
132 days ago

Trump Promises “a bloodbath” if he wins: Jon Sopel, CNN, HuffPost all spread fake news

Little Sopel, formerly the BBC’s man in the USA could not help himself tweeting about Trump warning of “a bloodbath”. HuffPost ran the story “On Campaign Trail In Ohio, Trump Warns Of ‘Bloodbath’ If He Loses In November.” The rage of the liberal media GroupThink could be heard the world over. And folks in that groupthink wonder what nobody trusts the mainstream media anymore.


632 days ago

BBC – more fake news: the Georgia Senate Race, the liberal media reacts to impending mid-term red wave

About a week ago, BBC Radio 4 turned its attention to the Georgia Senate race. This is one of the battleground Senate contests, Democrat incumbent Raphael Warnock facing a challenge from ex American football star Herschel Walker for the Republicans. The mid terms are going to be bleak for the Dems and the BBC is wetting its knickers, running frit.


1340 days ago

The Real US election fraud, new data on media suppression of real news and what George Orwell did say

I am far from convinced that Donald Trump won enough real votes in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to swing the electoral college. US elections are always, to some extent, corrupt but right now I’d bet heavily on Joe Biden being the next President. However, there is a new poll out today which convinces me that an enormous fraud did take place and I will call as my first witness the late Mr George Orwell.


1368 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: Now Trump has clear momentum, BLM back in the picture and the Tony Bobulinski bombshell last night for crooked Joe Biden

In this podcast, I debunk the idea pushed by Nate Silver and the MSM that Georgia is now winnable for the Dems. I look at Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio (all three of which are now looking very winnable indeed for Donald Trump) and ponder where Trump would get the final votes needed for victory: any one of Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota with, perhaps, a helping hand in Maine. I consider the impact of the latest BLM riots in Philadelphia, Biden on fracking and of last night’s bombshell interview with Tony Bobulinski - which you can see HERE. The BBC and MSM will not cover it but some floating voters or even Biden leaners will watch it and, I suggest, come to the conclusion that creepy Joe is a lying crook. If that swings just a few more votes in somewhere like Arizona then that could be enough for Trump.  Bottom line: there is no blue wave. The Senate is staying in the hands of the GOP and while the Economist says Trump’s chance of winning is just 8%, I’d now score it at 45-50%. The next two days of polling will tell us more.


1377 days ago

Reasons to defund the BBC No 765: The shocking laziness and deception of Nick Bryant in Pennsylvania on Trump

Almost a week after explosive and authentic emails asking very real questions about the integrity of Joe Biden broke, the BBC is yet to report on the issue once. That is reason 764 for why it should be defunded. Instead I turn to its real coverage from overpaid correspondents such as Nick Bryant who went filming in Western Pennsylvania, the rust belt.


1417 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: It happens once or twice a decade, Zak Mir says something quite interesting

Sorry to the in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price who reckons that my interest in the US election is excessive but two new polls yesterday cast further light on the races in Pennsylvania and Florida which  as I noted yesterday  are two of the three states that will decide the election. I discuss this and then Justin Urquhart Stewart on gold where he gets his numbers so wrong that I am more bullish than I was as I think this tells you something of wider import. Finally onto my good mate the Sith Lord Zak Mir, a chap called Carl Linton who is a plumber and heating engineer, and the current mood of market craziness.


1420 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Trolling & harassment of me by SYME Morons hits new depths and can Trump win? I now call it as being down to just 3 states

My new video show is live and if you have a spare three hours it is, if I say so myself, a total belter and can be watched HERE. I then discuss the US election and am ready to call all bar three states: Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan. I believe that the maths are that Trump will have to win all three to win. there are three others I am calling but with a low degree of certainty ( Ohio for Trump, Wisconsin and Minnesota for Biden). I discuss what will swing the three uberswing states and where things stand now but also what financial betting markets tell us. Then trolling of me by morons, this time owning Supply@ME Capital (SYME) hits a new low. I discuss these sad creatures and how they motivate me to dig even more. 


2832 days ago

Trump ahead by just 3% in Texas screams CBS another rigged poll - but the shy Trumpster effect shows up clearly

The liberal media elitists are today creaming themselves over a CBS poll showing Trump just 3% ahead in Texas - Britain's Daily Mail says the historically solidly red State is in play. Natch the poll is utterly rigged but it also gives a fascinating insight into how big is the "shy Trumpster" vote. Indeed for the first time we can start to quanitify it and the implications are massive.


2844 days ago

BBC Newsnight anchor Emily Maitlis & her shock "new" Donald Trump polls - stupid or just utterly biased?

Breathlessly Newsnight anchor Emily Maitlis said that two new shock opinion polls begged the question of whether Donald Trump could win the Presidency. She was joined in the studio by a Republican pollster while on video link from inside the Beltway was a smug, patronising Democrat lardbucket. Cripes, I track the polls every day what had Emily in store for us all?.
