donald Trump to rig the poll and cheat her out of victory. After nine months of exhaustive investigations and any number of lurid smears not one shred of evidence has been produced to justify this assertion made to and by unquestioning MSM "journalists" . Indeed even the emails coming from the DNC and published by Wikileaks did not come from Russian hacking as Hillary asserts. But this is not the real Russian scandal.


2572 days ago

Donald Trump Junior and the Russians - now the liberal media and out of touch Dems really are clutching at straws

Having failed to lay a glove on Trump senior for getting help from the Russians during hos election triumph, the Democrats and their allies in the liberal media fake news departments tried to show he was blocking their futile investigations. That failed too. Now the Dems really are clutching at straws.


2581 days ago

Fake news outlets show fake outrage as Donald Trump uses (just about funny) humour to make a point

It was the second lead story on the BBC News last night. The metropolitan elitists, the liberals inside the Westminster media bubble, spluttered with indignation as they talked to liberal minded colleagues inside the Washington Beltway. It is the story everyone is talking about they agreed. Of course that was more fake news too. Out there in the real world no-one really cares what President Trump tweets or perhaps, judging by the RTs, a lot of folks like what he tweets. Unlike 99% of liberals he has a sense of humour.
