1479 days ago

Breaking: Remote Monitored Systems – now set to give away its first masks

I can reveal that the first 50,000 masks produced by Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) subsidiary Pharm2farm will be given away absolutely free to NHS staff. There is absolutely no evidence that NHS staff are short of PPE right now so this gesture, though it will be seen as lauadable by many, is wholly un-needed. It may thus be a PR hit but what does it say about commercial reality. First things first, I hope it goes to the NHS staff who need it ,most, such as these folk.


1502 days ago

The 10 most popular podcasts by Tom Winnifrith from 2020

A bit of history for woke morons and a lot of lockdown scepticism based on hard facts, feature often in my 10 most listened to podcasts from the year just ended. 


1513 days ago

The Stupidity of Matt Hancock – has he never read Defoe or studied the history of his home town Chester?

I note that Matt Hancock has a First Class degree in PPE from Oxford and admit that I cannot match his Geoff. I only achieved a Desmond from the same place in the same subject and, at the time, I remember thinking that I was jolly lucky not to have racked up a Douglas. I am pretty sure that my late uncle Christopher Booker had the same feeling after coming away with a second from Cambridge where he read history.


1520 days ago

London in Tier 3 – The Tories fail their PPE logic paper horribly: how thick is Matt Hancock?

As you may know, my occasional panic attacks consist of a nightmare that I have somehow managed to go back to Oxford as a mature student but, sitting in Schools facing finals again, I realise that I have done even worse than last time and that my Desmond will be removed and I am, if lucky, heading for a Douglas. One of the papers I must face is logic. Observing recent events, if I am compared with the current crop of Oxford-educated poltroons running the country, I reckon I might come top of the class and be set for a Geoff.


1594 days ago

The Numerous Logic fails in Boris Johnson’s Coronavirus policy

One would have thought that with all those Oxford PPE graduates in Government, someone would have done a paper on logic and spotted that nothing makes sense.  But it seems not. Dear cabinet members, you are transported in time and are back in Schools and once again sitting Prelims and here is question one on the logic paper.


1637 days ago

The Orwellian vision for Universities of the Guardian's Sonia Sodha

The peak years for state school entrance to my old University, Oxford, were in the 1960s. Then, successive Governments and Education ministers including, in a rare error of judgement, the blessed Lady Thatcher, started to scrap grammar schools. That ladder which gave bright working-class kids educational and social mobility was whipped away as they went along to comprehensives. Comprehensive schooling has, almost entirely, failed both the bright poor and the not so bright poor who, on most measures, fail in later life as badly as they did in the “bad old days”. But one institution has a solution… an establishment where most of the senior staff went to public schools and Oxbridge. Yes, you have guessed it…


1690 days ago

So the NHS is short of cash - so please explain to me Olivia Butterworth, Head of Public Participation

Those poor nurses. Hospitals with not enough PPE and underpaid doctors on 100 grand a year. The poor NHS and those wicked fucking Tories starving it of cash… Meet Olivia Butterworth.


1755 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast 7 - The data from Sweden shows that the dire warnings from the British Political & Media class were just a GroupThink lie

We were told by ALL the politicians, nearly all the media, by many scientists, including the world famous virologist Piers Morgan, that we had no choice but to respond to Coronavirus with a draconian lockdown that has smashed our civil liberties and hurled us into the worst recession since the 1930s. Sweden is the one Western country to have gone down a different route despite immense media pressure and threats from the World Health Organisation. But the bodies are not piling up in mass graves in Malmo, they are not running out of death carts in Stockholm or Gothenburg. And that exposes the GroupThink driven calamity we are now all suffering for what it is. The media still thinks the scandal is that we did not lockdown earlier or provide enough PPE. But data analysis or logic is not something anyone at the BBC seems to understand – they don’t teach that sort of thing on liberal arts courses at Oxbridge. The real scandal is that we have blundered into a policy which will, in the end, show that the “cure” was not a cure at all but was in fact worse than the ailment. Time once again for our leaders to read the last work by my late uncle, Christopher Booker, on GroupThink (available here).


1763 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Coronavirus podcast 5 - the dodgy data of the Mob who will not brook NHS criticism and who insist PPE blunders are killing doctors & nurses

The mob is now suffering industrial scale GroupThink when it comes to Coronavirus and especially when it comes to the NHS. We must all line up once a week to applaud NHS staff, we must accept how hard they are working and how the NHS is uber-efficient, and we must lambast Government for failings of testing and providing PPE to staff which has caused too many of them to die. This is the line and any dissenter is attacked as despising NHS staff or wanting old folks or doctors to die. But the hard data justifies nothing that the mob insists and the Mainstream Media and Government in a craven way just go along with it all. Please do listen to what I actually say before lambasting me for what you think I might say. Then perhaps read  GroupThink (available here)  by my late uncle Christopher Booker to place this insanity in context. 


2800 days ago

Jeremy Corbyn's student loan bribe was less dishonest than the Tory alternative

The students flocked to Jeremy Corbyn after he promised to scrap tuition fees. It was a great bribe what was not to like? Vote Labour and save £9,000 a year. Fabbo. Of course it was based on money tree economics as were so many other Labour pledges and that is the inherent dishonesty at the heart of Labour. In the end they would run out of other people's money. But on this issue the Tories are even more dishonest.


3278 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 21 Feb - a very ill cat, Andrew Monk's bloody puzzles & balance or lack of it

Sorry for the delay with this podcast. First up I am still not smoking, second I am delayed as one of my cats seems very ill indeed. Then bloody Andrew Monk of VSA has my mind in torment with a puzzle I cannot do and another where as a chemist - and a boring boatie from Oriel - he just cannot see that there are 2 correct answers.  He should have done PPE. Finally a reader demands we show balance, i.e. parrot his unbalanced view. No can do compadre. Puzzle answers in comments section below please.


3887 days ago

The RSPCA and RSPB – sick as a parrot

The Mrs and I were wondering back from lunch by the Avon and came upon a car park at the edge of the woods where three boys cried out “help there is an escaped parrot, can you help us?” To misquote my father (a Greats Man) “A PPE man can turn his hand to anything” although catching rather confused and slightly injured escaped parrots in Bristol car parks is not my normal line of expertise.

As I got down on my front and peered under whichever car the parrot opted to hide under the Mrs called the Royal Society for Protection of Birds (RSPB). “Sorry madam that is not the sort of thing we deal with.” Hmmm, I guess the RSPB is too busy campaigning against global warning to do anything like actually protect a bird in need.

So what about the RSPCA I suggested? Again no luck. They said that we should try the Old Bill. FS we know that the Filth will be far too busy arresting folk for calling a Police Horse gay or for tweeting out comments t folks in Liverpool about how all scousers are sympathy milking, workshy, welfare addicts ( which they are) to assist.

And so as I scrabbled underneath another car and the parrot eluded me again, the Mrs tried another RSPCA number. Eventually she was told “it will probably find its way home but if you do catch it we will come and collect but we are massively under-resourced”

The first comment is a lie.
