Wrexham council

644 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: snow on top of flooding prompts two thoughts

The pictures below show the elevated lawn and Ha Ha and the fields this morning at the Welsh Hovel. As you can see it snowed last night, there is about half an inch on the ground. And the fields are completely flooded. It is a wonderful view and shows my flood defences holding firm. But it prompts two thoughts.


1123 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is it because they think I'm English I asked as Wrexham Council came visiting?

I put then straight that i was of Irish descent but my local village council are having a go at me again and so sent in two officers of Wrexham Council. To be fair they agreed with me and think the villagers are, again, acting like total poltroons in harassing me whereas the previous owners were allowed to dump asbestos and so whatever they wanted. I explain all in the podcast but suffice to say I am angry. Then I look in detail at Tern (TERN) and go far further than Lucian did earlier HERE. Then onto Union Jack (UJO) where nothing  ow makes sense. I also look at the crazy world of Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) once more and add my tuppence worth on the scandal that is Seraphine (BUMP).


1128 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Ha-ha!

This is the great work which some busybody in the village of Holt reported me to Wrexham council and Natural Resource Wales for creating. Both have now wished me well with my endeavours, praising me for removing so many toxins and for improving the drainage here. This is what my shit of local (Tory) councillor wanted to snoop and spy on but was not brave enough to knock on my front door to be allowed access to the land. And it is almost complete so here is a sneak preview of what used to be rusting barns and piles of abandoned asbestos, tires, barrels of bitumen and other horrors. It is now shaping up to be an object of real beauty.


1160 days ago

Another victory over the curtain twitchers here in Holt Wales: my land works get a blessing

Twice someone in the village of Holt has snitched on me to the authorities about the dramatic land reclamation underway here at the Welsh Hovel. Removing all that asbestos, old tyres, scrap iron, bitumen and ripping up concrete paving so as to improve flood drainage, and demolishing rusted old lean too barns. Some folks think that spending a five figure sum on this is the act of a total and utter bastard. Well: I do have an English accent. Bring back the good old days when you could bury whatever you wanted on the land while singing Yma O Hyd!


1297 days ago

The Idiocy of local authorities and fly tipping – Photo article of my 200 spare tyres from the Welsh Hovel

As I continue to work on reclaiming the fields around the Welsh Hovel, the list of buried horrors grows. I have already spent almost £5,000 clearing this place of asbestos in barns, in sheds and where I have found it buried by the previous owner in various places. I am almost there. But now to the tyres and to the folly of Wrexham Council and every other local authority in Britain.



1984 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Defrauded of £36 by Rentalcar/Europcar and fecking livid

I explain the nature of the fraud and why I am so livid. My anger is compounded by Wrexham Council and its inability to sign roadworks which wasted half an hour of my life. Then I find I agree with David Lenigas on something: can life get any worse? I discuss Argo BlockChain (ARB), PureCircle (PURE), Cabot Energy (VAB), Watchstone (WTG) and Toople (TOOP). Maybe I have a second question for Neil Woodford, will anyone pay £250 for me to ask it? If you are yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks we are now at £27,000 raised so please chip in HERE.
