607 days ago

More greedy public sector workers telling lies - this time its the bone idle teachers, step forward Cllr Louise Atkinson

Its not just the greedy nurses who are lying about how they all need food banks to survive and who are thus demanding a big hike to a package which is already massively greater than the UK median wage. Across the public sector they are all at it. I have highlighted before the greed and mendacity of the teachers, but in 2022 the lazy scumbags are telling porkies as never before. Meet Louise Atkinson who when not working hard and getting a good screw from being a Labour councillor in Carlisle is a teacher. Heaven help her students.


1750 days ago

SHOCKING LANGUAGE ALERT: Vox Markets & Richard Jennings of Align bust up – Vox still wants to float but will the truth out?

Yesterday it was announced that the proposed purchase by NEX listed PGC Entertainment (PGCE) of Richard Jennings’ Align Research and Martin Luke’s Vox markets had fallen through. The blame was laid fully at the door of Jennings . But is this fair? There are two sides to every story and the other side appears shocking. If bad language offends do not read on.


2803 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If I wrote that Oxfam were a bunch of Guardian reading incompetent tossers, I meant to say visionaries

My comments about Oxfam relate to Mkango Resources (MKA) - see the link on the right of this page. In the podcast I also cover Totally (TLY), PGC Entertainment (PGCE), African Potash (AFPO) where I now am sure I know when the Nomad quit and why, Cambria Auto (CAMB) and Westminster Group (WSG). I also answer Malcolm's  earlier question on Premier (PMO). No. Malcolm. No.


3019 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 April - Dealing with Oakley's latest deposit

You may say that Oakley's latest deposit and Teather's Financial (TEA) have a lot in common. I cover both in this podcast apologising and dishing out blame for the latter at least. I also cover 88 Energy (88E) and Great Western Mining (GWMO) which is also a total piece of Turkish. I look at Tertiary Minerals (TYM) and also cover PGC Entertainment (PGCE).
